Monday, December 2, 2019

T Stands for a Christmas Tradition

Happy first Tuesday of the new month everyone. Time for T over at   Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog .        .
Today for T I am going to share a family holiday tradition with you. It was time this past Sunday to go get our Christmas tree. We decided to go before the snow fell as a big storm was due to come in later in the day. But it was a little bittersweet as this was the first time in in the last 28 years my daughter didn't come with us.
Since I live in the country, one thing we like to do is visit the Christmas tree farm on the other side of our town to go cut our own tree.
So grab a saw and a plastic sled to help drag the tree out.

 It was a crisp morning, but it felt nice to get out for a little walk. You can see the snow clouds filtering in.
If I took this photo today, this would have been a winter wonderland.
Here's another view. You might find it strange to see this little graveyard in the middle of the photo,  but since it is relatively rural here, it was not uncommon in the past for each family to have their own graveyard out in their farmland. These are pretty common in many areas of New England.
Look at these gorgeous granite walls around this one.
OK, but let me get back on track. So we ended up walking to the back of the farm to find a tree to our liking.
It is tradition to take a photo before we cut it down.

 And then we drag the tree out to the road. Or I should say, my husband drags it. Although I have participated in dragging the tree out in other years. This year with my chest cold dragging was not in my best interest.
The Christmas tree farm also has some hot apple cider  for you once you return with your tree.  Here you can see my husband getting himself a cupful.
 And that's my drink for T day this week.
And when we got home and before the snow began, we brought the tree in and decorated it.
First the hubby puts on the lights. 
 And then I do most of the decorations. The hubby does help some too.
 Doesn't it look great?  It took me all afternoon to decorate.
 Although the dogs were not particulary impressed with the whole affair.  When we had our cats they used to enjoy the decorating process. But I think the only thing the dogs enjoyed was pulling off a stuffed Snoopy ornament (that looked like a dog toy) and chewing off its ears.
Oh my!

Have a great T day.
And thanks for visiting. 


  1. Oh I am so happy you shared this with us. It brought back so many memories-as a kid we always cut down a christmas tree too-so much fun. we don't have kids and my husband is Jewish so we don't do this-but over the years I have had a live christmas tree that friends helped me get. now I have a little mini tree with lights I enjoy decorating--warm apple cider-perfect-Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. How fun to choose your own tree, that's a great family outing. And strange with the graveyard, but probably necessary if you are living somewhere away from towns etc. Warm apple cider sounds great too! Love how the dogs just chill as though nothing is happening! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Now that I read your story... I have no idea where our Christmas trees came from!
    Dad always somehow sneaked them in all those years!

    One year I found one in the street. It had a sign asking to share Christmas and Hubby went to get it. I named him George Bailey. Sadly he died due to the cold weather. Happy T-Day.

  4. Oh my, I so enjoyed visiting the Christmas tree farm with you! It all looks so amazing and it was wonderful to see the whole process of finding the tree, cutting it down, taking it home and putting it up 😁. It looks very majestic with all the beautiful lights and ornaments on it! After all that work I can see why the dogs were so exhausted 😉. Thanks for sharing all the photos, this has really got me in the Christmas spirit! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  5. Rather bittersweet, indeed. I remember from years past when you shared this outing with us. Sorry your husband had to do all the hard work by himself, but it's great that he was up to the task, because you had NO business doing the dragging this year.

    My friend Scott's father is buried on their farm, so it's not that uncommon in the midwest, either, apparently.

    Your tree is beautiful, and I'm delighted to see it is finished. I'm still working on getting my trees out. They should have been out days ago, but life has slowed me down a lot this past month.

    Thanks for sharing your tree cutting tradition, the decorated tree, and your husband's hot apple cider with us for T this Tuesday. BTW, I see you still have that quiltlet I made (grin).

  6. I love that you're cutting down your tree. And I remember (and still have) those bittersweet times when something has changed and someone isn't with you like they used to be for a certain event. Even if they're just fine and somewhere else. It's different. But your tree is gorgeous and it looks like such a fun day. And I love those country cemeteries, too.

  7. what a really lovely tradition to have. We used to go to a tree farm to cut down and take home a tree when I was young and living at home. Now that it's just hubby and me I put up an artificial smallish tree. Your is so pretty all decorated! And I love the dogs just sleeping and ignoring it all (minus the Snoopy ornament). Happy T day!

