Thursday, August 1, 2019

Happy August!

Happy August everyone. July went so fast (I think I've said that before-smile), and the saying around my house is that the only thing faster than July is August.
But August is here and our humidity has broken and so it looks like a glorious summer day! That's a nice way to start the new month.
There is a new challenge at Art Journal Journey which is being hosted by Gill. She has a great theme this month which is anything with eyes.
I happened to have a page in my Dakota trip journal which works for this challenge.
This my page for Theodore Roosevelt National Park. (I have also mentioned that park in a post before.)  I began with a piece of printed paper, and then a bit of paint, an empty tape roll to stamp the circles, a sticker I picked up of Theodore Roosevelt, some washi tape, some stickers, and then some metal frame bits, metal gear, metal compass and metal clock face.
And Mr. Teddy certainly has eyes and glasses too. (Trivia for the day, the term teddy bear actually was coined from this early 20th century US president.)

And time for my occasional book post. Those of you who aren't interested can stop reading here. I like to look back and see what I've read which is why I post my book reads, and it is always good to share books in case anyone wants some recommendations.
Surprisingly, I have read/listened to more books than I thought. The reason for that is I have been wanting to reread a long  (about 980 pages) book that isn't a fast read. The book is 
I really enjoy this book, (this was time #3 to read for me since I first read it decades ago). It is a little gruesome in parts, but I love how old fashion spooky gothic it is. It does get a bit bogged down in the family history, but otherwise it is a great story. It also took me so long because I can't read this book before bed either. It was perfect for a couple hours each afternoon as I lounged in my hammock.  There are 2 more books in the series which I have read but don't seem to remember much at all, so I guess I didn't like them as much as this one. I suppose I should complete the trilogy and reread them again too. One of these days.
I also read another Dr. Ruth Griffiths mystery. I really enjoy this series and it's not hard reading (but not a cozy either) and this book was no exception. More forensic archaeology this time around Blackpool, England.
 And I listened to this book (below) which I really loved. The gist of the story is that it is 1859 Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species, and that sets off a chain of murders. I don't want to give too much away so I will leave it at that. What I enjoyed is that the author uses so many real characters from the time, such as Charles Dickens, and also many of the men who either were pro-Darwin or against Darwin. These people were familiar to me being a biology teacher and showing the PBS film every year about Darwin, but even if you don't know them you can still enjoy and follow the book. This is definitely not a cozy mystery either.

 When I finished the Darwin Affair I listened to a couple of short books on dinosaurs from Audible (the month's freebie got me started) and then I listened to this book, which I really enjoyed.
Magic, mystery, set in 1890's London, a bit of romance. This book was fun and light and when I finished it I went on to listen to book 2
And then on to book 3

 I am taking a break now as these stories are definitely written in a formula and after 3 in a row I need a switch up. But they all end with a cliffhanger so I will move onto book 4 sooner rather than later.

So I tried this book

Which is an alternative magical story set in 1918 but for some reason I am not getting into it. I am not sure if it is the narrator or the story or even why I can't get excited about it. It has lots of good reviews as well as some people who were like me, just not sure of what it is about it. I will finish it at some point, but I have put it aside for now and I have moved onto tho this beach listen.
Which I like but it isn't my usual read. I'm not sure I love it, but maybe it's because it isn't my typical book genre to read. I do think I will finish it, as I like that it is set in Massachusetts and Nantucket, except the narrator called a frappe (pronounced locally frap) a frappay as though it was French. That is the one problem with listening to books about your home area I guess. This is definitely a woman's story as I not trying to be sexist but I can't see a guy getting excited about it. I like the characters and although some reviews said it was a bit predictable, it is a good summer read (listen) so far.
And finally I am reading a recommendation from the woman who runs doggie daycare where Maddie goes a couple of times a week. This is really a lay in my hammock on a hot afternoon and read book.
Vampire romance, ancient Greek gods, magical powers, set in New Orleans (of course, why are so many vampire books set there?), just fun and easy enough to read in a couple of afternoons.
You can see that I am definitely in summer vacation mode by these book choices.
If anyone has anything good to recommend, I'd love to hear. I'm always on the lookout for a good read.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Loely journal page, great image. Enjoy your books. I'm reading a detective story set in the middle ages. Hugs, Valerie

