Sunday, December 15, 2019

Alice, part 2

Hi everyone. Hope you are having a nice weekend. 
I had the perfect Saturday. I hung home, had a bit of art time, talked to an old friend on the phone and watched 4 Star Wars movies. I never even got out of my pj's all day, but it was rainy and dark so my motivation to get going wasn't very high.  However, it was exactly what I needed to recharge my batteries. 
And today I hope to bake some cookies.
But first I want to share the next installment of my Alice in Christmasland book.
Yesterday I shared part 1, which told the start of the story. It introduced Alice who was a curious girl who climbed on the roof of her house to look down the chimney to see if she could figure out how Santa got into it and then down the chimney to deliver his Christmas gifts.
Today we begin with
 Alice falling down the chimney. (I know you can figure that out.)
 And then falling into the fireplace. 
I die cut the fireplace and used some already pre-cut out holiday decorations. I added red paint holly berries to the wreath and also made the bow sparkly. I drew the stockings and the candles. I also made the hands and face of Alice coming into the fireplace . I also used a bit of black glitter glue to create some soot bits falling from the flue as Alice fell down.
 You can see poor Alice somehow managed to shrink as she fell through the chimney. She is again a Studio Light, Art by Marlene figure. I drew and colored the cat myself. Here's what the words say.

A yummy mouse has come down the chimney thought the cat,
licking her chops and getting an excited look in her eyes.
But then she looked again and became so disappointed. 
"I thought you were a mouse." said the cat.
"A mouse?  I am a girl, and you are Chessie my cat. So don't speak to me that way."
But when Alice finished dusting off the soot and stood up, she realized that she was the size of a mouse.
And she didn't like the look in Chessie's eyes.
And my final page of this spread doesn't show Alice.
It says
Alice ran under the legs of a chair.
Curiouser and curiouser.
How did I get so small she wondered?
And even more so
How come I didn't get large again?

So I imaged what it would be like under a chair. I painted the floor and the wall, as well as the legs of the chair. I used some fabric scraps to make the underside of the chair, stamped the little mice, and added some frayed cheesecloth to be a dust bunny.  And I wanted you to know that Chessie the cat was there, so I did a bit of idea borrowing from the actual Alice in Wonderland story. 
I am once again going to link up to Yvonne's Words and Numbers challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Part 3 will be coming your way later in the week .
Thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Sounds like you had a perfect day. Such a fun story. I like Alice falling down the chimney and the title, Special Delivery. I like the cat, too. Mouse or something small and tasty those lips and teeth from under the chair seem to be saying. Hoping for no snow for the holidays.

  2. Absolutely fabulous. The cat is wonderful, really pawsome! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I had a feeling she would get small when she fell down the chimney. The poor cat must have had a shock when told she was a girl. Erika I love your page and the story you are creating, it really appeals to my imagination. Under the chair looks a bit scary for Alice its a fantastic scene for the story you are telling us.
    Thank you for linking with us over at Art Journal Journey. I wounder what will happen in part 3.
    Yvonne xx

  4. I adored Alice Part 1
    I love Alice Part 2
    Can't wait for Alice Part 3

    Amazing series of great art and lovely posts.

    All the best Jan

    PS Keep meaning to say how much I like your new header/banner.

  5. Fabulous part 2. I am not really familiar with Alice in Wonderland, but I sure like Alice in Christmasland. I love your vivid imagination and how small Alice got in the chimney. Bleubeard gives you two paws up for the cat drawing. He thinks it looks like a lovely Cheshire cat. Thanks for this very imaginative "episode" that fits so incredibly well with Yvonne's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Sounds like a great day lounging and Star Wars binge watching.

  6. That sounds like perfect PJ-day!
    Alice in Christmasland - my Mum would´ve loved that - and I enjoy...
    OH! Ingo´s Grandmother as a young woman, worked for a landlord. She found the child in the chimney... I´m getting all dizzy...

    The cat sure gave me my smile back :-)
    I think I need to watch that movie (after Christmas, the stores are full to the brim now, right).

    Very well done, I love this!

  7. BOTH parts are incredible Erika! Wow! Happy new week my friend!

  8. Wonderful story Erika! I love the hungry cat! X

  9. This is so creative and innovative, Erika. Loved your thinking process (and the cat!)

  10. Wow, you created a wonderful story and illustrated it super good. Love it and the cat you drew is my favorite 🐈
    Have a great week ❤️

  11. This is a treasure. What a creative idea, and you have such talent to bring it to life.

  12. I can't wait for part three. |What a wonderful set of pages for part two and what wonderful illustrations- from the ones where she is falling to the look on Chessies face and finally that grin under the table. Wow, this is really fantastic!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. Fabulous story and wonderfully illustrated! I love Alice falling down the chimney and I hope the cat looks doesn't eat her 😁. Can't wait to find out what happens! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  14. I always enjoy seeing a cat making its way into art.

  15. This is so cute and clever, Erika. The pages are darling. No detail neglected. I love how you've cobbled together all the proper pieces somehow. Eileen xx


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