Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Bit of a Cheat

 Hi everyone. Here it is, the middle of the week. Yesterday was a nice day, and I must admit my focus for doing school work was gone. I did run my classes and try to be productive, but I'm not used to sitting at the computer for so much time day after day and now I can say, week after week. Hopefully I will get my mojo back as the school year isn't over yet. (Although the governor is hinting that online teaching will continue and the school year will wrap up a little earlier than it usually does.)
Hopefully today will be a more productive day.
So my art for today is a bit of cheat page. I found most of this page in a pack of paper. I thought it was a great spring page, but I needed to make it more my own.
So I added the little flying white ducklings (stamped and then colored white), and also stamped the quote at the bottom of the page.
I also added the pink ribbon sticker at the top, along with the clock and the ferns. These are also stickers. 
I feel a little guilty even showing it as my art because what I did to it didn't change it all that much.  I will say making the page was a good thing to do after a day sitting at the computer and when I needed to shake my brain out of computer zone land.
And in some ways making this page was a little challenge, because I needed to find things that worked with page and also things that would keep the symmetry.  But I suppose I could have changed it a lot more too.
That's it for me today. Hope your week is going well.


  1. A few more days, weeks, months, etc....our new normal. Then I read today social distancing may have to continue into the year 2022! How can schools reopen under that mandate?! We shall see. Your artwork is uplifting even if it’s not entirely your idea. It’s pretty!

  2. I think you're overthinking it with guilt for not whipping out the paints and layers. I love it. It's whimsical and simple and your additional add interest and make it more fun, a full piece. Don't should on yourself. You did well and really enhanced it.

  3. Your page is fantastic, so happy and cheerful. It must be hard teaching via computer, I can relate to how you
    Feel. Have a nice rest of the day. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Sweet pages, and I love your additions :)

  5. This is a fantastic, fun art page. I love all of the bunnies. Great Spring piece.

  6. Fun page. I like the white ducklings. Reminds me of one of the Highlights pages. How many ducklings can you find? Hope you had a good day. Take care.

  7. Actually, you have a lot more motivation than I have. I can't understand why I feel so burned out, but that's how I feel. Your nature inspired page is truly lovely. I LOVE the symmetry, too.

  8. It is a wonderful page and looks really joyful, with the cute rabbits playing and hopping and the cute ducks around the page. Creating art is a good way to unwind for all of us.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  9. A lovely page Erika! Great composition! xx

  10. Your art never tires my senses Erika, they are so cute! I love the things you added on this art and made it more personal, especially the quote that made it more meaningful :)

  11. You page is so sweet!
    Have a nice weekend

  12. Very cool way to alter a page and make it your own. A lot of what we do is taking things that are already made and turning them into our own. I really like it!


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