Saturday, March 28, 2020

Signs of Spring

Hi everyone. I hope you are having a nice weekend so far.
My adventures today included a walk where I twisted my ankle on a rock in the road and then, since I was walking the dogs, couldn't catch myself as they were moving forward and pulling me forward also. So down I went onto the road, and now my knees are sore from the landing. And my ankle is slightly swollen and a little tender. 
But at least I can say the dogs came over full of concern as to why I was laying in the road and had to slobber me in dog kisses. And even though I didn't continue further down the road, I did manage to walk home.
And being as stubborn as I am, when I got home, I decided to rake a little bit so I could see if any plants were coming up, and low and behold, some were.

 Even my rhubarb is popping up.
I love this.
And last evening after spending our day on computers,  the hubby and I took a little drive to check out how the ice was on a few of the lakes nears us. Every place we went was empty so I hopped out and take a photo on my phone, and then got back in his truck. It was nice to take a little scenic drive for an hour.
The one closest to us had had ice out. It's pretty early when it happens in March.

The one my mother-in-law's house is on wasn't quite there yet.

But there were lots of openings in the ice so I don't think it will be too many days.
And finally we stopped at the Big Lake, and the bay by us was rather open too. Not 100% as there were still some ice floats s you can see in this bottom photo.
Usually ice out happens sometime in April. Since this is only one bay on the whole lake, it will be interesting to see when this happens this year.
So I have 2 pieces of art to show you today. First I have another tag for the Bunnies and Butterflys challenge at Tag Tuesday.
I was playing with a new set of people stamps by Studio LIght-Art by Marlene.
And then I also have another journal page for Eileen's green challenge at Art Journal Journey.

I actually made this page back in January for an earlier Art Journal Journey challenge but never showed it to you. I started by adding this alphabet page onto the watercolor background paper. The alphabet was colored but the background was white, so I inked the whole page once it was dry and I think it blended together pretty well. Then I added this stamped, colored and fuzzy cut rag doll man.
One reason I never shared it as I thought it might need something more, but then I decided it was what it was, so here you go. 
That's enough from me today. Hope you are staying sane in this trying times, and staying healthy too.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. So sorry you fell and hurt yourself, the dogs must have been very concerned. Hope the injuries go away soon. Glad you still got some gardening time int, it's always good to see the first green poking out. Great trip to the lake, I've never seen a frozen lake before. Love the gorgeous tag and journal page, too. And thanks for joining us again at Tag Tuesday, much appreciated. Hugs, Valerie

  2. So great to see the plants emerging. I'm delighted that lots of the vegetable seeds we planted in tiny seed pots in the kitchen are already unfurling into little seedlings only a couple of days later. It's such an uplifting sight, isn't it. Wonderful to see the lakes emerging from the winter ice too - glad you were able to take a little tour.

    The tag is really sweet - lovely polka dot dress for the girl - and the green page is such fun - he certainly looks happy enough and at peace with the world, outdoors in all that greenery.
    Alison x

  3. Erika, thanks for sharing all those water pictures. It says so hot in Alabama, we would never see ice at all on our water - super cool to see it o yours. I have never seen a rhubarb plant - what a delight. Hope you mend up fast from your fall.

    Your alphabet page is super fun and works well for the green theme. The tag is so cute - that girl is very interesting. I will have to check those new images out.

    Stay safe and well.

  4. Oh o! I had that happen to me, pulled by my dog on the ground. I wasn’t badly hurt, but it was upsetting. The kicker is my dog was reacting by trying to run after another dog not even half his size! Growing things can give us hope.

  5. I love your tag and page Erika, and great to see the lakes are starting to thaw. We've had a little rhubarb already.
    Hope your ankle is ok,
    Alison xx

  6. New Life - Clear Waters - Happy Thoughts = Brilliant Post

    Much Appreciated,

  7. Hope your knees and the ankle doesn't hurt any longer Erika!
    Great photos, thanks for sharing, ... spring needs longer this year to arrive. We had sun and winds and on Saturday I was able to take a full body sun bath on the porch and enjoyed it so much..nearly two hours .. I am already sunkissed now, but for this night winter will come back with even snow...

    The tag is pretty , a lovely girl, I like her thin!
    And the green Alphabeth page is lovely as well! He fits perfecly as the main image!!!

    Susi xxx

  8. I'm so sorry about your fall but am glad you got home OK. It's wonderful to see all the signs of springtime coming :)

    I hope y'all stay healthy!

  9. Oh, I hope your ankle is better, or that the pupper kisses made it better. It's so odd to see signs of Spring two months ahead of schedule. The sentiment on the tag is good advice and I love the alphabet page. Take care.

  10. thanks for sharing these signs of spring. I love your butterflies, thank you for linking to tag Tuesday! xo

  11. Oh Erika, I am SO sorry to read about your fall. Sometimes the pain is worse a day later. I hope all is well when you wake up today.

    You DO have spring. Not spring like some places, but spring none-the-less.

    I am so unmotivated. You get out and go places and I'm afraid to. I am not about to leave my property until this thing is over. You are braver than I. Love the photos you took. The water looked really, really cold, though.

    You seem to be very motivated because you have both a tag and a journal page. I can't seem to stay that far ahead. Thanks for making another journal page for Eileen's theme at AJJ. You have put me to shame! I really like the alpha letters.

  12. Oh bingo, what a start! and weee, you ARE stubborn! :-) I know that feeling (HA, not with me, I can take it! Ran around with a broken foot for half a day).
    Ice, oh, beautiful, but yikes. Nothing like that this winter.
    Oh, that girl looks a tad sad. But the alphabet man is cute. Let´s stay sane and safe.

  13. I hope by now your ankle is much improved, iced and the swelling has gone done. You are an intrepid raker, though! The drive sounds so nice -- I'd love to get out for one. And seeing that open water is a sure sign of spring!

  14. Very cool and gorgeous creations!! Love them! Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday this time.

  15. I did enjoy seeing your photographs, a very nice collection.

    All the best Jan

  16. It is good to see signs of spring in the garden and on our walks. I hope you didn't hurt yourself badly when you fell, I can picture the dogs being concerned.
    Its a fantastic journal page foe Eileen's AJJ theme, you reminded me that I have those stamps somewhere in my crafty room upstairs.
    Stay safe ans well Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Great tag and page, Erika. Thank you for yet another entry to my green theme at AJJ.

    I never heard the term "ice out" but the meaning is clear from your pictures. I'm glad you were able to venture out a bit without risk. I plan to go out for essentials early tomorrow. Why does that thought make me feel anxious? The times we live in. Stay safe and well. Eileen xx

  18. Yes ~ you should've iced your foot instead of raked, but look what you found! how wonderful the sign of new growth. Beautiful lake shots, nice that you got out for a drive around on a sunshine day ~ your creations are fun and yes we need to think happy thoughts! ~Blessings


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