Monday, May 4, 2020

T Stands for Hope Spring Eternal

Hi everyone.  It is Tuesday again. Time is sure flying. It feels like it was just Tuesday last week.
Today it is back to online school. Our district gave us yesterday off (no classes) since it was first day of Teacher Appreciation week.  I think we (those of us at  my school)  are getting a little frustrated with the limitations of online teaching. And for me, sitting in front of a computer all day is getting hard to do. Many of my coworkers are saying the same thing.
5 more weeks to go.

This first photo is my T day photo today. Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and join us for T by sharing your drink related photos.

 I had a doctors appointment on Friday and afterwards took a drive over to the lake to see if there was any action going on. I was checking on  places that close for the winter. Since it is May, summer things should be starting to reopen. Of course this year everything is different with Covid-19 and closures that go with it. I don't think this opening season is going to be what it usually is, but it is still nice to think of nice weather arriving and eventually, hopefully, life coming back into a otherwise fairly quiet place.

 I was curious about one of my favorite summer places that I've taken to you before, Pop's Clam Shell.  

Here in New Hampshire restaurant have been closed except for take out. In a couple of weeks outdoor spaced out dining is scheduled to start, at least for restaurants that chose to open or have managed to stay in business though the closures.
I'm pretty  conservative when it comes to this virus and staying safe, especially since my husband is immune suppressed because (as some of you know) his kidney transplant.

But I might have to relax a bit and get some take out from Pops. (Which is the only way they sell food.)

I was excited though to see the sign hanging off the front and also off the rooftop dining. Can you read it?

Opening this coming Saturday. May 9. Let's see it will be Mother's Day weekend here and also Saturday is the third year anniversary of the kidney transplant. 
I'm also not holding my breath but my daughter is saying she may come home for a couple of days for Mother's Day. I haven't seen her since early March.
So maybe a little celebration will happen, and it will be a celebration whether we end up eating in the car or bringing the food home.
And this photo counts for me T Day drink photo since you can see all the Coco-Cola  signs.

And here's some other signs of a New Hampshire spring. And I know my spring is so far behind so  many of you.
 I've got leaves on some of my rose bushes.
 And my weeping cherry  is blooming.
So many flowers.
And my rhubarb is getting leaves too.

And I spotted some fiddleheads (baby ferns once they unroll) on one of my walks.
 And when you look out my sliding door you can see my screen porch. And notice you can see  through it. My husband took the winter plastic off, and we took out the lawn furniture this weekend. I am very excited , even though it still needs a really big cleaning.
 And while my husband de-winterized the screen porch, I worked on cleaning out the closet in what was my daughter's room, which is now my closet. I won't need most of those winter work clothes any longer.
Did I mention 5 more weeks?  
And 4 bags to go to some charity resale.

And here's a Mom update for those of you who ask. As one of her nurses said to me, she is holding her own. She has no fever and seems to be handling the oxygen . But she has developed a cough. The scary part with this covid-19 is  it just lasts so long. And who knows if anything more serious will show up or if there will be any permanent damage when (and if) she gets through this. But my mom is a tough woman, and always has been.

OK, enough useless chatter from me.

Have a wonderful T day.


  1. How fun that your favorite summer restaurant is opening again soon. And how fun will that your daughter might come for a visit. The lack of family gatherings is what has been difficult for us during this time. So glad to hear that your mom is holding her own. Hoping she is over it soon!
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. Clams! Fried clams! and opening May 9, That's exciting. If you go this weekend, enjoy some clams for me as our opening has been pushed back by 2 weeks. Your yard looks so good and the best part is opening up the screen porch. Though I wouldn't want to sit out on the deck until black fly season is over.Good news on your mom and I hope your daughter is able to visit for Mother's Day. And as for school, 5 more weeks and then you can spend most of your time in your happy art room! Take care.

  3. Missouri opened up with guidelines on Monday, good to see spring popping up-and hoping your daughter will be able to come back home-prayers for your Mom-hugs Happy T wishes Kathy

  4. Excellent Shot Of The Mushroom - Quite The Cleaning Project - Send Vibes


  5. I'm sure you will be happy to get back to your fave take out again. The trees are looking like spring, you've waited a long time. Lovely that your daughter is coming home for Mother's Day. Hope your Mom is soon well again too. Good that you have been filling your time wisely with home jobs. And school will soon be a thing of the past. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. That´s a cute name, Pop's Clam Shell!
    Bitter sweet to have an anniversary for a kidney, oh, you must be really strong. And "funny".
    Last Thursday Hubby was in extreme pain again, guess stress related, he has near to no pancreas anymore, and I was just... panic mode.
    3 hours later with meds and he was fine again.

    Great porch! Our balcony sucks ;-)
    Oh, yes, here they ask people to stop bringing clothes to the stations as they are full!

    Best,best wishes to your Mom!!!! And this was no useless chatter, either.
    A happy T-day to you!

  7. Erika thank you for sharing the sights of spring at NH and those signages with coca-cola sponsors are a common sight also here in the Philippines so that surprised me a bit :)

    I want to greet you a Happy Anniversary Erika for your 'new life' with the Kidney Transplant. And I want to greet you a Happy Mother's Day and I wish your daughter will make it this weekend. Now I miss my mom :(

    Hope your days are pretty despite the rainy weather. Hugs from the Philippines!

  8. It's nice to see the Spring growth. When Connecticut "re-opens" it will be partial, not full. I intend to remain conservative when it does, and still maintain many / all of the practices I've been using right now, to keep from catching it to avoid accidentally spreading it to my loved ones. It's good to see Pop's Clam Shell will be opening May 9. I'm glad to hear your mother is holding her own against covid-19. Happy T-Day!

