Monday, October 14, 2019

T Stands for Happy Birthday and Weekend Food

Hi everyone. Time for T again.  Stop by  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  to join us or see what the T ladies have been up to.
This week for T we'll be celebrating my mother's birthday. This past Saturday she turned 90.
My daughter came home for the long weekend, and we headed down to visit Mom on the big day. I still have a hard time thinking of my mother as being that elderly. She lives in an assisted living center. Mom is really mobile but has some memory issues.  I'm not sure she knew she was turing 90, but she kept telling us she doesn't do birthdays anymore. We told her that she should celebrate because so many people aren't lucky enough to make it to 90, and never mind still be able to move around as well as she does. She wasn't buying that though.
 We brought her a little cake as you can see here.
(But she didn't want candles since she wasn't counting them anymore.)
We got her this fun balloon also, which was the same one we got her last year. She didn't remember it, so it made a big hit again. (We knew she liked it so much last year so why risk getting her one she may not like as much.) It also made a hit as we walked through the grocery store where we bought it and when we walked with it into Mom's assisted living building.

 And here's my drink for the week. I'd been drinking this Diet Coke for a couple of days.  I enjoy drinking a Diet Coke (as you can probably tell) but I never drink that much of it at any one time.)
 And I had my daughter take this photo of me and my mom. Some of my friends at work could not believe I was taller than my mom, since I am not very tall. (And no, this is not a comment on being short, but when you work with tall people,  and have many/well most students way taller than you, people don't believe that you could be taller than anyone.)
But no, I am not that much taller. When I shrink I will probably be her size.

And I also did some baking this weekend. I started a new Diet Coke on Sunday when I took this photo.
 I found this bread book in my attic a couple of years ago. I don't know why I put it away up there because every bread I've tried from it ends up being delicious. This past weekend I made a German Friends Cake with my sourdough discard. And once again I was not disappointed.
This coffee cake style bread had apples and walnuts. It also called for raisins, but I'm the only one to eat them in the house, so I left them out.  It also had a brown sugar crunchy top. 

And one more bit of junk food for the post. On the way home from my mom's, my daughter and I made s top at Trader Joe's. We picked up this bag of gummy spider candies, not realizing they were a mix of sweet and sours. We had a fun ride home having a sweet/sour candy adventure and laughing at our faces when we got the sour ones. They were pretty yummy. and  a good way to make the last hour of the trip a go a little faster.

Wishing you all a great T day.
And thanks so much for stopping by my blog.


  1. Happy 90th birthday to your Mom-that is awesome and you are right not many of us make it to 90-no one in my family has.
    Loved the balloon too-great choice-the gummy spiders sound fun-hugs
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. Oh, a Happy, happy Birthday to your Mother!
    It hurts when memory gets lost, though, my Grandmother was suffering Alzheimer´s and was very mobile.
    She didn´t recognize me in the end, thought I´m my Brother´s wife.
    Oh, I´m with you. Wherever I go I´m the smallest. At school boys even threw me from one to another and teachers thought it was fun - it was not.
    Trader Joe's is not a shop here, but you get their products at ALDI.
    A happy T-Day :-)

  3. Lovely photos of your mum and you, you two are so alike! Glad you were able to be with her. Happy Birthday from me too, 90 is an achievement. And those sweet and sour candies look like fun! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. What a fabulous way to spend a long weekend. Having your daughter home, a visit to your mother, and a bit of baking? What more could you ask for.

    How great to see your mother so spry. It's hard to accept memory loss. That's the one thing I fear the most about aging. I'm glad she enjoyed the cake and balloon. It looks like you had fun. And I'm STILL shorter than you and probably your mother, too. The one bad thing about being short is, if you gain ONE pound it shows.

    Your bread sounds good and I knew you were going to do some apple type baking after seeing Yvonne's blog post. Those spiders sound hilarious. A great way to share company and eat a few gummies, too.