  2. I love reading about what you have been reading.
    I haven't heard of any of these. The vampire one sounds interesting as does the "Glass and Steele" series. I love a series where you can chain read for ages. I know what you mean about a "wimmin's" book, I would describe one as a "bit girly".
    Your eyes AJJ piece is fun and definitely something different and fascinating to read all the ingredients you used to make it.

  3. A very interesting looking page, what a clever portrait of TR!
    Well you certainly are an avid reader. I read the watchmaker's daughter some time back, but not the others, thanks like usual for the recommendations.

    Happy August

  4. Wow! Love this page! It has always made me smile about Teddy Bears being named after a president of the USA! I love reading but I am more a fan of Historical novels and biographies and as I tend to read late at night a scary book is perhaps not a god idea!!! :-)! Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Hi Erika wow your journal page looks amazing,well done my friend.
    Some of those books Sound very interesting,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  6. Your page is so clever mafe again.
    I must check that fact aboit Teddy bears as in German it is the same term and I can't remember if yI heart this ever.
    You do read so much... very interesting reads....
    I took a few books with me as we trabeled but just manahed to read two...too much time online..
    You are a great supporter of AJJ drar Erika, thank you for joining in again! Have a great weekend my friend!
    Big hugs from Susi xxx

  7. Fantastic page Erika - great words and thats such a cool image of 'TR' - he does have wonderful eyes. It also made think of Robin Williams in the 'Night at the museum' film..
    Thanks for joining in at AJJ..
    Gill xx

  8. I love your Roosevelt celebration - that texty image is right up my street... sculpted words, what could be better?! And the repeated circle motif helps the eye travel around the page. Will be back later to take a look at your book recommendations in more detail. I keep re-reading old favourites at the moment because nothing new that I start pleases me.
    Alison x

  9. Thats a fab page Erika, love how the image of Roosevelt is created from words I tried to zoom in but could not read the words... Maybe a sign I need an eye test. Great attached quote completes a super page.
    Wishing you a great weekend, lets try and hold onto our August a little longer than July. Creative hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Wish I had more time to read..

  10. That is a fabulous page Erika. I love the picture of Theodore Roosevelt made up from words. There are some very clever people out there who can do things like this. Some great additions by you to complete the page.
    Now to look at your book post at my leisure.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. A super journal page Erika.
    Thank you for the book reviews, I haven't read any of them, I will keep a look out for the authors in our local library.
    Yvonne xx

  12. AMAZING. That Teddy page is out of this world. I love it. Is Teddy the sticker? If so, it's pretty big. And why didn't you pick me up one (BIG GRIN)? OK, I'm officially jealous now. This is an amazing first entry for Gill's theme this month at Art Journal Journey, but it's also an absolutely amazing piece of art.

    I would love to read The Darwin Affair. I love a good mystery and I laughed when you said it WAS NOT a cozy. My kind of mystery.

  13. This is a wonderful portrait made with letters! You made a gorgeous bsackground for it with these amazing details and especially with the metal frame bits!
    The quote is great too!
    Wish you a happy weekend! Hugs-Rike

  14. A great journal page, and an interesting selection of books Erika! Xxx

  15. Wow -- your Teddy Roosevelt page is fabulous. Just wonderful.

    What a good bunch of reads. I really do need to check out Elly Griffiths. And I know what you mean about Elin Hilderbrand. I want to like her but somehow she and I don't connect. (But her settings are great!)

  16. Fabulous Teddy Roosevelt page, Erika. The sticker of his face is very cool. Eileen xx


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