Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Little Bit of Everything But Mostly Butterflies

Hi everyone. 
Today I didn't need to go into school; in fact I am done with school until next Thursday when the new year begins. (Teacher work days and then the kids the following week). But my room is ready to go.
 Boy is the floor shiny. That won't last.
Where has summer gone?
This morning after my walk I went out to pick some veggies in my garden. I'm not really happy with the method I used this year which was no rototilling and just using the decay of what was already in my garden. I have gotten a few tomatoes and peppers, but mostly I've gotten lots of weeds. And my zucchini are just starting to form. Last year my veggie garden was really productive, but this year it looks like I will just have a few veggies.
Oh well, next year I'll go back to rototilling  and and adding manure and compost.
But I did leave some milkweeds growing and they attracted some monarch butterflies. What I now have is a very healthy crop of monarch butterfly caterpillars. 

That makes up for the lack of veggies for sure. Hopefully they'll be a little increase to the diminishing number of monarchs.
And for art today, how about a few more butterflies?
Here's a page from my travel journal. I am trying to get this journal completed so I can put this art behind me. 
This spread is about Medora, North Dakota where part of Theodore  Roosevelt National Park is located. It has a very traditional western feel to it, and I would show you photos but it seems I didn't take any. (How did I manage that?) 
Seems the man on the left is very happy to get there though as his suitcase is packed.
I did some collaging of various bits including some assorted papers, a cool vintage postcard I had, the TH found relative, some assorted western scraps I had in my stash, some metal stars,  stickers, a couple of stamped images, and the cool little crocheted flower that I received from Mia.
I am linking up this art to Moo Mania where the current theme is butterflies. (And I seem to be on a butterfly craze lately.)
And since the man on the left is on a journey and both he and the crow have eyes, I am also linking up to Gill's Eye theme at Art Journal Journey
I would show you some park photos but I just realized they are all on my other/old computer, not in Google photos which is what I got my other photos from. 
Another day I guess.
Wishing you all a happy Thursday!


  1. Fantastic photos and art

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  2. Your classroom looks neat and well organized. Where does time go? My brother is having bad luck with his garden this year, too. His pepper plants are doing well, but other plants seem to be lagging, and now he has a squirrel raiding his vegetables. I only have a few flower beds, but the weeds have taken over. I like all of the butterfly caterpillars you have. Let's hope it helps increase their population. Your vintage artwork is lovely. It's a bit muggy here in CT again. :-(

  3. I'd love to get monarchs, but my attempts have failed. Thanks for sharing your photos. They are a joy, and I hate that they are so much rarer than when I was a child.

  4. Your school room looks perfect! WOW! I love the photos of the caterpillars - AWESOME!
    Same with the veggies here this year and I think also my apple trees stop this year, but otherwise good for me - not so much!
    And I love our travel journal entry - so much lovely detail and the sewing looks great!

    Thank you for joining AJJ again and for supporting Moo Mania & More!

    Happy weekend for you!
    Susi xxx

  5. Your classroom looks good, it always looks so clean and tidy before the students arrive and then.... Enjoy your last few days at home. I think this is your last year at school, right? Time flies! You have a wonderful crop of monarchs, wow, I've never seen so many. Glad you are getting on well with your travel journal, it is a real treasure. Hugs, Valerie

  6. How awesome about the monarch caterpillars I grew allot of milkweed seeds but none of them matured-got swallowed up by the weeds I think
    wow I can't believe how this summer has gone by so quickly either-those floors are super shiny

  7. I’m holding onto Summer by my fingernails. If it makes you feel any better, Himself’s trough garden didn’t do that great. I think the problem was a lot of rain early in the season and not enough drainage. I’ll have to check to see if I have some Monarch caterpillars 🐛. And then lots of butterflies 🦋 like your beautiful page. Hope you’re enjoying the weather

  8. Great page Erika, and those caterpillars are very striking! X

  9. School started here on Wednesday, so the kids are already back for the year. I was surprised how early they started this year, since it's quite early for K-12 students, but exactly the right time for collages in KS. I'm glad you can hang onto summer just a bit longer, even though your classroom looks quite pristine (at least for the moment).

    I normally see lots of those green and yellow caterpillars that are similar to the Monarch caterpillars ingesting my dill and fennel. Not so this year, but it could be because all my herbs are dying. How in the world could I kill MINT? It grows everywhere and is invasive, but all my mint plants are dying because of the excess rain. I don't think it's your lack of tilling, but because of the wet spring and summer we had.

    Your butterfly journal pages are beautiful. Most impressive. You find the best images and embellishments to accompany your art. I'm so happy you also chose to share these pages using Gill's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  10. Your class room is waiting for the new school year - always a great time before starting! All looks fresh and waiting for new adventures :)
    Your caterpillars have a paradise in your garden! They grow like nothing can stop them, and eat and eat ... what a luck, there is enough!
    Your butterfly page in your travel journal is wonderful, very interesting details and oh, you did not take photos, and noticed it yet now :)
    Wish you a happy weekend! Big Hugs-Rike

  11. Wonderful classroom! So many things to capture the attention of students! Caterpillars? They are absolutely beautiful, but I’m not a big fan of long, inching-along things. I know I’m probably missing some wonders of nature, but I’m a tad squeamish.

  12. Wow what a shiny floor. Nice art page.
    Happy weekend


  13. Yes - that floor is super shiny - shame that won't last - and your classroom looks so neat and oranised.
    Amazing photos of the caterpillars :)
    Our veg isn't doing very well either this year - and I do wonder though sometimes what bad stuff comes down in the rain and effects the growing ... :(
    Thanks Erika for another fab spread for AJJ - love the stitching especially.
    Gill xx

  14. You have a lovely crop of Monarchs, Erika. Millions of Monarchs from your area migrate to our neighboring state of Michoacan. It's a awesome sight.

    I love the composition of your spread and the masculine look that is so well suited to Teddy R. Eileen xx

  15. Lucky you with the monarch caterpillars! I'm eagerly awaiting photos of the full-fledged butterflies. You were chosen!

    Love your travel/butterfly page. Perfect!


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