    Thanks for sharing your mother's 90th and your diet coke with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  5. It looks like your Mom had a great birthday party. That dog balloon is adorable. I already have forgetful memory problems so I dread to think what I'll be like at 90. Good idea to stop and get a snack for the drive home. Trader Joe's has a nice assortment of products, don't they? (I got a carving pumpkin for Halloween there this past week!) The coffee cake style bread you made sounds delicious. Happy T-Day!

  6. Your mom is a year younger than m8ne and she was born the same year as Audrey Hepburn. I don’t know why that popped into my head but 8t did. She looks so sweet and I had to smile when she didn’t want to know her age because my mom didn’t want to either and did not believe she was was funny. I am so glad she looks healthy and that you can enjoy having her with you despite the memory issues which is difficult to deal with and see. Your bread sounds good, quite yummy but I will pass on the worms. They are good ..just can’t have that.

  7. What a fun post, Erika! Happy Birthday to your mom. That is a great photo of the two of you, too. That is a good thing about aging, we can enjoy things like same tv show again, because we can't remember how it ends. LOL So happy, that you and your daughter could celebrate this happy occasion with your mom. And thanks for sharing it with us. Happy T Day!

  8. Lovely photos, it seems like your mom enjoyed your visit and her cute shaped dog balloon. The sweet and sour treats sound fun, I thought straight away about a scene in a Harry Potter film, but here I had my own memory loss and couldn't think which film it was.
    The coffee cake style bread sounds delicious and I saw you added some apples as well. I continually look out for different apple recipes so thanks for this idea.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Love your seasonal new header Erika! And oh what a joyful, wonderful way to celebrate your Mom's 90th birthday!! Wow, she looks great and I love the photo of the two of you. Glad she is in pretty good health and able to be pretty independent. good for her! That doggie balloon is so cute:)
    Happy T day!

  10. Happy Belated Birthday to your mom :) That bread sounds delicious. It sounds like you have a winner of a cookbook :) Happy T Tuesday!

  11. Love this post, Erika and I especially love the photo of you and your mom. There is quite a family resemblance. Maybe the smile or eyes. But I can tell! She looks just lovely and I'm glad you celebrated. (I'll celebrate till I just can't!)

    Isn't TJs the best? I can never go in there without overspending!

  12. What a nice celebration with your mom. Thanks for sharing such special photos. I'm with your mom about not counting birthdays anymore. Enough already!

    This was a very fun post from party all the way to gummy spiders.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  13. Happy Birthday to your dear Mum! It looks like you had a wonderful time celebrating her 90th birthday and I love the balloon too! The photo of you both is fabulous with your lovely smiles 😀. I'm following in your footsteps as I'm just a bit taller than my mum too and as you know you and I are about the same height so I understand that everyone is taller 😉. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  14. Happy birthday to your mum Erika! Sounds like you had a busy weekend.
    Alison xx

  15. Happy 90th to your mum! Doesn't she look spritely for her age. She obviously enjoys her crosswords in spite of her memory issues. I love the doggy balloon.
    That is a great photo of you and your mum. It must feel fantastic to be taller than someone! (when you are so short)And you look very much like your mother.
    The bread sounds delicious. That book is a keeper.
    I don't know the spider sweets but it sounds like you had lots of fun.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  16. Aww ... this was such a lovely post.
    Great photographs of your mum and I love the one of you both.
    Many (belated) Happy Birthday wishes to your lovely mum.

    All the best Jan

  17. Thank you for sharing this happy post! It's nice to see your loved family members. I wish your mother have many happy years ahead, and you all all the best!!

  18. OOhh Very Happy Birthday to your Mom Erika !! What a chance to have 90 !! My grandmother was 95 when she left us 6 years ago, and she moved very well. Sure you had a very Happy T-day, with your daughter at home.
    I love this balloon, and that fabulous to cook bread.
    Don´t want sour sweet :) I wish you a very nice weekend, and send big hugs, Caty


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