  9. Your spring is starting to show, Erika. You are finding beauty in everything, and that is good. Love all those buds and blooms.

    So nice to see you are working on your screened in porch. That bbq stove is to die for. I love it.

    Getting rid of work clothes will free you to get new ones (grin). Ones that will fit your new, retired life style. I'm sorry you have to be at the computer with your kids all day long. Too bad there's so little time for breaks. But did you not mention just FIVE more weeks (grin). Counting down to the day we can hold a virtual retirement party for you, dear.

    LOVED seeing Pops, but the place looks SO sad and forlorn in the rain. Thanks for sharing your mother's update, your spring blooms, your getting rid of work clothes, and POPS with us for T this Tuesday.

  10. Nice signs of spring! We all need to tap into the hooe of spring. Not useless chatter at all. Hoping for a good outcome for Mom.

  11. First of all, good news about your mom. I know it is still very concerning but holding her own is a good thing.

    Yes, I think I'd be a little wonky with five more weeks to go, too. But a good sign that the restaurant will open soon and maybe even a visit from your daughter. Keep hanging in there, Erika, and stay well!

  12. You're keeping yourself busy, Erika! I don't really know what blackfly is, so I'll refrain from commenting - except to say it sounds nasty, lol.
    It's unlikely we'll have any cafés or restaurants open for a while over here, but hey, at least we have supermarkets and as long as we can eat and get other things, we're okay, yeah? Can't get to see a GP (doc) either...telephone consultations only and that's a nightmare if it's something serious or scary. And we're not as bad as half of the rest of the world, so I'm thankful for that. I'm sure it's much easier where there's a smaller population density, unlike most cities.

    Not much longer and you'll be enjoying your bona fide retirement - yay! I hope it flies and you'll have lots of wonderfully happy, free time.

    I also hope and pray your mom continues to improve. You're doing so well in the midst of all the upheaval! It takes its toll on your emotions, especially having to adapt to teaching another way. We're social creatures by design, so this staying separate isn't good for too long. Hope you get to speak to your Mum soon :-)

    Stay safe!
    Cath x

  13. Thanks for the update on your mom, Erika. I hope everythig comes together for a fun Mother's Day. I'm so glad to hear things are starting to move back toward normal.

    May these next 5 weeks just zip by.

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  14. A good post to read, lovely photos and your positive outlook on the coming of spring and the restaurants starting to consider reopening, perhaps thing s will get better soon. I am so pleased your Mom is fighting the virus, she must miss seeing you as you do miss seeing her.
    I hope your daughter gets to see you.It makes such a difference to see the family close even though here we cannot give them hug and they have to keep the distance rules.
    The next few weeks of your countdown will soon be over, it hardly seems a year since you told us that you would be retiring this year. Not what you thought it would be like, but you have to be safe.
    Happy T day wishes Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Oh, 5 weeks is going to seem like eternity for you....but you seem to be handling it quite well. I need to be cleaning out my winter things and also switch out to summer;) So nice to see the weather changing and opening porches and such! I was wondering if you were going to mention Pops. I hope you do get your take out and enjoy. Continued prayers for your Mom. Happy T day!

  16. Lovely signs of spring Erika! xx

  17. Lovely photos of spring 'springing' in bloom or leaf. I love it. I love seeing the fiddleheads too. Didn't know that's what you called them. Have learned something new there.
    I'm really pleased for you that Pops will open soon for takeouts. I'm sure you could indulge (with due precautions) to have some good food.
    Some good things to look forward to, like your daughter coming and also the countdown towards retirement.
    I suppose it is good news about your mother. At least she is not deteriorating. As I said before, her generation is a tough generation.
    Happy T-Day,

  18. Looks like spring is blooming in your garden and how lovely to see that Pops will be opening soon for take out! You should definitely treat yourself - yum ... asking as you share it with us of course 😉. Glad to hear about your mum! Take care and wishing you a happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  19. Great signs of nicer weather to come! I hope you get a visit from your daughter, mine is planning on coming too. Your porch and deck look inviting ~
    I'm glad your mom doesn't have a fever and that's she's staying strong. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.

  20. Our restaurants are beginning to open here. Most have stayed open for take-out or delivery only, and I'm sticking with that plan for now. I'm afraid some of the local restaurants won't survive :( Your spring flowers are lovely :) and the screen porch is tempting :)

    I'm glad for the update on your mom. I hate that she's developed a cough, but the oxygen situation sounds good. I keep hearing people talk about how long it takes to get through this. "Holding her own" sounds like a positive thing at this point.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  21. It's lovely seeing the photos and I hope you get your celebration this weekend, be careful with any packaging!
    Good to hear the update on your Mum, it's a long haul for a lot of people but in England a woman in her late 90's was cheered as she left hospital, it must be a worrying time for you all.
    We had a good sort out before we went away last year, spend days giving stuff to metal Micky as we call him, he sells old metalwork, well anything really so hes always very pleased when we stop him on his rounds, clothes went to the charity shops, we had stuff in the attic we hadn't seen for 18 years!!!
    Enjoy your Mother's Day weekend.
    Jan x

  22. Ooh Like your beautiful photographs of the plants and flowers Erika !! They are amazing, welle, spring is going slowly but going where you live. I´m glad to hear that your mother is on her way, she may be a strong woman.
    Wish you spent a nice T-day (sorry I´m late), Here, very sunny today too, like yesterday.
    Have a nice afternoon, stay safe and
    Big hugs,

  23. I do hope you can get to Pops! My son said he thought they might be going back to work but a trial in the north east has not worked, the queues were too long to handle. The signs of Spring are lovely - great to see your screen door!
    Hope your Mum continues to get better! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  24. Always nice to see signs of Spring, a favourite season :)

    All the best Jan


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