Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Pink Christmas

Hi everyone. I'm back today with a journal page to celebrate the season in some non-traditional pink. I love this ancient ornament stamp from Stampers Anonymous (when they didn't just carry Ranger designers--not that there is anything wrong with Ranger designers). I then stamped some winter trees in black and went over them with white ink to give them a snowy feel. Then I added these cute little girls and some fancy words that I cut out of  some paper.
And I have some words on the page so I am linking up to Yvonne's Words and Numbers challenge at  Art Journal Journey.

And since I have an ornament on my journal page, maybe you'd like see a few ornaments from my tree.
Someone gave us this one when my husband and I got married.

And this gorgeous angel is stained glass and made by one of my good friends.
 When I was pregnant with my daughter my mother-in-law  was convinced I was having a boy and gave us this glass pacifier in blue. Hee-hee- I have to say I love it when she is wrong. 

And my husband and I picked up this little wooden bottle which we filled out with all the details after she was born.

 This little 60's elf was on my tree when I was growing up. It freaks my daughter out, so of course I had to put it right on the front of the tree. (smile)
And here's another oldie.  My name was written in sparkles. My cousin made it for me, and now the sparkles are mostly gone but it still says my name.
 And yes Elizabeth, here is this beautiful mini-quilt you gifted me with.
 And here is one of the couple of National Park sign ornaments we have. We always stop to take photos at the signs when we visit a park so an ornament makes a perfect remembrance.
And some art my daughter made may years ago.
 And an angel another friend of mine made.
 And finally one of my own creations.

These are just a few of the treasures on my tree. I am sure if you have a tree you probably have any treasures of your own.
Hope  you have a great day!
And thanks for visiting.


  1. Love the new header, fantastic. Your journal page is great, and the tree full of memories is heart warming. Enjoy! Hugs, Valerie

  2. What a lot of lovely memories are stored on your tree. It must be a pleasure to get them all out and decorate the tree with them. Had to smile at your daughter's "cringe" - my son loves a very old turkey decoration he has from when he was tiny but his wife hates it and she turns the tree round so it is the back and he turns it back.
    Love the journal page in non-traditional pink - it's always good to use non-traditional colours at times.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  3. The pink Christmas page, very Victorian. I loved seeing some of the ornaments on your tree and hearing the stories behind them. The blue pacifier cracked me up as well as the creepy elf. And a huge grin crossed my face when I spotted your blue Dalek. Have a good day

  4. Fascinating ornaments, Erika and another great page. I love to hear about people's memories of tree ornaments. There are some great stories built around them!
    Cath x

  5. I like the shape of that ornament stamp. I think pink makes a good color for Christmas. I'm enjoying looking at your variety of tree ornaments. Fun!

  6. Good morning, I enjoyed seeing your family treasures on your tree-

  7. I love your non traditional pink colour is a fantastic page Erika, the stamp looks lovely it seems to glow and draws me into the page. The words are just right for the scene you created, it looks so peaceful. I am so happy you linked to Art Journal Journey and thank you for all your support.
    Your Christmas tree decorations look gorgeous and hold so many memories for you and the family, fancy scaring your daughter with the elf, he does look a cheeky chappy.
    The new header looks super as well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. this is beautiful your journal and decorates your Christmas tree is imaginatively designed. It's so different from Germany but I love it! I do not have one this year.
    Greetings Elke

  9. Gorgeous, I love your journal and I love all these personal ornaments .....all the wonderful memories hanging on your tree for the celebration of LOVE for Christmas!
    And an amazing new header!
    Happy Christmastime Erika!
    I have such an relaxing time just now wirh baking and enjoying that the weather is still nice to us.
    Susi xxx

  10. Lovely page and a great selection of Christmas tree ornaments. I have a few with memories too.
    Alison xx

  11. Love your tree Erika, I love to see the elegant baubles on trees, but to me Christmas holds lots of memories and like you, mine has lots of sentimental baubles on it.
    Avril xx

  12. What a fabulous new header for your blog (sorry I'm late catching up, I'm still catching up with myself after being ill), and what a gorgeous page full of festive heart and warmth. I love those little girls, and the bauble is marvellous, as are your Christmas decorations... so individual and unusual and personal. Lovely. Hope to do more catching up soon.
    Alison x

  13. Oh Erika, I love how your tree tells your story! It's so personal and it really tells the tale of places and people you love! (That glass pacifier is really cute, even if it's blue!). It's meaningful and I love that.

    That is a wonderful stamp and I really like your page. I think pink IS a Christmas color!

  14. I want to begin from the top to the bottom. I simply LOVE (gushing here) your new blog header/banner, It is awesomely awesome.

    Your journal page is so adorable. I really like the ornament stamp. Sometimes older is better. The pink was so non-traditional, it set it apart. I really like how you used the cute girls and words that looked like they came from a manuscript. In addition to it being a real beauty, it is also great that you shared it with us using Yvonne's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I love the ornaments on the tree. You have some gems. I had to laugh at the pacifier. That one was hilarious. I loved the teddy bears in the heart when you got married. It's beautiful. And your honoring me again by using that tiny quiltlet on your tree made me smile. You are a true gem and a great friend, dear.

  15. These Are Way Cool - But That Stained Glass Angel, Brilliant - Be Well


  16. Hi Erika beautiful journal page my friend and i love your decorations xx

  17. You have some very pretty ornaments - I like the ones made by your daughter best (the angel is so cute) and the bottle is such a sweet idea. I wish we had had something like that.

  18. This is a very beautiful ornament on your Christmas page with lovely pink color!
    But the ornaments on your Christmas tree are gorgeous! They are real treasures!
    Big Hugs, Rike

  19. Fabulous pink Christmas page! I love the vintage style 😀. Your tree decorations are fabulous, I love the memories attached to the ornaments too - perfect! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  20. I enjoyed seeing your treasured tree ornaments. We also have many of these *too many) but this year, we opted not to put them on a tree. Instead, we set up a small tree in the middle the new England winter village that Grenville set up. I will try to get some photos for a future post. next year we';re planning to skip the village and do a tree instead, as it's hard to do both in the apt.

  21. Many thanks for sharing the special treasures on your tree …
    my tre

  22. Many thanks for sharing the special treasures on your tree.

    All the best Jan


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