Thursday, March 12, 2020

Another View from my Latest Art Project

Hi everyone. Hope your week is going well.
We've had some big news with the Covid-19 since last night. The NBA has cancelled its season, and Trump banned travel to Europe (except Ireland and the UK)  for 30 days. Lots of colleges and universities around here are going to go to online learning only after spring break for them next week. That's just a taste. The news has a huge list. We've been told at work to be prepared to assign work online if needed. Let's see what today brings for changes. 
Today I have another page from my 1957 Ireland Travel journal. If you haven't been by lately, this project is a large board book that I collaged with vintage looking papers.  I gave it the theme of a 1950's travel journal.
I picked Ireland because Eileen picked GREEN as the challenge topic over at Art Journal Journey.  And Ireland is such a green country. I was lucky enough to visit there once several years ago and it is a beautiful place. And with St. Patrick's Day coming up next week, it seemed a no brainer of a topic.
I used an old book page as well as various tapes to make my background. Then I added some copies of 2 vintage photos as well as a TH found relative. A few other bits and pieces finished off my page.
That's all for me. It is off to work I go today.
Thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Yes, the virus is affecting us all. Here, too, games have been postponed, concerts cancelled etc and this is just the beginning, hard times are coming. Love your Ireland travel journal, great idea. Have a nice day, stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

  2. This art piece is gorgeous.

    Here in Connecticut, several Universities and Colleges already went to no in person classes / all online classes in the past week. Today, several public schools are closed for the "unforeseeable" future, due to possible contact with people who tested positive for covid-19 / coronavirus.

  3. I hope all you teachers and students have internet access at home and the ability to complete work that way. I'm sure it's hard for administrators and local/state government officials to know what to do :( I hope it doesn't spread in your community :(

  4. Once again, I'm in total awe of your incredible new travel journal. The way you used the papers you bought in conjunction with those you had, show what a gifted artist you truly are, dear friend. I really LOVE the composition. Great, great choice for Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

    It was smart of the NBA to do this. I think it put pressure on the NHL, who will decide today if they suspend their season or not. Online classes might be a blessing for you. You would be home, safe and it would give you a chance to spend more time in your craft room.

    I've become very concerned. My friend Joseph, who lives in CA, told me to disinfect any and everything coming into my house, like my mail. He said to disinfect my mailbox, too. I had several outings planned in April that I may cancel. No sense tempting fate. PLEASE be careful.

  5. I'm honored that you were inspired to create your Ireland Travel Journal by my green theme challenge at AJJ, Erika. I love every page so far. Of course, St. Patrick's Day was in my mind when I chose green for March, but I never expected something as fabulous as this journal. Thank you for sharing it all at AJJ.

    I hope the scientists are correct that the virus will die off as the weather warms. In the meantime, think spring and stay safe. Eileen xx


  6. Wonderful Journal page, again so nostalgic and watch the memories of Ireland!
    I wish you all the luck that you get through the virus well,
    hugs, Elke

  7. Hi Erika, isn't Aunt V(?) stunning, the green theme really does open up the option to include those St. Patrick day celebrations, what a super page. I have visited Ireland many times, a beautiful part of the world and kind natured people.
    Worrying times for us all with the rapid spread of Co-Vid 19 we all fear it's only the tip of the iceberg we have seen. Take good care of yourself & the family. Hugs Tracey xx

  8. Wonderful work.
    Oh, it is scary. I think I´m handling that darn virus in a way too naive.
    With that we do need luck - and science.
    As said, great and clever work. Hugs from here.

  9. It's a stunning page Erika!
    It's good to see governments taking measures to tackle this crisis. Worried about my elderly parents, and I'm on immunosuppressants, so taking precautions myself.
    Keep safe and well,
    Alison xx

  10. What a wonderful page - I love the powerful women, full of character, and that beautiful leafy stem over the book text is magical. Yup, Covid-19 is starting to impact more strongly here too - we'll just have to see where it all goes.
    Alison x

  11. Everything is changing here on a daily basis due to the virus too 😁. It's good that you can allocate work and give online classes to your students. Your page is beautiful and I'm loving the cottage image it looks so pretty! Happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  12. Beautiful page. The cottage reminds me of White o'Morn from the "Quiet Man". Lots of changes for sure. Himself's college will extend Spring break another week so he will have two weeks off starting this weekend. Then all classed will be taught online. As he teaches chemistry, not sure how that will work out for the lab classes. Stay safe and be well.

  13. Another fantastic page in your Irish travel journal and a super page to inspire us for Eileen's Art Journal Journey theme.
    There are so many news programs here and government meetings about the virus as well.
    No where will be safe to travel to soon and all the precautions we can take has to be for the good of all people in our countries.
    Stay safe Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  14. What a gorgeous travel journal page! I love all of the elements especially the ticket tape down the side. Beautiful photos too, what an awesome looking cottage. Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.
    Tammy x

  15. I love the images you are using in your Ireland journal. Rick never made it to Marlboro -- they canceled his trade show while he was on the way. Are you schools still open? Ours are closed.


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