Friday, January 17, 2020

A New Journal Project

Hi everyone. 
It is almost the weekend here which is exciting as my work week has been very busy. The quarter at school is wrapping up with final exams next week so I've been trying to finish up the curriculum (to kids who are feeling the stress and are very cranky because everyone is trying to finish their curriculums.) But the good news is I was successful without causing too much pain (I think), and there is a 3 day weekend ahead. You would think with the holiday break just a few weeks ago this 3 day weekend would seem unneeded, but I am looking forward to some down time.
And yesterday we had more snow, and my morning drive  was horrible until I reached the coast and hit rain. But at home we had this.

And more snow is due this Saturday night. I am keeping my fingers crossed it isn't as much as the last forecast predicted.

Today I have a new journal cover to share with you and also over at Art Journal Journey. This month's hostess is Jo and her theme is Something New.
 I started with a blank kraft covered binder  and some blue paint. I spread it thick with lots of brush strokes so I would end up with some cool texture. 
Then I rubbed a brown ink pad over the blue to fill in the brush grooves. I doodled and painted the clouds, and added a bit of napkin to the bottom with matte medium. I die cut this cool southwestern sun from some copper colored paper, and used a bronze Sharpie marker to color in the sun.
 And then I added the letter stickers and a bit of paper tape at the bottom.

I wanted to make this journal cover as the hubby and I are heading out to visit our friends in New Mexico at the end of February when I have a week's break at school. I haven't been out there since 2017 so I must say I am pretty excited. It will be nice to see our friends and to get away from the snow (hopefully) for a few days.

Hope you have a great start to your weekend. 


  1. Love your journal cover, Erika. That blue is's not always easy to find good blues. You've managed to create lovely texture on this - brilliant.
    Hope you can find time to relax and that it doesn't snow as much as expected. Snow seems a million miles away at the moment, with our unseasonably mild weather. Just looking at it makes me shiver, brr!
    Cath x

  2. beautiful Journal! an imaginative design you succeeded.
    You have snow and we have it too warm for it.
    nice to visit friends again soon.
    greetings Elke

  3. Wonderful journal cover, and I'm looking forward to seeing all the exciting things you will be filling it with after your trip. You have lots of snow, good that a long weekend is coming up. The day started off here with a magnificent dawn and sunrise, but since then it's been pouring! Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  4. We got a dusting of snow on Thurs. morning. Nothing this morning. Fine by me. We seem to be on the line for 1 -2 inches and 2 - 4 inches of snow before it goes to rain. I hope it just rains.

    I love your Southwest themed journal. That will be a great trip. Do you need someone to help carry your luggage? I also can swear in 5 languages, 6 if you include Klingon. 😉

  5. I love your cover Erika, love the textures especially. we are having wintry weather today-a little bit of everything again-right now really cold and windy. Happy Friday Kathy

  6. Wow! Just look at that snow! We're getting rain, although it's sunny today.

    I love your journal cover. Your colors are wonderful, and I love the word choice for a journal cover. I know you'll enjoy your upcoming trip, and I look forward to seeing photos from New Mexico :)

  7. So exciting about your trip, I love New Mexico and have fond memories of Taos where we have stayed a number of times 😀. Your journal looks so beautiful and I loved the technique you used with the blue paint and brown ink, such a lovely worn and weather look. The sun images and wording captures your New Mexico travels adventures perfectly too. Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey with your new journal, I can't wait to see what you get up to and the pages this inspires 😉. Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  8. Its a great cover for your Journal Erika, the blue shade looks lovely, it will be a perfect book for the new trip adventure you have planned.
    Lovely snow photos but I don't wish for any to get here, it can stay away for as long as it can this year.
    Have a good weekend and I hope you get some time to relax.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Wow! Your journal cover is gorgeous Erika! I love the colours!
    Hope you have a good weekend and not too much snow.
    Alison xx

  10. You made me wonder.
    How must it be like at that end? I had friendly ones. Enthusiastic ones. Bored, mean, strict ones. The creative one. Friendly.
    Maybe some time you can descibe your point of view?
    Here it must be hard with all those kids who don´t speak German, have no manners - not all of them, but many.
    How do teachers handle this these days?
    They are so desperate about having no teachers they take "anyone" in some schools. Well, you have to have a profession, of course.

    My respect to you.
    Is it rewarding?
    Sorry, maybe a tad off topic...

    But life sure is an adventure!
    And yay for meeting friends (and getting away from snow! - Here everything starts blooming!).
    A nice day too you and hugs

  11. I love the cover of your new journal.
    We did not have any snow here this winter. I am a bit sad about it but most people are happy. That means I love the first photo on your page.

  12. What an amazing page... I adore the brush stroke texture intensified with the brown ink - it gives it such a cool weathered look. The coppery sun contrasts so beautifully with the background, and the rustic clouds look great. I can imagine you're looking forward to escaping the snow to find some warm sunshine in New Mexico - not long to wait now!
    Alison x

  13. Oh Wow! This is FABulous! I can imagine that you are looking forward to some warmth! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. I love when you do your travel journals. This looks like NMexico -- it will be a great vacation!


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