Monday, January 20, 2020

T Stands for Chocolate and Winter

Hi everyone.  It's been nice to have a 3 day weekend even though we had some snow and now the cold is back. Sunday morning when I went outside to clear around the bird feeders (and shovel a bit), I discovered  it was such a nice winter day that I took a little stroll around the driveway and the snowblown paths (that my husband had done), and I enjoyed a bit of time outside.
The sun felt so nice.

 You can see it wasn't a huge snowfall, but we still had to shovel.
My husband also cleaned snow off the roof so we wouldn't get any ice dams.
 I think this shovel is trying to tell me something.
And  a couple of views as I walked down the driveway.

The ones who love the snow the most is the dogs.

Sorry to bore you with dog photos. And to show you snow photos of nothing wildly new. But they lead me to T today.
OK, all that outside time and snow and you might want a treat.
So let me tell you about the baking that wasn't quite right.

So I made this sourdough coffee bread filled with chocolate and walnuts. And it was OK, but a little dry and overbaked.
We tried a bite, but none of us were too excited to eat it. It didn't taste bad, but it was kind of dry. Only it took some work to make it, and it seemed a waste not to eat it, so I thought about it a bit and came up with a new plan.
I decided to make bread pudding.
Bread pudding (if you don't know) is where you chop the bread into cubes and then make a mixture of egg yolks and milk which get poured over the bread cubes. And then the mixture gets baked.
I went for chocolate bread pudding so my liquid mixture contained both coco and melted chocolate.
May I offer you a bowl?

With whipped cream of course, and bottle of water to drink.
Now that was delicious.
Join us for T over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's. It's our Tuesday gathering where we share our drink related posts.
I hope everyone has a great  day.
And thanks so much for visiting my blog.


  1. Hi I really enjoyed all of the snow photos and the dogs too-you got more snow than we did today. awesome save on your dessert-great idea too making it into a chocolate bread pudding. Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. What first amazed me was the photo of your husband getting the snow off the roof. I've never seen that tool before and it certainly intrigued me. I loved the photos from your driveway. That old tractor is wonderful. WOW, I could wrap fabric around the rusty parts in summer and go to town!

    Too bad your coffee cake ring didn't turn out to your expectations. However, necessity is the mother of invention and I knew you would come through in the end. It sure looks delicious, too. I'll have mine with my coffee, please (grin). Thanks for sharing yours with your water, too.

    BTW, just have to say it! GO Chiefs!!!

  3. Looks like lovely weather, glad you and your furry friends were able to get outside after hubby had cleared the paths. Wonderful photos. Dogs always love snow. The bread looks good, but you really got me with bread pudding, yum! Thanks, a bowl with my coffee right now would be more than welcome! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. I´ve never heard of bread pudding - clever idea!
    Sure did make up for the snow, I hope :-)
    Poland Pring? Funny name for a water.
    A happy T-day to you!

  5. I'm loving your snowy photos and those of your dog's enjoying the 😉. I'd be happy to help clear the snow for you and loved walking with you too! Your bakes looks so yummy, a bowl of that pudding would go lovely with my cuppa right now 😀. Stay warm and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  6. Glad to see you didn't get too much snow- I was wondering. We got very little but gosh it got SO cold... my hubby takes snow off our porch roofs when we get a significant snow. Yes, the pups look content out in the snow:)
    Too bad about your bread- but what a great idea and save-yum! Happy T day!

  7. Beautiful snowy photos Erika! Looks like those lovely doggies are having a lot of fun.
    Alison xx

  8. You go outside in the freezing and the snow. I'll stay inside with a nice, warm bowl of bread pudding. And tea please. Happy T Day

  9. That looks like a huge snowfall to me! What a shame about your lovely bread, but great save. Happy T Tuesday

  10. Great snow pics! Loved seeing your dogs! Too bad about your bread - sourdough can do that to you, especially when you are looking forward to it! Well done on the rescue job! I know I shouldn't ...but I do so love a bread pudding! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  11. Thanks for stopping by for T-day this week.
    I enjoyed the snowy pictures right through my computer LOL!
    You made a silk purse out of a sow's to speak. The bread pudding looks delicious! I love a good bread pudding, but rarely have it.
    Happy T-day

  12. That's a nice bit of snow there. Our snow has already started to melt with all the mess that entails. I would hate to have to negotiate this sort of weather every morning to go to work though, like you have to.
    The dogs are very obviously enjoying themselves! What fun!
    Bread and butter pudding! Now that was a very good solution! The sourdough coffee cake sounds very yummy in itself (apart from the fact it was dry) so the b&b pudding must have been divine! Have you been able to figure out what you did wrong with the sourdough?
    Have a good week!
    Happy T-Day,

  13. Looks like you and I got about the same amount of snow, except yours stayed all snow, so you didn't get the crust on top from freezing rain, like I did. :-) Dogs have so much fun in the snow. And their feet (paw pads) are impervious to the cold, somehow. Sunday was actually pleasant, at 40 F, surprisingly, but then the arctic blast came in. Great idea to salvage your sourdough coffee bread by using it to make chocolate bread pudding. The end result looked delicious. Happy T-Day!

  14. The last photo with chocolate and whipping cream looks divine. You could never bore me with pics of your doggies...they love the snow. Speaking of snow, be thankful you don’t live in Newfoundland. Just check out pictures and you will see many doors that open up to just snow, many homes under snow never mind cars. There is a video of some nut but skateboarding down a Main Street. I am so happy I am not living there, I love snow but that is nuts

  15. I'd call that a good sized snowfall! That bread pudding looks like quite a treat!

  16. It was nice to see your snowy photos Erika - we've not had any yet.
    Your bread pudding sounds delicious - just what you need on a snowy day.
    Avril xx

  17. Loved seeing your snowy photographs …

    All the best Jan

  18. Happy belated T day, love all the snowy photos and of the dogs, I just love bread pudding, my Grandma always made it with lashings of custard, jsut the thing on a winters day.
    Jan x


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