Monday, December 9, 2019

T Stands for a Really Bad Photo

Hi everyone. I think these weeks go by so fast and here it is already time for T again. This is when we visit at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and share our drink related photos.

So this week for T what I wanted to share with you  was a visit to a restaurant I have been wanted to eat at for maybe 10 years.  It is called Jumpin Jay's Fish Cafe,  and it is in downtown Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Now you may wonder why we have never gone there, and  I guess the only thing I can say it that it is priced a bit more than we usually like to spend, and we don't usually go downtown to eat  just because parking is always a bit more of a hassle and with so many choices that are not downtown, we just never really thinking about going downtown.
But this last Friday was my husband's office holiday get together, and since he is now working in a smaller office (for the same company), I actually got to go and join them.
Here is the "fantastic" photo of my jambalaya that I had for dinner.
 You can tell my phone doesn't work so well in the low light of the this restaurant. Even the peanut butter stout I was drinking did not get included. Sad face!
It was all really yummy but I know you can't tell.
For those who don't know, Jambalaya is  a classic New orleans style dish with rice, shrimp, andouille sausage and a tomato based "sauce".
I got a couple of outdoor shots though.They are not that great either.
But better than my drink photo.
 And while we are on an ocean life theme, we were lucky and got a spot in the Wyland wall parking lot right near the restaurant. Robert Wyland is an artist who for awhile painted a lot of ocean murals on building walls (including a small one in my school that they got rid of when they rebuilt our school). 

It's sad to see the condition this wall is in now,. These finback whales  were painted in 1993. Even with the bad photo and the snow we got that afternoon, you can see all the dark spots where the paint has come off.

So instead of my dinner at Jumpin Jays, I will share my baked pasta dish that I had at the 99 Restaurant in Concord, New Hampshire over the Thanksgiving weekend (when my husband and I went out to do a bit of holiday shopping). For a drink I had a Diet Coke.

It was also very good.
FYI-The 99 is a New England local chain. They have locations all over the 6 state area and also a few in New York.

That's all for me today, so I am wishing you a happy T day.
And thanks for visiting.


  1. whether or not the photos came out so well I can just tell that jambalaya was delish!! Not sure about the stout but I do like peanut butter:) Sad about the wall art...
    Happy T day!

  2. Hi, well both of your dinners sound really delicious, sometimes it is just difficult to get a nice photo.
    that's a shame they let the mural get in such bad shape-wonder if they will get it redone or paint over it one day.
    Happy T-have a good week ahead hugs Kathy

  3. Sorry your photo didn't turn out well, but I can imagine how tasty it was. The second food photo looks wonderful, too, yummy. Sorry the mural hasn't been restored. Have a great week, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. No offense, your photo gave me a chuckle :-)
    I´m always too shy to use flash, so... familiar pic!
    Sad about the artwork there.
    Hmmm... baked pasta, yum! And a happy T-Day!

  5. First of all it was a super wall mural, do the artists not go back if they are able to refurbish the art?
    Both your meals sounded delicious, but I think I would have liked to taste your pasta choice.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Hi Erika what a great spot and the food looks so yummy xx

  7. Jumpin' Jay's looks like a nice place. The outside looks posh so reminds me a bit of Legal Seafood. I don't like paying Legal's prices either. Good that you found a parking spot close by. Too bad about the mural. Himself and I love the 99. The baked pasta dish looks really good. Happy T Day

  8. It looks like you've been enjoying some lovely meals lately! The restaurant in Portsmouth looks lovely, I like the scarf around the fish sign πŸ˜€. I love jambalaya too, my hubby make a yummy jambalaya and also a scrummy gumbo πŸ˜‰. Your pasta dish looks delicious too! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  9. I'm using my imagination to help your phone camera, and it looks good to me ;) I enjoy going to new-to-me restaurants, and this sounds like a fun evening. The other restaurant looks like a good choice, too :) Happy T Tuesday!

  10. How frustrating that your photos didn't turn out well. (You'd better quickly write a letter to Santa for a new phone!) But thank you for explaining what Jambalaya is. I had heard of it (I think there is a song called that)
    The urban wall art is lovely. I like that sort of thing. I suppose it is not made to last forever.
    Your pasta bake looks yummy indeed.
    Have a lovely T-Day,

  11. I've been meaning to go to the 99 restaurant here in CT, after seeing you mention it quite a few months ago at this point. I chuckled at your comments about the blurry food photo from the Fish Cafe. (My camera does that in low lighting, too, so it's not just cell phone cameras that have problems.) I liked seeing the Christmas decor outside the restaurant. I liked the whale murals. What a shame that they're fading. I'm assuming some/all of your snow is getting washed away by the rains. But I'm also assuming your forecast is like mine: the temperature will drop, and this storm will end as snow tomorrow morning. Ugh. Happy T-Day!

  12. Just stopping by to let you know I’m back online. Both my internet AND my phone were down. I walked to my foodie friend Sally’s to use her phone to call the phone company and Sharon who graciously left the message you saw at T time.

    I complained to the phone company that my internet often goes down on Mondays. I bet Sharon is getting tired of hearing from me on Monday afternoons. I asked the repair person what the problem was and he said “a line down the block had broken,” and after he repaired it, he came here and reset my phone AND internet lines. This was the greatest early Christmas gift I could have received. Yes, I’m doing a happy dance.

    I can’t possibly catch up with you at the moment, but I am simply grateful that you chose to visit and spend T time with me today. Thank you for that.

    Glad you got the tip-in. sorry no gift, cause time got to me. Too bad about the mural. It would have been majestic in its day, I'm sure.

    Now I'm hungry. Thanks for sharing with us for T this Tuesday.

  13. LOVE jambalaya. And it looks like a pretty spot. 99 is a great chain -- I wish we had them here but we usually eat there when we go to Marlborough. Never disappointed!

  14. Even with the not so clear photos I can see how delicious your jambalaya was and wow peanut butter stout sounds heavenly to me and the baked pasta dish looks amazing.
    Sorry about the mural.
    Big hugs,

  15. I'll take your word on the missing photo of the peanut butter stout, Erika. But I must ask, does it really taste like peanut butter? That sounds like a beer I might like!

    It's too bad about the destruction and aging of Wyland whaling walls. But that's part of the deal with murals and graffiti.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx


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