Thursday, October 3, 2019

More from the Wright Museum

Hi everyone. It is Thursday here and I am surprised this week is going so fast. I thought this was going to be a long week at school,  but no, my work days are flying right by. Right now 2 of my classes are in  my least favorite unit of the school year, which usually slows time way down, but luckily things are moving right along.
How about another photo trip back to Wright Museum? If you remember the Wright Museum is the museum about life during 1939-1945 in the US. I visited back on Smithsonian Free Museum Day in September.
How about some classics first?

New Hampshire and Vermont next door have some great ski mountains.

Wow, ski equipment has changed. These bindings almost looks unsafe.
And how about a little tribute to all of us who were/are educators, both  active and retired.
The little sign says The safeguard of democracy is education.

I should included this poster in my last museum post where I showed the other Victory gardens.

And for those of you interested in fashion. The gardening woman on the left looks so classy compared to what I wear in my garden.

And you might be familiar with this popular image. But I found it interesting to read that this image didn't become such a symbol until the 1970's, even though the image was created during the WWII years.
You can read about it here. (Sorry about the angle of the photo)
I still have more photos for another day.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Glad your week at school is going well. Great pics, which bring back memories of childhood comics and films. I was at school from 1950 on, and we still did daily drill to train us how to act in case of hostilities....Good to see woman portrayed as strong and capable, and not as helpless girlies! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Thanks for sharing, they were so beautiful!

  3. Museum Day is a really great thing (I've been enjoying posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's too). This looks like a real time-travel exhibition... all the "daily bits" of life - clothes and games and adverts - to take you on a trip back in time. Thanks for sharing your Museum Day trip.
    Alison x

  4. Good morning, what a fantastic museum-thanks for sharing the photos Happy Thursday kathy

  5. This week sure has gone by fast. Fun stuff to look at at the Wright Museum. I see Nancy! I used to read that comic in the funny papers. The woman in the advertisement for Mad River Glen is going to get frostbitten. 😺My gardening outfit is pretty ratty compared with the gardening model, but then I don't wear pearls or high heels to clean my house, either. 😺The story behind the Rosie poster was interesting. I can see how it wouldn't have been a big deal when it first came out as women, though filling in for the menfolk were supposed to go back to the kitchen and traditional roles. Rosie really became a symbol for the feminist movement.

  6. More great photos from the museum. Thank you for sharing them.

  7. Another super trip with you to the museum Erika. the photos look great.
    Yvonne xx

  8. I love these posters and the information presented. A very cool museum

  9. This is a fantastic post Erika !! What a great visit, I love Pinocho, it was one of my fave when I was a girl.
    Thanks so much for this tour by the museum, and for your great photographs. I wish you a very nice Friday
    Biiig hugs,

  10. I really want to visit that museum. It is wonderful and so unique. I bet we both learned a lot there. I know I DID. Thanks for this wonderful post and great photos.

  11. Fabulous! WOW!!! Thank you for taking me with you!

  12. Very interesting exhibits Erika, and great photos! TFS! X

  13. This is just the best exhibit. I would LOVE this one!

  14. Looks a fabulous museum, I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  15. I finally got round to sitting down and 'walking' through the museum and looking at the exhibits. What a fantastic museum! Thank you so much for sharing. I found it really interesting.
    The iconic image of 'we can do it', I have featured in one of my blogs as I had a postcard version of it and I did a bit of research on it. I also like the Norman Rockwell image of a woman being able to do 100 jobs.
    It is amazing how the Americans really made a war effort, without there being any visible hardships. I mean, life went on as usual, and war was far away. But you had 'your boys' out there and that made it real.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!