Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Language of Hearts

Hi everyone.
So the other day I was thinking about page ideas for Elizabeth's HEARTS challenge at Art Journal Journey. That's when I was struck by how many phrases contain the word heart in the English language. It may be true for other languages but I will admit (much to my sadness) that the only one I really speak with any fluency is English. 
So I decided to make an accordion journal with some simple pages for some of these phrases. Today I am sharing a few  from my journal.

 I sure hope that magnifying glass helps him find his heart.
 We had a bag of chocolate money left over from the holidays. I thought  they would work here perfectly. And I got to have a couple of bites of chocolate too. That is always a bonus.
For these 2 little ladies I drew the chair in and gave them each their own personal heart.
I had thought about leaving the idioms off the pages, but then I decided that since not everyone knows English very well it would be better to include them.

How about one more for this post.?

More another day.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Great ideas! Lots of the hearty sayings are more or less the same in German and probably in other languages! And good for you getting some bonus chocolate! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Fun interpretations of common (English) phrases. I like Heart of Gold the best and wouldn't refuse a taste of chocolate 😺 We're supposed to get a sleety mix, sounds like you will be getting mostly snow. I hope it all turns to rain. Stay safe, warm, and dry

  3. Very clever, Erika. I love your puns and the idioms. Isn't there some contest that does that? I wish I could remember, but you should enter!

  4. Good morning, this are so awesome! I really love them and they had me smiling hugs Kathy

  5. I love your hearty pages -- fun and clever!
    Your ideas always amaze me! Great idea to draw the chair!!!

    Big hugs,

  6. I'd never thought of how many common phrases use the word "heart". My heart goes out to the sad, broken-hearted man :(

  7. Oh Erika, this is SO clever. I never thought of trying to find specific quotes or sentiments using hearts, but you have done it SO well. I'm super impressed and really LOVE all these hearts you have made. I also love that you drew things on the pages other than hearts, too. THank you beyond belief for sharing these with us using my theme at Art Journal Journey. Great take on the theme, too.

  8. What a fun idea Erika! I love all of your heart themed pages, the heart of gold is beautiful, great way to re-purpose the candy wrappers!!
    Hugs, Tammy

  9. All of these are super fun. The broken hearts one is my favorite, but the candy wrappers are so unique, the magnifying glass is very creative and your handdrawn chair is fab. Fun, fun, fun creations!

  10. Most are the same in German, as Valerie said. Oh, you have some sad ones here. The heart of gold is beautiful, there are even Euros in there, which surprises me.
    A nice day to you, hugs.

  11. Oh Erika this is such a lovely idea and a beautiful booklet . The sentiments you added , we use many times but with the detail in the pages they stand out and make you think of the true meanings.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Great pieces of heart art Erika! xx

  13. Great idea and brilliant illustrations, Erika. I love htis.
    Cath x

  14. I do like your hearty pages and sentiments … very good :)

    All the best Jan

  15. Found the others - great! Another fabulous batch of visual puns to bring the words to life - genius!
    Alison x


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