Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Midweek Art for You

Happy Wednesday everyone. More and more things are shutting down here in my part of the world. I am now working from home and so is my husband. This is the first day we will share the dining table with our work and computers, so let's see how that goes. 
The only hard thing about this working at home is I know there is a fun play space and lots of toys just a few steps away. Let's see how long I can keep my willpower and actually work. Ha-ha.
For Tag Tuesday this week I have this Frida Kahlo tag for their Women/Mother's Day/Feminine challenge. I missed the last challenge because I got sick, but I did manage yesterday some time to make a tag for this latest challenge.
I had this Frida stamp in with my southwestern stamps, and I discovered her when I was looking for another stamp. I really like how she blends into my bright background.
And I have another page from my vintage 1957 Irish travel journal to share with you. I know St. Patrick''s Day has come and gone but the green is perfect for Eileen's challenge at Art Journal Journey . Plus green is a good color for any day. 
And we're suppose to get a little bit of snow tomorrow (let's hope they weather people are wrong), and there is no green here yet, so I am going for it.

Wash your hands, stay 6 feet away from others, and stay healthy my friends.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Glad you are making the best of the stay home time. Love your journal page, and the beautiful Frida tag has made me very happy! Thanks so much for joining us again at Tag Tuesday. Stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  2. Stay healthy as well dear Erika!
    I love the fabulous Frida tag and the greenblue page and your lovely wishes on the page make my heart sing!
    Big hugs, Susi

  3. The green means spring, a nice peaceful thought. Do not think snow! Lol!

  4. Hi Erika!
    Your Frida is wonderful, just stunning.
    Our borders are closed as well as schools. Old people 70 and over, me too, are now in home quaratene as we are a risk group. So not fun but outdoor exercises can be done. So I made my nordic walk today.

    Take care, best wishes 👍😘 hugs!

  5. Its a fabulous tag and journal page Erika. It must be so tempting now that you are working from home and can reach for your crafty goodies.
    It is a great image of Frida, the background is a lovely colour.
    The Irish journal page looks awesome, you used great images on the background.
    Take care of yourselves and I hope you don't get to much snow.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Erika, we are doing the same here in Nashua, NH, self-isolating that is - not any of that work stuff thanks to being retired 😉 Glad to know you are both staying safe as well. In between work, playtime is always a good thing, my friend! And so is getting outdoors for a walk.

  7. The Frida stamp is terrific against that deep red background, Erika - very Latina. Great tag.

    Thank you for sharing your Irish page with us at Art Journal Journey. No matter that St. Pat's day has come and gone. Some peope are Irish all year long (wink) and Ireland is always The Emerald Isle.

    Eileen xx

  8. What a lovely new banner! And I like both art pieces today.

    Hope sharing the table works for you both! Keep us posted.

  9. Terrific pieces ~ stay well and keep crafting & working

  10. Nice art. The colors are so individually well-suited for the pieces :) Working at home is hard if you're not used to it. Here's hoping it won't last long enough for you to _get_ used to it :)

  11. What a fabulous image on your tag Erika and I love the rick-rack trim. Beautiful page too, love the background!
    Tammy x

  12. These are wonderful! the last one is my favorite-thanks I did hook up with AJJ happy weekend Kathy

  13. Our schools are due to close on Friday, but how on earth you will all teach like this I have no idea. Just glad I am now retired, or would I have liked the challenge back then? Notice you say you could have snow, well, at least you will be safe from slippery road travel with you both being at home. I used to hate driving in the snow and ice. Hope you get to do some walking whilst you are both at home, maybe in your lunch break and then you can eat whilst working.
    Love your red Frida, such a powerful red for such a powerful woman - great work.
    Another lovely Irish themed page for your journal too, what a lot of tiny stamps you have used to build up that background - I do like the two figures dancing side by side - looks like kan Irish Jig!
    Stay well and free dear Erika
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. Frida, looks fabulous on the vibrant background colour of your tag and the black rick rack makes a great embellishment. Love the focal piece of your St. Patrick's day page, it's a lovely Irish Blessing from that pretty paid.
    Stay safe and well, and if you're tempted to wander a few steps, enjoy!
    Avril xx

  15. Glad you were well enough to join us this time Erika, with your AMAZING tag! Wow that really catches the eye and so perfect for our theme this time. Your journal page is amazing and being an Irish woman it's certainly right up my street! Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday. Stay safe!!

  16. I love your Frida tag Erika, and your page is beautiful!
    Alison xx

  17. You have made Frida look so wonderful, dear. It's a great tag. I also love, love, love the latest journal page. It's wonderful and just perfect for your Irish art journal. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey. Your contributions this month have put mine to SHAME. You go, girl.


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