Monday, January 13, 2020

T Stands for January Thaw

Hello everyone. Time to visit and share the weekly T drink post.
                  I'm joining everyone over at  Altered Book Lover blog for another Tuesday T day.                           
So this week I am going to share a beach walk on a Saturday that felt like spring.. This past Saturday the temperature reached a high of 66  (19 degrees C), and it was really gorgeous. It is January in New Hampshire which means it could be cold and snowy any time, and the way the weather changes around here that kind of  beautiful day doesn't come all that often. 

So my husband and I packed the dogs into the car and took a drive down to the seacoast and over the border into Maine. 
I've taken you here before but we are at York Beach in York, Maine.
The beach was crowded as I think lots of people had the same idea. It doesn't look crowded here but that's because we were down in the wet zone.
 And it was windy which created this cool ripple effect at the edge of the water.
 Unfortunately I didn't see the wave that came on on the left,  and it splashed right up over the bottom of my jeans and even into one of my boots.  Good thing my boots are warm and the air was too. But I did slosh along my walk, even though I emptied out my boot twice.

It felt good to get some sun and be outside for awhile. But a walk does make you thirsty.
And hungry too.
So we headed to our favorite local little hole in the wall restaurant. I've taken you here for breakfast and lunch many many times.
 I can offer you half of a tuna sandwich on rye as well as a few onion rings.

And for T a glass of diet pepsi.
Winter has returned in my world and the spring like weather is gone.  Sad face. But it is T Day and I wish you all a very happy one.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Oh what a lovely day of unusual warmth to spend by the sea-despite getting wet:)! Glad you were able to enjoy the weekend with yummy food too. Time to brace up for more cold.... happy T day!

  2. How wonderful to be warm enough for a walk on the beach-that is so awesome! I am sure your furry family members loved it too-Love your boots! Looks like a delicious lunch-Happy T wishes Kathy

  3. What a gorgeous foto of you two :-)
    Awww, the ocean, I miss it so much. The ripples are cool indeed.
    Hmmm, yum. Sad winter is back! But a happy T-day and hugs.

  4. Lovely photos, how wonderful to be able to visit the beach - in winter! Sorry about the boot full of water! And your food looks great! Thanks for sharing, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. look like it was a great beautiful day.

  6. What a wonderful day! We had a sunny Sunday this past weekend and I loved it. I am already longing for the next summer I can tell!

    Happy T-Day Erika!
    Big hugs

    Sorry for my lack of visits but I am not often online these days.

  7. My sincere apologies. As your host, I knew I had to show up for T, but it took everything I had to climb out of bed. I am running a fever of 101.8 F (38.8 C). I appreciate you sharing your drink with us this T Tuesday. Love the selfie and those blue boots. Yes, I got the dye recipe. More later.

  8. This winter has had so many days when it felt like spring, and what a fun outing you had to take advantage of it! I'd put up with a wet foot if I could do it on that beach lol I'll take you up on that tune, thanks :) Looks delicious! Happy T Tuesday!

  9. Doesn't the beach look stunning and how lovely to get spring-like weather this time of year too! Glad you enjoyed yourself despite that wet foot 😉 ... loving your boots by the way! Your meal looks delicious too I'll pass on the tuna but those onion rings look delicious - yum! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  10. It certainly was a gorgeous weekend. It must have been so nice along Long Sands. The ripple effect picture almost looks like lace. Very cool. What? You didn't go get lunch at the Goldenrod in York? Is it still there? Happy T Day

  11. What a beautiful day at the beach. The designs in the sand were awesome, glad you snapped a photo of it before the wave caught you.
    Your lunch would fit me perfectly......right down to the diet Pepsi!
    Happy T-day

  12. The lighting on the beach is beautiful. How lovely to be that warm. I am craving it, though I have no complaints on our winter which has so far been very light. We thought last year's would never end!

  13. It looks like a lovely day to walk on the beach, well as long as warm clothes
    and dry boots were being worn. I smiled at the thought of you sloshing along with a boot filled of water.
    Happt T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  14. What a fun day trip you two (and the dogs) got to enjoy on that lovely beach day we had. Great photos. And I love onion rings, so now I'm craving the meal you had. Happy T-Day!

  15. Sure you spent a lovely T-day Erika !! Be at the beach is amazing, always. Thanks, I´ll take some onions rings.
    Here the temperature is soft too these days, yesterday it was cold but not today. I wish you a very nice Thursday, and send biig hugs,

  16. The weekend weather was a bit wild as it was warm and very windy too here in Nashua. We didn't get to any of the beach areas, but I enjoyed seeing and reading about your outing, Erika. That hole in the wall place looks like someplace we would be interested in trying one day.

  17. OOh Erika, sorry, I think I left a message yesterday, but now, I´m not sure , sorry. Wish you spent a lovely T-day by the beach, with great temperature.
    Happy day and big hugss dear

  18. What were you thinking, getting your feet wet! Silly you! It made me smile. Actually your boots (we call them wellies) are really cool. I like them.
    I bet it was lovely to walk on the beach and get rid of the cobwebs as they say. We tried to do that when we were in Holland, as we were left a car to use. But is was rainy and foggy, extremely windy and cold the whole week we had the car, so we didn't go out.
    Yes I remember that 'hole in the wall' place from an earlier mention. No lobster roll? Or is that our of season now?
    Sorry for the late comment. We have been helping friends move house (They are now living within walking distance)
    Belated happy T-Day,

  19. What a wonderful walk on the beach - thank you so much for taking us with you! Wish I could have some of those delicious-looking onion rings too!
    Alison x

  20. Great photos! I love the food you chose! Hugs, Chrisx


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