Tuesday, February 25, 2020

T stands for an experiment

Happy T day everyone.  I am away in New Mexico with the hubby. We are in Santa Fe this morning and will be on our way up to our friends who live in Taos later today. So I am experimenting to see if I can writ this post from my phone. (I have my laptop but I am too lazy to go dig it out)

Yesterday we visited Bandelier National Monument and went for a long walk around the ruins.  We came to this climb to a sacred kiva ruin up these ladders, 140 feet up.  I HATE heights but I managed it.  Even though my legs were shaking.  
You can see we needed winter jackets as it was chilly and windy.  

Bandelier is near Los Alamos where they created the atomic bomb back in the 1940s. Not a good thing but it was done.  So after our hike we went and had a beer with lunch which is my T picture and went to visit the science museum which was great.  As it was not just about the bomb.  I will show more photos another day
So I am linking up to Elizabeth’s T day post. Not quite sure if this part will work
And pardon any typos as I can’t read the whole post while working on my phone. 
Happy t day


  1. Moose Drool!!! :-) Hmmm. I don´t know, LOL. YES, I´d be in!
    Yes, that bomb. My current read is on Hiroshima. I look forward to more pics - of yours!

    "Funny" btw, the Toast Hawaii see here has a similar story.
    (It´s the German link this time, google translate does a good job).

    After WW II Germans longed for freedom, sun, Hawaii and they somehow assumed a pineapple is THE fruit there. Hence a TV-cook, as no one could afford to go to Hawaii, invented this toast.

    A bit of "fake freedom".

  2. Oh my, you were brave going up there in spite of being afraid of heights, well done you! That's definitely something to remember, it all looks so fascinating. Is that beer called moose drool? Too funny! Enjoy your trip, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Hi Erika ☺
    What an amazing place you are visiting. Cool photos and nice lazy feel after climbing.
    Take care and come back in one piece - actually in two, I mean 😆

  4. What a start to your trip! I'm not sure I would have been brave enough to climb up to the kiva. Hubby looks quite pleased with himself. The Moose Drool beer made me laugh. What a fun name! I'll look forward to seeing more of the Manhattan Project Museum and your trip. Have fun, safe travels. Happy T Day

  5. I've never tried posting from my phone, but it looks like it worked great for you. Your trip looks exciting! Such interesting sights. I look forward to more photos :)

  6. Hi enjoy your vacation! Wow now that is a climb to be proud of completing-congrats to you both. Happy T hugs Kathy

  7. Oh and I love those glasses I would buy one if they sold them there

  8. Your post worked, Erika, and kudos to you for being able to post from your phone which is something I cannot master. Yikes on that ladder climb and glad you both made it to the top safely. The Moose Drool was definitely a good reward. ENjoy the rest of your travels.

  9. Oh wow, Erika. My legs started trembling when I saw those photos. You are one brave person. Thanks for taking us with you and thanks for scaring the *** out of me (grin). Looks like your husband was having fun.

    I really look forward to the science museum. I've seen so much about Los Alamos in films, but would love to visit this museum. Hope you took hundreds of shots.

    MOOSE DROOL. That didn't just make me smile, it made me laugh. In fact, I laughed so hard, I dropped my keyboard on the floor. Thanks for sharing this leg of the trip and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  10. I love New Mexico and aren't the dwellings amazing! Glad you had such a great time and I really really would like one of those beers ...lol 😉. Enjoy your travels and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  11. Wonderful photos Erika, I hope you are both enjoying a wonderful trip away.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Well, I am impressed! I have problems uploading from my iPad Mini but from your phone is absolutely brilliant. It worked and is so good.
    Thanks for the trip - New Mexico was always on my agenda when we visited the States but we never got around to it. Now I look forward to sharing your trip with you. Enjoy your time away.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. Well done on the climb. You are a far better woman than I! Keep having fun!

  14. Great photos Erika! I'm with you on the ladder climbing, well done you! Hope you have a lovely week.
    Alison xx

  15. Super photographs … the climb would not have been for me though!

    All the best Jan


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