Sunday, October 6, 2019

Weekend Catch Up

Hi everyone. Hope you are having a nice weekend.
It is quite chilly here. Look at the first frost on my husband's truck's windshield Saturday morning.
I had a blissful Saturday with no commitments. I did go see the Downton Abbey movie also. (Which the teenage ticket seller insisted on calling Downtown Abbey Who am I to argue with a teenager?) 
And I brought in my winter clothes and bedding from the attic.
This is the mountain that got brought in and later got moved in front of the washer. I went through it first and did manage to make 3 bags to give away.
At least I can wash it as I go.
And I have a journal page for Eileen's Dream challenge at Art Journal Journey. I am also liking up to Moo Mania and their Count Your Blessings Challenge. Dreams are a blessing in life, aren't they?
I made my page by first painting the leaves with acrylic on my journal page. Then I used a brown marker to create the veins and stems.  I also used a mica based acrylic paint wash over the leaves to give them a bit of shine.  The background is colored with 2 shades of blue Gelatos. To give the page a bit more motion I used bits of a black and white striped napkin. Finally the quote is from a piece of acetate quotes I've had forever in my stash.
And I will wrap up this post with a few photos from my morning weekend walks.

 My heirloom chrysanthemums are now blooming,

 A view of the sugar shack which has been quiet since early spring.
 The leaves are turning but are not at peek yet. But there are some bright berries with all the dying back foliage.
 They were out the other day and remarked the snowmobile trails. I don't snowmobile, but the trails around here connect to Maine, Vermont and even up to Quebec, Canada. Or at least I have been told.

If you are checking in and it is the weekend, enjoy whatever is left of yours. 
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Beautiful autumnal page and agreat sentence. We got a cold period some weeks earlier, and I did my cloth care, which I hate so much that do it if possible already before I store them in spring. I am allergic to dust and it make all more worse.
    Have a nice evening 😃🍁

  2. We didn't get the frost, but the temps were brisk. Nan and I really enjoyed Downton Abbey.Your page certainly has peak color even if the trees around you aren't quite there. I like how your leaf colors pop on that blue background. Nice pictures from your walk. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  3. Love the beautiful autumn photos and the gorgeous, colourful page, wonderful. It's cold and very wet here. I have been busy with summer/ winter clthes and bedding change, too, but very slowly as my back is still bad. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Frost already... brrr. Did you like the Downton Abbey movie? I'm not sure whether I will go to watch it, I don't really like to go to cinemas anymore (too fancy, too expensive and I hate that it's always littered by the end og the moview), so I'll probably wait until it's available through streaming or whatever. I like the photos of your weekend walks - fall is such a wonderful season.

  5. First frost? Wow! We're finally cooling down to highs in the upper 80sF. I love your Autumn colors :)

  6. Sounds like you had a fun weekend! Did you enjoy the Downton Abbey movie? When I first saw your page I thought it was fabric, it looks so beautiful I love the autumnal leaves 😀. Wishing you a happy new week! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Fall has definitely arrived in your neck of the woods, Erika. I used to enjoy the change of seasons up north, but then I got old - lol. You didn't say whether you enjoyed the "Downtown Abbey" movie. You're right - no point in arguing with a teenager. Thank you for sharing your wonderful fall dreams page with us at AJJ. Eileen xx

  8. Wishing you a very happy new week Erika!
    Sounds you had a nice weekend!
    I LOVE the colourful page ...great idea with the little bits of napkin to make it even more alive!
    You know you made me happy with linking to AJJ and Moo Mania & More ! ♥♥♥ Thanky so much! And you made me also happy with your amazing impressions !
    A wonderful area!

    Big hugs, Susi

  9. Sounds like a busy weekend Erika! I'm hoping to see the Downton movie at some point, hope you enjoyed it.
    Your art and photos are beautiful!
    Have a happy week,
    Alison xx

  10. Wow - that's a heavy frost... you'll be glad of that mountain of winter clothes and bedding! Beautiful forest photos, thank you for sharing those, and your leafy dreams are beautiful... amazing colour contrasts.
    Alison x

  11. Sounds like you were busy at the weekend. It was good to see the lovely autumnal photos from your walks.
    The page you created looked fantastic. in my imagination I can see the leaves falling from the trees.
    Yvonne xx

  12. A wonderful post

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  13. Adore your leaf painting. It really says the season (even though we're still waiting for that much red!)

    Love the photos from your walk. Some beautiful natural life you are seeing. Love that sugar shack, too!

  14. Beautiful photos of the foliage, Erika. We went for a drive last weekend and saw some colors, but not eye-popping for me, but then we were not in the mountain areas where it's been chillier. However after the rains we are expecting later this week, and chilly temps, the colors should really be popping next week...I hope.

  15. Eine schöne Ausarbeitung für das
    MooMania Thema DANKBARKEIT...

    ...liebe Grüße aus Augsburg
    von Heidrun

  16. Nice post.
    Gorgeous Autumn photographs and a great colourful page.

    All the best Jan

  17. Hope you enjoyed Downton Abbey - I have still to see it - knowing me it will be out on dvd before I get around to going to the cinema.
    Lovely autumnal page, you have captured all my favourite colours there.
    Thanks for sharing your photographs from your walk, I so enjoy seeing them but this time I want to know more about the sugar shack. I pondered over this photo and wondered why it has been quiet since early spring.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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