Friday, October 25, 2019

Dreamy But Spooky

Hi everyone. 
It's been a little busy around here as late October is always a crazy time for me. I've got 2 big birthdays to celebrate this weekend (the hubby and the daughter-their birthdays next mid-week). End of the quarter exams are next mid-week at school also, and this week has been a crazy, need to dress up spirit week at school. Plus I have been inundated with college recommendation letters, all due by November 1. (Usually I have 2-4, this year I have 10.) Augh!!!!! So much on my to do list! Good thing I've had lot of art pre-made. But I have missed being in my happy de-stressing place as much as I would like.
I am ready for the weekend. and it is almost here
Here's a spooky dream page for Eileen's challenge at Art Journal Journey
This view had been lightened up a bit so you can see details.
Here is one below with the true color. That didn't photograph all that well.
This is a page in my Halloween board book, which for those who asked, it is a blank book with cardboard pages and covers just like a young child's book.
And since I have made a lot of Halloween bits and pieces, I also have a tag that works for the Everything Goes Challenge at Tag Tuesday.
Hope you enjoy my Friday art.
Have a great start to the weekend.


  1. The lantern page is really beautiful. And the tag looks like someone got turned into a toad. That made me laugh. Just think, isn’t this the last year you’ll have to do college recommendation letters? Have a great weekend

  2. Wow, what an amazing Halloween page! I love the spooky image that you used and how you attached it with the brads 😀. The leaves look stunning too - perfect! I'm sending you positive vibes so you can get through all those tasks quickly and get back to your crafting, it sounds like you are so busy! Wishing you a happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  3. Gorgeous journal page and tag. Thanks so much for joining us again at Tag Tuesday! Sorry you have so much on your plate just now, hope you soon have more 'me' time. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Very dreamy yet spooky page! I like it! I’ve never see blank board books, but I guess they are out there. I was mostly curious about how you bind it. But I’m guessing it’s already bound when purchased. Still holds some interest for me, I may be on the lookout for some ideas.

  5. I love your page. The texture. The colors (both versions, actually). The wonderful lantern. Very nice. And that tag is just adorable!

  6. Yep sounds like you have a very busy week ahead-I love your pages-the first one is my favorite Happy Friday and weekend hugs Kathy

  7. I love your wonderful spooky page and the fun tag(love those eyes).
    Thank you for another wonderful page linked to AJJ! You simply rock and I wish you a relaxing weekend, enjoy the celebrations!
    You know it is the last stressful schoolyear, enjoy the much work..maybe you will miss it next!

    Big hugs, Susi

  8. It does sound like a busy time of year for you! October is an energizing month, I think. That page evokes the spooky season.

  9. Your spooky dreams page is stunning, Erika! I'd love to know how you made it. Are the screw real? Where did you get the cool skeleton leaves? Or maybe they're embossed. Absolutely stunning! Thank you for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey. Eileen xx

  10. You are busy, Erika! But you found the time to make two beautiful creations. Kisses, my friend.

  11. Hi Erika boy you are going to be very busy,happy birthday to your family members.
    Love your journal work and the tag is fantastic,beautiful work my friend xx

  12. A fantastic journal page and tag, thank you for doing us on Tag Tuesday.

  13. I fear I'm even busier than you, dear. I can't seem to catch up. Your spooky spread is actually incredible. I love the lantern. It is haunting (in a good way). Great tag, too. Hope we both find some down time this weekend. Unlike you, I have no art made ahead. Thanks for sharing this using Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  14. Its a wonderful spooky page Erika, the detail and texture looks great and I realy love how you added the leaves, did you find them on your walks?
    Its a super tag as well.
    Enjoy the family Birthday Celebrations this weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Yes, the lighter version does work better and it is very atmospheric. I love the central image against that darker background which is very autumnal. It certainly has a dreamy quality about it.
    Great fun tag too.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. Your spooky page is gorgeous! I love this lantern and the leaves are beautiful fitting to the fantastic background!
    I also like your tag very much, this bird guy is amazing - those eyes!
    So much on your to do list - I know this fact very well! I was so long offline because of such a long to do list :)
    Wish you a happy Sunday! Big hugs, Rike

  17. A great the post mark date in the background, it's perfect.
    Thank you so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday x


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