  8. That looks like such a fun outing and mulled cider after would really hit the spot. Looks like you picked a perfect Christmas tree. Your lights and decorations are gorgeous. I hope you're feeling better and got a snow day or two off. Happy T Day

  9. This was a fun post to see. Your Christmas tree is lovely. And I enjoyed seeing the tree farm, including the graveyard in the middle of it. The fully decorated tree looks great. I think you ended up with a lot more snow than I did from the storm that came through after your outing. I got lucky, and ended up with much less than they originally forecast, but others in CT got a lot more. ugh. Happy T-Day!

  10. Thanks for posting your Christmas tree expedition, Erika. It brought back memories of the years we used to shop for a real tree, which we miss now. Living in an apt, management strongly discourages live trees (sigh) as some folks can be careless and there's always the possibility of electrical fires. There's nothing like bringing in the tree and then decorating it, especially on a snow day!

  11. I have never cut my own tree, though we used to buy a cut tree from a lot. Now we've switched to artificial, so I enjoyed getting into the crisp Christmas spirit with your post :) The cider looks like it would hit the spot after all that work out in the cold. I remember lights like that! Your tree looks gorgeous dressed out in its finery. The trim-the-tree experience is one of my favorite parts of the season. Happy T Tuesday!

  12. Happy T-day dear Erika !! This is a super beautiful Christmas tree, really gorgeous with alll the lovely decorations and the lights. I looove your sweety dogs, they know how to enjoy the little things jaja.

    I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send biig hugs,

  13. A wonderful family tradition. We used to cut down our trees when we lived in New York but it was $65 and an hour drive. It was cheaper to buy one already cut for $45 so that is what we have been doing. I love the fresh smell of fir trees! How lovely of your tree farm to offer hot apple cider. Such a yummy drink! Your tree turned out beautifully!
    Hope your chest cold clears up soon.
    Happy Tea Day,

  14. A lovely post Erika, it must have felt different with just the two of you picking out the tree. Look on it as the beginning of making yourselves new memories, that what my hubby and I did when our sons left home.
    Your photos looked lovely even though it must have been a cold day at the tree farm. I loved seeing your decorated tree, it is so pretty.
    Happy T day wishes and I hope you will be much better soon.
    Yvonne xx

  15. What a wonderful Christmas tradition Erika. The tree looks beautiful! Xx

  16. Good timing on your tree cutting trip, Erika. What a fun tradition. I especially like the before photo idea. Beautiful traditional tree! I'm impressed, even though the dogs are not.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  17. What a fun idea to go to a farm and cut your own tree! When I lived in the UK, we would go to a local garden centre and buy the tree. But then trees became so prohibitively expensive that we bought a (nice) fake one.
    These last few years we have traveled to Holland for Christmas so we haven't decorated a tree here. When I get to my mum's, I will have the pleasure of decorating her tree for her. (we're leaving on the 17th)
    I must say you picked a perfectly shaped tree. Well done.
    Happy T-Day to you,

  18. H Erika what a lovely post I enjoyed my visit with you today,I love your Xmas tree and the pics are amazing we don't get our trees like that here,they are already cut ,Thankyou for sharing your story with us my friend xx

  19. I have never in my life gotten to go out in the country and find a Christmas tree! How fun! Thank you for sharing. It looks like you have a lot of memorable decorations, too. Lovely tree! Happy T Day!

  20. I love this post , I remember it back when you showed it and was fascinated back then. A lovely tradition!!!
    You can do this here in our region as well as we are in the Waldviertel ( Forrest Quater) but I admit I have never have done it yet. I don't have a living tree since our girl was 9 or so. I don't like that a tree has to be felled for me. I have an artifical one since 10 years now and am happy with it.

  21. A super post. Apart from you telling us your chest was bad - hope you have got rid of it all by now.
    I so enjoyed seeing the various photos leading up to the selecting of your tree. Can imagine that being a real family tradition with so many over there. Not sure but I don't think we get to saw ours down and lots are bought ready in a net. I love the idea of the hot apple drink when you have finished but did like the sled and saw too.
    Bet it was fun decorating the tree but what a laugh, sorry it made me smile to hear that the dogs enjoyed Snoopy a bit too much.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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