Friday, February 7, 2020

A Few More Idioms

 Hello. I am back today with a few more pages in my Language of Hearts journal. The pages are simple so it doesn't take me very long to make them. I have just a few panels left to finish and then once I do my cover page,  my book will be done.

I am linking these up to Elizabeth's Hearts challenge at Art Journal Journey Here's a little view of how the journal actually looks.

It is another wintery morning here in New Hampshire. Yesterday we got a few inches of snow before it turned to ice and then rain. Today it is suppose to all turn back to snow at the end of the day. Winter weather is back, Mother Nature's way to remind us that winter is still here.
But it is Friday and only 2 more weeks until our winter week off. And my classes are looking good still! And nothing is better than burning a candle each evening that smells like my favorite  bloom-lilacs. Even if the outside weather is winter, my house smells like spring.
Happy start of your weekend.


  1. Love your pages, all very clever. Enjoy your snow. The water's still rising here! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow, you have been busy! I love all your takes on everyday puns and sayings! So creative and so fun.

    Snow sounds like fun - we just have hot, muggy, rainy weather here in Alabama. If we don't get some cold weather soon, the mosquitos may take over and evict us this summer.

    Love your pages!!!

  3. More amazing illustrations. It looks as if you've had loads of fun with's a wonderful idea.
    Cath x

  4. There were so many clever art creations to go along with these idioms. You really did a wonderful job with this journal and while I have not commented on all the recent posts, I have read and enjoyed them. Yes, winter has returned to NH this week but as you said it is still very much winter.

  5. More fun sayings. Did you get a snow day or a delay? Schools were delayed yesterday here though Worcester got the day off. I wouldn't have liked trying to negotiate Belmont Hill on the ice!

  6. More fantastic pages for the AJJ theme Erika. I love the teapot and pouring out the heart. Its the sort of thing we would do , put the kettle on , make a brew and tell the troubles to friends or family. Great inspiration for the AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I love ALL of these! SO PRETTY and lots of fun!

  8. Down here "Bless your heart" has a whole 'nother meaning ;)

    We got a bit of snow last night, which is always a major cause of excitement here :)

  9. Fun and creative book journaling pages. Thanks for a smile, Erika ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Enjoy the weekend ❤️

  10. Love all of your pages-great ideas you had for creating them-be safe in the snow ours is now beginning to melt-happy weekend too hugs Kathy

  11. Simply fabulous Erika :)

    Your winter week off, sounds like our UK half term week off which starts for most on the 17th February...

    Stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan

  12. Fabulous pages! Snow forecast here over the weekend! Enjoy yours...weekend that is!Chrisx

  13. You have created some fun, fun, fun entries. I should try to do something like that, too. You are so clever and your drawings are fabulous. Thanks beyond belief for sharing more of these fun idioms with us at Art Journal Journey using my theme.

  14. The " pour out my heart" is my favourite here!!
    Gorgeous pages!

    Happy weekend Erika!

  15. Oh, wow - I love a bit of wordplay (as you probably realise!) so these definitely put a smile on my face today. I love your visual representations of the idioms and phrases - so clever!
    Alison x

  16. Such wonderful pages! They really made me smile, I love the different designs and how you interpreted the words that you used - perfect ๐Ÿ˜. Sorry I'm so late visiting, our yearly beer festival is in full swing at the moment, cheers ๐Ÿ˜‰. I hope you've had a lovely week and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  17. Lovely assortment of heart artwork.

    Around 4pm yesterday, an unforecast snow squall came through where I am in CT. We had howling winds before, during, and after that. And today it's bitterly cold. :-(

  18. These are all wonderful Erika! Love them! xx


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