Friday, November 8, 2019

Photo Day

Happy Friday everyone. It is day 8 of Art Every Day Month and today I have some photos to share with you. When I got home the other evening I stepped outside and took some photos of my gardens.
Some of the plants have been touched by frost.

And my chrysanthemums are starting to look like they've past their prime.
But my roses seem to have more flowers and buds than they've had for awhile.

It's nice to see there's still a bit of color on these bushes. But with the real cold weather that is supposed to settle in for the weekend, I don't think this will be the view by next week.
Thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. Good morning, I love the look of frosted flowers-but I really love your roses-Have a good friday-hugs Kathy

  2. Morning Erika, it's always so sad to see when the weather takes hold of our precious outdoor plants but your Roses are string willed. Sadly it's a case of survival of the fittest but I hope they bloom twice as beautiful when spring arrives. It will be here again before we know it.
    Wishing you a super weekend, i'm killing an hour whilst waiting to take Hubby to Hospital to have some dental treatment :/ Not the nicest start to it hee hee. Warmest of Hugs Tracey xx

  3. Fabulous last autumn colors from your garden. Thanks for sharing, Erika.
    We got first snow here in southern Finland last night. Not much but it makes winter feeling.
    Happy upcoming weekend to you and yours xx

  4. Wonderful photos. I love this time of transition in autumn, and you still have lots of beautiful blooms. Mine all died off in the summer heat, and are flowering at last! Hugs, Valerie

  5. I love how the flowers are just hanging on for a little more Summer. And so glad we didn't get snow

  6. Wow! I love those purple leaves. Isn't it amazing how beautifully nature decays before dying back? Some beautiful photos here, Erika. Thank you for sharing your garden :-)
    Cath x

  7. The best art -- your beautiful garden. Lovely photos, Erika, all of them.

  8. Brilliant photos today, Erika. I really enjoyed them. But most of all, I FELL IN LOVE with your roses. You are the rose whisperer and how you kept them alive through those frosts, I'll never know. Must be where you planted them, you shielded them from some of the worst frost. These are superb photos today, dear.

  9. Lovely to see the photos of your garden and still some roses in bloom, you are lucky to have them still sharing their pretty colours.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Your roses are still looking good. Great photos Erika.
    Alison xx

  11. These are fabulous photos. What is that first plant? I will be back to see your answer. The Rose so resilient.

  12. this time is over where I live. We had frost and first snow.

  13. We've had our frost frost here on the patio, and the zinnias bit the dust. Your flowers are holding up so well!

  14. It's looks like a frozen wonderland and it's so nice to see those colourful flowers still in your garden 😁. I hope they last a bit longer despite the frost and cold weather that's forecast, stay warm! Happy Friday and wishing you a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  15. Beautiful photos, rather sad to see and I am saying goodbye to our caravan garden in a few weeks so must get around to taking some photos! Hugs, Chrisx


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