Monday, November 11, 2019

Seeds and Plants

Happy Monday everyone. Mine is particulary a good one (even though I have to go get some blood work down) because  of the Veteran's Day holiday there is no school today. I know my day isn't particular focused on the reason for the holiday, but I have been thinking about some of the veterans in my life.
Today my tag is for Michelle's Seeds and Plants challenge at Tag Tuesday. I die cut a time card and then colored it with ink and added several bits and pieces to create the design.  I have no idea what bit of light the camera picked out to create the white speck on the stem of one of the dried plants.  But the white dots should be there. 
And I linking this up for Day 11 at Art Every Day Month.
That's all for me today. Happy new week. 


  1. Enjoy having a free day, and hope the blood-work goes well. Your tag is gorgeous, love the colours, very atmospheric and great for Michele's theme. Thanks a lot for joining us again at Tag Tuesday, and have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Hi Erika beautiful work my friend ,well done xx

  3. Maybe someone just passing through. Have a good day.

  4. I love this with the bright Tuscan style colouring and the man in the foreground. I am thinking of my dad who fought in the war and my mom who endured it.

  5. That man in his hat and coat looks ready for the crisp fall weather. I love these colors and the featured oak elements :)

  6. I like the Autumn colors in this. I hope tomorrow's forecast isn't too bad for you. In CT we might get a dusting of snow. Upper New York is forecast to get 7 to 11 inches. Ugh! I didn't check NH to see what's in store for you. Hopefully not that much, if any. :-(

  7. You are really rocking those tags, Erika. I'm super impressed. Way to go with this gorgeous beauty. It's fabulous. Happy Veterans Day. I hope your blood work goes well.

  8. Hope that your blood work was not for anything serious, Erika . Enjoy your day off from school.

  9. Gosh! YOu get a day off for Remembrance Day? Hope you enjoy it and get loads done... but I'm glad to see you started the day with this beautifully autumnal tag...gorgeous, rich colours and a lovely time theme - almost like a time capsule. I'm not far from Manchester, unless this is an American Manchester... Love the seeds AND the lned adds to the design.
    Cath x

  10. This is a fabulous tag Erika, wonderful colours and design and just right for a tribute to our Veterans.
    I hope your day went okay.
    Yvonne xx

  11. What a great image that is! I love it and the colors. And yay for no school. About 5" here today. Ick!

  12. love the botanicals in this tag and they are so more prominent than the man. ;)

  13. i love the bright orange! it is a wonderful deign, thank you for linking to tag tuesday! xo

  14. What a lovely warm tag you have created. Love those rich autumnal colours you have used. I just noticed your tag in the middle which says 'the Midland Hotel, Manchester' - is that here in England? I have to smile whenever I think of this hotel as I once visited a boy there on work experience from school. He would not have been my choice of pupil for that job as he was a bit like Lurch from the horror films and to imagine him opening the doors to someone at night time made me smile. They would have been petrified!
    Sorry, I digressed there - yes love the tag, the colours are perfect and autumn and veterans go together in my book plus the strength of the acorns echoes the strength these guys have.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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