Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Hi there. 
I am back today with another couple of spreads from my Alice book.  You can get a good idea of the size of this book from my fingers at the bottom of the page.
I left off in book 2 with Alice rolling out of bed on a nice spring morning, The sun is shining and the birds are singing.
The words on the left say
She walked to the table to get her breakfast and
for some reason the table seemed
very very short.  And Alice seemed
very very tall.

And on the right

Then Alice heard a strange noise.
Alice walked away from the table
and went off to explore the noise.

And I'll leave you with that question-what is making that noise?

Happy mid-week.
And thanks for visiting.


  1. Wonderful, Erika. I love this, I really do...great to see your imagination at play and it certainly keeps us wondering what the noise is....
    It's a brilliant idea and must be so much fun!
    Cath x

  2. Beautifully done again! Can´t wait to find out who or what the noise makes!
    A great day to you, hugs, Iris

  3. Wonderful pages, and I love to see your Alice book, such a great idea. Hugs, Valerie

  4. What fun! What's the noise? I'm imagining... :)

  5. How tantalising... what can it be?! This reminds me I haven't yet had a chance to check out the first Alice book properly. I must get my tax return done before the deadline first, but I hope to be back to read more soon.
    Alison x

  6. Never let it be said you don't know how to do a cliffhanger! How long do we have to wait?!

  7. Fabulous! So pleased to see Alice and I can't wait to hear what happens next, such fun 😁. Your illustrations are wonderful and the story made me smile! Wishing you a happy midweek too! Hugs, Jo x

  8. Ooh, back with Alice - lovely!
    I love the way you are weaving a story around these pictures, or are you making pictures to illustrate your story? Whichever way it is I am thoroughly enjoying it. Keep them coming and keep us hanging on as long as you want for explanations as to what comes next. Erika you could have us fixated for years!
    Hugs, Neet xx
    (think it is a dormouse)

  9. I have no idea on what the noise will turn out to be, Erika, but am sure that Alice will reveal all in further pages and in your posts.

  10. Hmmm, what is that noise, what will she find !?

    All the best Jan

  11. Another fab installment, and great pages! xx

  12. Fabulous pages Erika, and its a super continuation of Alice's story,
    I wonder if she heard the noise of some bees buzzing around a honey pot on the table. Oh dear isn't imagination a wonderful thing.
    Yvonne xx

  13. How in the world did I miss this? I love it. It's definitely piqued my interest and look forward to more tales of Alice soon, dear.


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