Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Trying Something Different

Hello! So this week is speeding right by isn't it? Here it is middle of the week already. I've had a couple of long days with work and appointments but not today, so maybe I will actually get an hour or two of art time after work. And that would be a good thing!
So may page today is a different style for me. I started with a piece of watercolor paper and this striped paper that was the background for a set of alphabet stickers in their store package. I then added the rows of postage stamps that came off a shipping envelope. I stamped the ladies and the quote, and then needed to figure out what to do with the right side of the page. First I tried cutting up some red doily hearts, which were too red, so then I painted that side pink. That worked, but the page was still unfinished, so I found these yellow flowers in my stash and added them. At that point I decided the page was done.
So I have stripes and a postage stamp pattern which means this page is another one I am linking up to Art Journal Journey. There's still a few days to play along if you are so inclined before the month wraps up.
Hope to see you at  Art Journal Journey and hope you are having a good week also.


  1. What a gorgeous page Erika, so bright and cheerful, love it! It's always good to try something new. Hope you soon have more 'me' time. Time seems to fly by more quickly every day! Hugs, Valerie

  2. This looks lovely. It's fun to try something that's different from one's usual art style. It looks like the temperatures here in CT will be bouncing around from low 70s to high 70s from day to day. At least it's more pleasant now, compared to that last blast of hot Summer weather we had a few days ago. (A few years ago we had snow on the first day of Spring, so it's fitting that we had 86 F for the first day of Fall this year. As the saying goes for New England: if you don't like the weather today, wait until tomorrow.)

  3. This week is just speeding by! I'd rather be like the ladies on your page taking a leisurely stroll. With the big yellow flowers, I think you're trying to hold on to Summer. Just like me. Hope you get some art time today.

  4. Beautiful page! I love your colour combination with the stripes, stamps and yellow flowers - fabulous 😀. Wishing you a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x

  5. Isn't it like a treat when you have a lighter day after a couple of heavy ones? Enjoy every second!

  6. Those yellow daisies are the perfect touch!

  7. Erika, your page is stunning! And really inspiring for me as I see that you used postage stamps, you painted the doilies and you stamped on stripes. Thank you for making me learn new techniques, my friend. Kisses!

  8. This is incredibly unique, Erika. I really like it. I LOVE the old postage stamps. It's been ages since I've seen a $0.37 stamp. You recycled beautifully. They even compliment the flowers you decided on in the end. This was a great page, and a brilliant entry for your theme at Art Journal Journey.

  9. Hi Erika wow what a beautiful art journal page ,it's really quite stunning,I love it ,the colours and textures are spot on,well done my friend xx

  10. So cheerful Erika! This is simply lovely and charming ! I am in awe of it!
    Another fantastic entry to inspire folk at AJJ ! You are unbelievable creative and inspiring!
    Have a great day / evening!
    Big hugs, Susi

  11. What a striking page, Erika. This really caught my eye. It's beautiful, bright and cheery. Eileen xx

  12. It's a wonderful page Erika! I love the composition.
    Alison xx


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