Saturday, January 11, 2020

Something New from Something Old

Hi everyone.  The weekend has arrived, and  it is warming up here in New Hampshire, at least until early tomorrow. We even had overnight snow melt.  Here is my deck when I got home yesterday after work. It had a little snow cover from snow squalls that moved through Wednesday night. 
(And had lots of puppy paw prints.)
And now this morning.
Oh the small excitements of life.
So last weekend I cleaned off my work table a little. I had lots of bits and pieces to deal with so I gave them new life on this collaged journal page.
There are pieces of clothing tags, some stickers, an old photographed slide, some die cuts and bits of paper.  All of these were glued down onto some painted watercolor paper. Sorry about the glare on the top left corner. Taking photos at night doesn't always go so well.
And since it is something new, I am going to link up to Jo's what's new challenge at Art Journal Journey.
Not much yet written on my agenda for this weekend, but I have major cabin fever and the day is going to be springlike so something will be on that agenda, once I get around to figuring it out. (It sure felt good to sleep in this morning which is why I am off to such a late start to my day. Smile.)
Have a great weekend.


  1. We've got more rain and highs in the 60s. I love your pawprints in the snow photo. Sweet!

    "Embrace the weirdness" speaks to me :)

  2. Glad to hear that the snow has thawed and you are now enjoying some milder weather 😀. Your page is fabulous, I love how you collaged all those different pieces together so beautifully! I really like the way you added the pieces of candy cane string with the staples 😀. Thanks so much for playing along at Art Journal Journey again and wishing you a happy weekend! Enjoy whatever you decide to do! Hugs, Jo x

  3. Hi Erika, love your cheerful collage, great idea and wonderful colours. Love the pawprints! Hope your weather gets better. I've been out walking a lot and enjoyed it. Hugs, Valerie

  4. I love all the Summer things that jump off your page. Seahorse, bright colors, pineapple. Hope you are enjoying some warm weather today.

  5. Good afternoon, I love your page-awesome backgrounds. we are just now getting snow pretty out there -loved all the prints in the snow.
    Happy weekend Kathy

  6. A fabulous collage page Erika, I am really tempted to try something like this. Its a super way to use up these bits and pieces we cannot throw away in case they might be useful. Its a super page for Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Did you staple "butcher string" to this page, Erika? Oh wow - another "new" technique for me. This is a very cool page!

    You didn't mention the background, which is fabulous.

    Enjoy your warm-er weekend. Eileen xx

  8. Yes, it´s the small excitements in life :-)
    I love this journal page! It sure would find a place on a wall here! It´d so fit here (we have green, orange and red walls (certainly also white ones, we´re not totally nuts)).
    3C here only - which is good as we can store the soup we made stay cool on the balcony. Movie time soon.
    A nice day too you and hugs!

  9. Ah well, at least you haven't had to spend ages with the horrid grey slushy stage. I adore your page so full of fiery colours and energy, and those quirky playful images. A little weirdness is a wonderful thing!
    Alison x

  10. I'm wondering if you are (or will be) slammed like we are in the weather department. Lots of ice, although I've seen much worse and think we may have dodged a bullet. You know bad things might be in store when the weather channel is actually reporting from Lansing! Haven't been out yet so who knows how much ice is under there, but at least not a lot of snow. 40 tomorrow.

    Love the piece!

  11. What fun to create a jolly page with This and That.
    Weirdness is good and the small excitements are the best.

  12. I love your colourful page Erika! xx

  13. wonderful your cheerful collage!!! beautiful background!!!
    greetings Elke

  14. I LOVE this. It;s a great way to corral the faux flotsam and jetsam that grew from your artist table. This was wonderful. Thanks, too, for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey.


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