Monday, March 30, 2020

T Stands for a Peek into a Day During the Virus Pandemic

Hi everyone. Life is slow and quiet for me as it is for most of you. Working from home is keeping me busy , maybe too busy. I mostly like working from home, but I also prefer the separation of work and home.
My hubby and I have to share the table as we don't have any other place to work, unless of course I wanted to work in my studio. (Ha-ha- I can see what a work disaster that would be. Smile)
It has created quite a clutter on my table and in the dining area, but oh well. When I retire I shall have time to declutter. 
And behind my husband you can see my hutch and on it I have lots of T related items. 
So this week for T I will show you those items on my hutch. I have a fun little collection of ceramic items which brighten up my room. 

As you can see, I even have a cat mug. My daughter gave me that for Christmas about 5 years ago when I had my cat Leo. He was a large orange tiger cat, around 22 pounds and at his ideal weight according to my vet.  He was like a feline dog personality wise. I turned the mug so you could see it.
The cut glass on the top shelf came from my grandmother and great aunt. I have a few other pieces too but I alternate things as I only have so much space on the hutch.
And speaking of my hutch, it was a wedding gift from one of my oldest and closest friends. Her dad took up the hobby of building furniture when he retired. He was really good at it. I am glad to have this piece as he has since passed , and according to my friend, this was the only hutch he ever built. 
I am linking up to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog for T. You should stop by and join us with your drink related post.
That's all I have for today. Thanks so much for visiting.
And Happy T day.


  1. That is such a lovely hutch Erika filed with pretty things. I especially love the cut glass and have pieces from a grandmother and great grandmother too:) Glad to hear you are managing your work at home even though it isn't the same. My hubby went back to work today but we have no idea for how long- a day? a week? a month? It all depends on the supplies and work as he works in a furniture making place and does wood crafting. Be well, and happy T day!

  2. I loved seeing your hutch and your interesting array of ceramics. You have some lovely colors. That wall hanging of Paris also caught my eye. I would love to see it in another post. I love looking at people's wall art.
    I hope that you and hubby are able to find a comfortable medium at the table. My hubby is home as well and it makes it difficult to share a space with someone when they need/expect quite working conditions. I am praying this isolation is not for much longer.
    Stay Safe.
    Happy Tea Day,

  3. Jeanie was mentioning how much she enjoyed seeing what was behind others' as they were skypeing. I watch news programs and am impressed by book cases and gorgeous art on walls of reporters. I thought about that when I saw your husband sitting in front of the hutch with the tea mugs and such behind him. That would be a great place where you could have face time with your kiddos. Do you have any idea if and when they will either call school off for the year, or you will have to go back? I hope they take your welfare and safety into account when they do.

    I had to laugh at the comment you left me. I'm NOT a hoarder, but I keep a well stocked pantry, so I won't starve. Neither will the boys. I have NO idea if there is food delivery here, but give me a break, Erika (she says in a joking mood). I'm the queen of FREE and would NEVER pay someone to deliver groceries to me. I'm fairly certain I can last at least six months eating what I have on hand. I may not particularly like my options, but I assure you, I won't starve or go hungry. Fresh fruit and veggies will be at a premium, though, so I will have to make do with what I have in my pantry.

    Thanks for sharing your pitchers, your mugs, and your husband's empty glass with us for T this almost Tuesday.

  4. Glad you are both managing to work from one table. The Hutch is filled with beautiful china, love the various pieces together. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Ohhhh, that cat-mug! So sweet!
    I think I´d go mad sitting opposite hubby all day long, working, every day, LOL.
    My parents worked together in their shop, no idea if that was "healthy"...
    Hubby and I have our work stations in two seperate rooms, so I could never find out).
    A happy T-day to you! And to normal times...

  6. Beautiful things!
    How cosy to work together ;)
    Take care both and be wee xx

  7. The hutch is lovely and what memories too of how it was built, you have some beautiful pottery and although I'm not a cat lover your mug is so cute.
    Happy T Day, Jan x

  8. Good morning, kinda nice though that you work together at the same table-and saving all that driving time up and back to work can be a plus.
    I love your hutch and all its nifty items-thanks for sharing I loved viewing all the pieces. Happy T hugs stay safe Kathy

  9. Oh my you have some beautiful things on the shelf unit, I loved the cat mug and I noticed a sweet white china dog on one of the shelves as well.
    You are lucky to be able to work in the same space as your husband,, it wouldn't work for us, he likes listening to music while I prefer a bit of silence .
    Happy T day wishes and I hope you are both safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

  10. I so love your Fiesta. Isn't it fun -- so colorful? It's great seeing your huts -- I love every single piece on it. But most of all, I love the sentimental connection as a wedding gift made by someone you know. That's so special!

  11. Himself and I have our computers set up in the office/studio side by each. What a nice hutch with all those pretties. I especially love Leo's cup. Happy T Day

  12. I so enjoyed seeing all your beautiful ceramic items and the stories behind them - perfect! I've never heard of a "hutch" before unless you put a bunny rabbit in it ... looking at the beautiful design I think we would call it a sideboard or maybe a Welsh dresser 😁. Wishing you a Happy T Day, stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

  13. That is a lovely hutch! And even more precious as it was hand made by someone you know. I love your nick-nacks, and particularly the pudding basin that you now keep potpourri in. Did you ever use it to make a steam pudding?
    It must be awkward both working from the kitchen table. But it will soon be Easter holidays and you will have some respite.
    Take care and happy T-Day,

  14. Over here, a hutch is what we keep rabbits in! Lol! We would probably call your hutch a dresser. Lovely China, thanks for sharing! xx

  15. What a nice collection you have, Erika. Love the cat mug. Your hutch is very special.

    How many days left - lol?

    Stay safe and well.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  16. What a beautiful cupboard filled with treasures ~ your cat mug made me smile :) Take care!

  17. Your hutch items look great. I like that cat mug. My cat has a dog personality too. Stay healthy and safe.

  18. The hutch is nice! and just the perfect size :) I've heard orange cats are special :) Working at home works better for some folks than for others. Y'all have a cozy arrangement.

  19. I loved seeing what I would call a dresser described as a hutch - which is something we would call an enclosed area for a rabbit to live! I'm sure if this had happened when we were both working we would have had trouble working on the same table, so well done for that! I love the beautiful things on the shelves, that bright red jug is beautiful and I love your flower plates at the back! Belated Happy T day, Chrisx

  20. A lovely hutch with a big story and a fantastic collection of ceramic items Erika!

  21. Your hutch holds more than things, Erika, as it definitely holds lots of memories. Good that you and your husband can share the work space.

  22. That's a new word on me - hutch - when on my trips to my friend in America I learned lots of new words, or words that we used different for over here in the uk. It used to make the grand kids smile listening to my words describing something they had a totally different vocabulary for, Well, I like your hutch. I love all the things you have on display and in some ways wish I had my old kitchen back because it had shelves where I could display things too. Miss that now that they are all behind closed doors but it does make for less cleaning now I am 'getting on a bit.'
    In particular i love the cat mug, reminds me of Fudge, our ginger tom who we 'cat napped' a few years ago. At least we gave hi a good home for the last years of his life, just not long enough in reality, miss him and my other cat and my dog. Wish I had one now to cuddle but it would be a bit foolish to get a pet now.
    What a lovely piece of furniture you have now to remind you of the lovely man who crafted it for you.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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