Friday, May 29, 2020

The Weekend is Here

Hi everyone. Happy weekend.
Week 11 of remote teaching is over, and things  are starting to wrap up. One more week to go. It seems a little surreal that this year is about to be over. And what an unpredictable way it is ending.

Some of you have asked about my mom. She is doing really well but still in rehab since she is still testing Covid-19 positive. Once they get a negative test she is going back to her apartment. Hurrah! It is one of the good stories coming out of this pandemic. I am surprised and thrilled and glad to get some more time with my mom.

And speaking of parents, my Dad was into shrubbery. He had this orange-red azalea bush, and many years ago another one sprouted under the one he had. When it got about 6 inches tall, he dug it up and gave it to me. And now, many years later, here is the shrub that grew from that seedling.

Last Monday it was covered in buds and now it is just covered in flowers.

And the month of May is quickly winding down. Mia has been a fantastic host at Art Journal Journey and her flower challenge has been a lot of fun. It's not over yet, but this is my last entry for the month.

 The left hand page wouldn't lie flat so it looks a little weird. I layered some paper images, stamped some phrases, and fixed up a predone tag. I had some old thick paper flowers, which I stamped on and painted and used one both sides of the spread.

The weather here in New Hampshire is going to be cooling down. That's good as it was very hot and humid, which made it feel like July weather when you just want to lounge in the hammock with a big glass of iced tea and a good book.  Never mind school work. Plus I have a whole lot of gardening, well a whole lot of planting and weeding I need to do. 
Well it's always something, isn't it?
Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. It must be a strange feeling now that school is nearly over for you. But it will be a good time for you. Love the journal page, so pretty, and the azalea bush is magnificent, I so love those flowers. Glad your Mom is doing well! Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie

  2. ♥♥♥
    Happy weekend Erika!
    A gorgeous post!

  3. What a stunning azalea Erika, a lovely memory of your dad. So glad to hear your mum is doing well, praying that she'll be free of the virus very soon.
    A lovely page too!
    Happy weekend 😊
    Alison xx

  4. What a lovely plant, Erika! It is great to have it in your garden!
    And what a gorgeous spread! What a great idea to use two different backgrounds on your pages. And, as I am in love with birds and flowers, I simply ADORE your page. Next time that I will host a challenge at AJJ (I wish!), the theme will be "birds"! Ha ha! Thank you so much for all your entries at AJJ. And thank you again for joining this amazing spread in my challenge at AJJ! Kisses, my dear friend.

  5. I bought two azalea bushes when I lived in MO. Both died before the end of the year. I bought them (2 gallon buckets, too) at an Azalea Festival in OK. Should have been the same temp zone, but they didn't like it where I planted them. Yours thrived and is incredible. I'm also delighted to read about your mother. One of the very few success stories coming out of assisted living centers.

    Wow, that's a very different spread for Mia's theme, dear. I really like it and the adorable bird and tag you added to the mix. It's a great Art Journey Journey entry, dear.

  6. A lovely post Erika and it was good to read your news about your Mom recovering well. We need more news like this these days. It must also be very close to your last day of teaching. I think you may be quite happy to say goodbye and begin the next stage of your life.
    Your garden photos were lovely and it was an awesome journal page you created for Mia's theme.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Good news about your mom. Your azalea is just gorgeous! It must be like me and like the hot and humid weather. Your page is very pretty. The sun reminds me of a clock face and hearing the birds start singing early in the morning. Enjoy the weekend.

  8. I'm so glad your mom is hanging in there. That's really good. And the azalea is one of those drop dead gorgeous beauties. Happy weekend!

  9. I'm thrilled you have such good news about your mom. Sweet!!!

    I love azaleas, and that color was quite popular down here when I was young and around them more. It's wonderful to see people let them grow big like that :) I love your "early morning thoughts" art, with the flowers and that lovely bird.

  10. So pleased that your mom is doing really well.
    Lovely art and gorgeous flowers.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  11. Wonderful page, Ericka. The azalea bush is beautiful. I miss the azaleas like e had in NJ. They make such a grand display.

    I'm SO happy to hear your mom is recovering.

    Our weather is cooling off a bit too. The rains will be here soon.

    Have a lovely Sunday. Eileen xx

  12. Erika, I looove that Denim backdrop on your journal and I have to say the contrast it did with the left page is just nice to my eyes! Love the azalea trees, we dont have them here but I can see how pretty they would be on gardens just like yours! Hugs Erika and Happy New Week!

  13. Gorgeous flowers and lovely page with the cool bird and all the other great details. So much to look at and it is so well done!


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