Thursday, February 20, 2020

A New Tag

Hi everyone. It is Thursday already.  This week is flying by; which is a little surprising since vacation is next week. Usually that means the week slows down and it takes forever to get to Friday. No complaints from me though. (smile)
I have another tag to share for Valerie's challenge at Tag Tuesday. Her theme is SPRING!
We had more snow this week , and I can't tell you how needed spring is here in New Hampshire.
What is more exciting about spring than all the birds singing, bees buzzing and flowers blooming.
The background color is actually light blue but for some reason the photo makes it look grey.
The grey is not as happy as the blue.
I decorated the stamped tree with some little mini colorful beads. 
I sure miss the colors of spring.

Hope you have some spring in your world.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Gorgeous tag. Actually it's my challenge, but thanks for making it anyway! Hope time goes quickly so your vacation can start! Hugs, Valerie

  2. This is a wonderful tag --- I love it!
    Time flies and you will be very soo on vacation !

    Big hugs, Susi

  3. We haven't had as much snow as you, but it feels like we're waiting for the shoe to drop. Last year, we had a good sized snowstorm every week in March. You made a lovely tag, and I love the sparkle of the bead flowers. I hope Spring is just around the corner soon.

  4. This is amazing. I wouldn't have the patience needed to place all those tiny beads everywhere. Yu have nailed Valerie's Spring theme, too. It's fabulous and jaw dropping. I hope spring arrives for you soon, too. It turned incredibly cold here last night with snow again. Just a trace, so not enough to shovel, at least. I sure like that quote.

  5. I like your tag a lot, it's so Spring-like and there is a lot going on.
    It's good to see the bees buzzing, even if it is still just on your pretty tag. No Spring here yet and we've got rain, hail and gales promised later on.
    It's good weather for making art.

  6. I love those bees, and the tiny beads are wonderful as spring blossoms :)

  7. You SURE top my DAD very BIG!
    He´d be all smiles (it was 10 and 5 minutes!).

  8. Actually, winter here in NH has been rather mild and this week’s snow was more of a rain event for us. Still, an early spring would be welcomed.

  9. You tag fits spring perfectly! Vacation will be here before you know it! How fun. (Is this your last vacation before the permanent one?!)

  10. A pretty tag Erika, just wishing Spring was here.
    Avril xx

  11. Lovely tag! Have a good weekend Erika.
    Alison xx

  12. Wow, just look at all those tiny beads on your tree, it's gorgeous.
    A fabulous Tag for our Spring theme over at Tag Tuesday x

  13. This is F A B U L O U S :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Stunning tag! I love how you added the beads and shimmer - amazing 😁. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  15. My first glance at your tag pleased the eye. It is so pretty and reminiscent of Spring with the tree and the little birds and bees Then on closer examination I noticed the beads on the tree - what a truly inspired way of decorating your tag. It looks absolutely beautiful on here and I imagine in real life it is spectacular. Wow, beautiful. And words by The Bard himself!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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