Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Getting Back Into the Groove

Hi everyone. It is a windy Wednesday here in New Hampshire, but hopefully that will dry up the mud. We've been having some mild weather, and I just hope Mother Nature isn't just teasing us about spring but will really bring us spring. The weather sure has been nice though.
So I feel like it has taken me a few days to get back into the groove of things after being away last week. That may be more exhausting than getting up and going to work. Smile. But finally I feel like I am getting back into the routine. Not sure why this time seems so much more difficult than other times I have taken off for a few days, but it is what it is as they say.
I'm home today because I scheduled my hives shot in the late morning. I did it on purpose because it is my birthday today and I figured what the heck, life is short, and I might as well enjoy the day. And I scheduled the shot just before lunch so I think I will be meeting the hubby for lunch, which is a fun thing to do any day. (But especially fun on a day you take off from work.)
So I have another page for Eileen's green challenge at Art Journal Journey to share with you today.
I think after cold, grey, snowy, wet and just long winter this is me celebrating a nice day. Or maybe the hopes of lots of nice days to come. 
I began with a Gelli print background, some leftover brown kraft paper, some stamped and colored flowers, some doodled stems, some sticker letters and this lady I found in an old Flow magazine. Plus a little happy sun
That's it for me today. Thanks for visiting, and hope your day is going well.


  1. A happy page full of joy and summer feeling.
    Welcome back Erika!
    Hugs xx

  2. Happy Birthday, dear Erika, have a wonderful day, in spite of having to get your hives shot. Things like that are always nasty! Your page is so springlike and happy, love the girl springing through the flowers. Enjoy your free day! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Such a cheerful page has me smiling :) There'll be more nice days to come, and I'm enjoying this foretaste in your page today :)

  4. Good morning, I love your page-very happy and enthusiastic

  5. I'd say you are working your way back beautifully, dear. I love this happy go lucky spread. Looks like we are on the same wavelength (grin). Thanks for another contribution to Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey.


  6. Happy birthday, Erika! A perfect day to play hooky and just have fun. Love your happy go lucky green page!

    Thank you for joining us at Art Journal Journey with this fun green page. Eileen xx

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Erika!!
    Wishing you all the best for this new year in your life!! You will retire soon, so don't care too much about all this things, they will be over faster as you can think.... hope you had a nice lunch with hubby on this celebration day!!
    The page goes straight to my longing for spring and summer already!An amazing Mixed Media composition!

    Big hugs, Susi

  8. Another page to give me Spring fever. Happy Birthday! ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿ’I hope you enjoyed your special day.

  9. Lovely, energetic journal page. This looks fantastic. It was windy here today in Connecticut, too. I'm hoping Mother Nature isn't teasing us, and is letting us coast into Spring with no more snow. (Fingers crossed.) It's nice that you get to meet your husband for lunch on your day off. Hopefully the side affects from the shot(s) are mild / nonexistent.

  10. Happy Birthday, dear Erika,
    lots of health and creativity in the new year of life you have conjured up a wonderful spring on your page!!!
    Fantastic, hugs Elke

  11. Hope you had a lovely Birthday even though you had to go for a shot a meal out with your husband must have been something to look forward to.
    You journal page looks fantastic, full of of joy and happiness, she does look like she is having a great day. A wonderful page of inspiration for Eileen's AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Hope your birthday was wonderful! What a great page - love the leaping girl and how free she looks. Just like you on a day off and a birthday with some fun plans. Perfect!

  13. Erika, this is soooo beautiful!!! Thank you, I´d like to jump for joy seeing this (sadly cold and grey here, so thank you even more for sharing this!!)

  14. First of all a Belated Bunch of Birthday Wishes for you. How lovely that you managed to get time off on a special day and had lunch with the hubby. You must be a Pisces like me.
    What a jolly fun page you have given us today. Full of the promise of spring with the flowers bursting their way through to brighten our lives. Just wish I could still skip through the meadows like your lady. I like the Gelli print at the top and all those lovely flowers with the brown Kraft paper representing the barren earth of winter being left behind now that the spring flowers are arriving.
    Big Hugs for your birthday
    Neet xxxxxx

  15. Big happy birthday! Looks as though you are leaping for joy in your art today. Always good to celebrate the big day. Maybe it's the time zone getting to you -- are they two or three hours off us?

  16. Belated birthday greetings (strange choice to have a shot on your birthday, but it takes all sorts, I guess!).

    I've also been absent and having trouble getting back in the swing of things, but this page has put a big smile on my face and some energy into my day - it's so full of the joys of spring. Fabulous!
    Alison x

  17. Beautiful page! It speaks springtime to me and I'm glad that you celebrated your birthday with your hubby, not sure about getting your hive shot though ... lol ๐Ÿ˜‰. We've had sunny days here too which is so welcome after the storms we've been having. Happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  18. Happy ๐ŸŽ‚ Erika ๐ŸŽˆ, a day late and hope that you had a great lunch with your husband. Do remember to celebrate your special day the whole year! Getting back from any trip does take awhile as we well know. There's the unpacking, grocery shopping, laundry, etc...but all gets done in time to start thinking about the next adventure. Yes, the weather has been looking spring-like here in NH and I'm ready to pack away winter gear too.

  19. This is one of my favourites of all your paintings, if not THE favourite.
    I love all the greens and pinks and flowers and patterned strips and the happy energy of the girl. There is something really special about it.
    Hope you had a great birthday on Wednesday and have a great year ahead.

  20. What a so so happy Art page Erika !! I love the background, the colours you have choosen, and the happy girl jumping over the flowers!! Great !
    I wish you a very nice weekend, and send big hugsss


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