Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Childhood Dreams

Hi everyone. Today's post is a pre-post since my daughter has decided to be around for a few nights this week. (And will be back this weekend also.) It's good to have her around since she hasn't been here for a bit, but she does keep me busy, especially since we both  are still going to work. (smile)
So today I have another page for Eileen's fun Dream challenge at Art Journal Journey
My page today looks at dreams in 2 different ways, or whichever one  you prefer. Are the adult women eyes looking back on their childhood dreams, or are the children dreaming of the women they will be as adults?

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday.


  1. What a fantastic page Erika, you had some great ideas here. Love the quote. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Wonderful page and I like the duality. Makes me think of a quote from the movie The Natural with Robert Redford and Glenn Close. In the movie, life didn't work out the way they had dreamed when they were young. There's a great quote from Close's character, Iris, and she says, "I believe we have two lives...The life we learn with and the life we live with after that." What we dream and what we end up becoming. Your page reminds me of this. Enjoy the time with your daughter. Stay dry!

  3. Terrific page, Erika. I like your two interpretations. Very thought provoking. Thank you for sharing it with us at AJJ. Eileen xx

  4. Love those cute children.
    Beautiful page 🧡

  5. This is precious, wonderful Erika!
    Thank you for joining AJJ again with this amazing page. Enjoy the time with your daughter!
    Big hugs, Susi xxx

  6. A fabulous page Erika, love the combination of stamping along with the paper dolls. A great take on the theme.
    Avril xx

  7. This is a fantastic Art journal page Erika !! Lovee the so great background you have created, and the lovely images. Fabulous quote too.
    I wish you a very nice Thursday and send big hugss

  8. I love how you created this page Erika, it looks fabulous. Enjoy having time with your daughter.
    Yvonne xx

  9. What a wonderful quote, Erika - and I love the idea both ways, with the women looking back and the girls looking forward in time. Beautiful and thought-provoking.
    Alison x

  10. That's a delightful quote and the images you assembled are just perfect with it, Erika!

  11. It's a fabulous page, and I love the quote Erika!
    Enjoy your daughter's visit.
    Alison xx

  12. A very nice page and I like the quote.

    All the best Jan

  13. What a wonderful way to interpret your page pictorially. I just love the way you have set this out and the colour you have used within it. I think this is one of my favourite pages in any bog in a long while. Wonderful!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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