Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Autumn Color

Hi there everyone. Wednesday is here, and days at work go fast when you have Monday off from work. (smile)
Today I have a tag for Tag Tuesday and their Autumn challenge.
I began by cutting my tag from a time card. I went out looking for some new tags and could only find small ones. But I did find a packet of time clock punch sheets made out of tag stock. I could get 50 of them for not a lot of cash, so I bought them and die cut my tag. Sometimes I use the plain back, but today I used the printed front. I colored the page with ink pads and stamped the leafy vines. Then I cut out the squirrel and stamped some acorns, as well as the quote. 
And I thought I would share a couple more foliage photos from my Monday walk. They will probably be the last foliage photos for this year since tonight and tomorrow we are supposed to get a lot of rain and some very strong winds. So much for all these pretty colors.

Hope you have a fabulous day.
And thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Cute tag. I like the squirrel. Such beautiful fall pictures. I think I like the one with the birch trees in the front. So sad that after tonight's heavy rains and winds all the color will be knocked down. Too bad heavy rains and winds wouldn't blow all the leaves away so they didn't need to be raked up. Stay cozy and dry.

  2. Your tag is gorgeous, as is the quote - October is definitely my fave month! Thanks so much for joining us again at Tag Tuesday, much appreciated. The photos are lovely, it looks so beautiful and colourful everywhere. Have a fun day, hug, Valerie

  3. I (almost) envy where you walk, Erika - it looks AMAZING! So filled with creation in all its beauty... I bet its effect is literally breathtaking, lulling you into the peace and the silence. Beautiful. Love your tag...and that's a really good quote! The season of Autumn colour doesn't last long enough before it's blown away by the wild winds and rain. I love the leaves, the acorns and the annoyingly photogenic squirrels... you've captured them all. I like the lines, too - lots of blank space for potential happenings! Or even for waxing lyrical about the splendour of nature, lol.
    Have a great week!
    Cath x

  4. Wowww This is a Wonderful tag Erika !! Absolutely Gorgeous colours, and I loove this little squirrel. I also like Octobers so much, more than Julyies and Augusts :)
    Those photographs are so beautiful, love the colours. You can send us some good rain. Have a nice day, and big hugss

  5. Your Autumn color is _gorgeous_! and so far ahead of us. I'll enjoy your photos until we get some color here :) Thx!

  6. I do like your tag, and the words on it :)

    Fabulous Autumn photographs.
    We had some Autumn sunshine earlier, so enjoyed a very nice walk.

    All the best Jan

  7. Lucky you. I've been looking for time cards, but have never found any. Nice that you got some and have now used one to make this adorable tag. It's just beautiful and shows great autumn colors, too.

    It's really turning autumn in your part of the world. The leaves are finally starting to change JUST a tiny bit where I am. Nothing like in your world. Of course, I don't have the awesome woods you have. Great tag and awesome photos today, dear friend.

  8. Hi Erika oh I love your Autumn coloured tag it's so beautiful,well done my friend .
    I also love the pics of your beautiful trees and their colourful leaves,Thankyou for sharing them with us my friend xx

  9. Fabulous photos and I love your autumn tag Erika!
    Alison xx

  10. A beautiful tag Erika and a cute squirrel. The photos from your walk are lovely, the leaf colours are awesome at this time of the year.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Love your autumn tag, and your clever use of the time card printing as your background! I was tickled by your squirrel--they have been extra active this month. I'm wondering if that means anything about the upcoming winter...Thank you for sharing your walk through the woodsy path; we don't have anything as beautiful here in Wilmington, NC; just a bit of fall color.

  12. I LOVE that quote. Beautiful art and beautiful photos. Honestly, it's so gorgeous, I don't think I would want to come inside. We're beginning to see some color here -- not a lot but it's coming! It won't be like this, though! Stunning.

  13. That's one beautiful autumnal tag! I love the colours and the cheeky squirrel that you included - perfect ๐Ÿ˜. The tree photos are so lovely, I enjoyed walking with you to see the beautiful fall colours! Wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

  14. These Autumn photos are glorious. Autumn has just started quite suddenly here too and the trees are wearing their Autumn dresses and looking beautiful.
    Your tag is gorgeous and so Autumny with the acorns, the colours and the squirrel gathering his food supply.
    And yes, I remember Monday holidays and how they stretched the weekend.
    Have a great weekend this weekend, Erika.

  15. Great Fall artwork and photos. I'm sorry I haven't been by to visit as much as I normally do. (I think I'll put an explanation in my next T-Day post for what's keeping me offline.) That was some storm wasn't it? I think we got spared the super heavy rain where I am in CT. Originally NOAA said 2 to 3 inches would fall, but then they scaled it back to 1 inch or so. The wind is still gusting today. I hope you didn't lose power. (So far so good for me.) I'm behind on Halloween artwork too. Ugh.

  16. You caught wonderful autumn colors on your beautiful tag, Erika. Thanks for sharing beautiful autumn photos, it's really colorful there. Also it's here, but today is very dull and grey. I made however a 4 km 'Nordic walk' It's walking with sticks, if you don't know. I've exercised it for 18 years. They say it's 20 per cent more effective than normal walk.
    Weekend is coming, so I'm wishing you a very relaxing, happy weekend xx

  17. Absolutely perfect photos of the autumn, Erika! And a lovely autumn tag. I think the little squirrel is looking at me! Ha ha! Hugs, sweetie!

  18. Your tag is the squirrel. Perfect tag for our theme..Thank you so much for joining in with our challenge at Tag Tuesday.
    Love,love the photos of the trees,the colour changes are so fabulous at the his time of the year...x

  19. Now that's clever - love that you bought the pack of time cards to use as tags - the pre-printing adds a really cool extra layer of detail. And when you don't want it, you can just paper or paint over it. Gorgeous autumn colours and images... I'm not surprised the squirrel looks happy with all those huge acorns to collect - he's quite right about Octobers!

    A lovely post altogether - I've just been sighing over all the tree photos too.
    Alison x


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