Monday, June 8, 2020

T Stands for Another Week Around the House

Time for T again which must mean it is Tuesday.
Hope everyone had a great week. Mine was busy but typical of these times of the virus, not exactly wildly adventurous.
I ended up doing a project last week I wasn't planning doing. My screen porch has a painted floor, and I decided to touch up the scratches in with some left over paint.  (I had painted the floor last spring.) Well for some reason, even though I both shook and stirred up the leftover paint, it dried much lighter than the floor. Hmm. I don't get why the floor had darkened so much, but I couldn't live with all the patches so I decided  to repaint the whole floor again. Luckily I had enough paint and all the rollers, etc., so I didn't have to go get any any supplies to do it.
So I moved the furniture over to one side and painted that, and then the next day I moved the furniture back to the opposite side and painted that. All I had left to do was run into the house and get my tiny brush to do the very edge of the floor that abuts some unpainted wood.
I think I should have brought Pete in with me because when I went back outside, who was in the screen porch and had walked right through the wet paint?

And who walked paint out onto the deck when he left? I rained that night and the wet deck really shows off his steps.

But I was able to finally finish setting my screen porch up.

 And I moved my "office" out there, along with my office mascots too.
Just behind the computer is my stay cold drink container with some ice tea in it. Tha's my drink for T this week.

I guess the days lecture/class was a little boring for the pups. I hope the kids weren't falling asleep as they zoomed in either.

And I made a journal so I can scrapbook some of my memories from my 35 years at my last teaching job.
I took the pages out of an old book that I liked the size of, and then created some signatures for the inner pages.

I painted the cover the school covers and added this sticker I found when I cleaned out my desk.
I did splurge and buy the gaffer tape on Amazon so it would match the colors I painted the covers.

I brought home a whole bunch of "items" when I cleaned out my room that I can use in my book. I'm going to start filling it in this week while my ideas are still fresh in my head.
But most exciting this week is that today, June 9th, I am now done. After 35 years at my job, I am moving on to new things.

Be sure to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and see what the T gang  has been up to. Or better yet, join us for T.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Congrats. Love your mascots.

  2. Wow, Pete did a number to the deck didn't he? I had to laugh, though. He certainly is an adventurous pooch. Love your new office. It looks like such fun. I would love to have a screened in porch, because you have such a wonderful place to make art or to visit people on your laptop. I'm so glad you decided to make this journal. It never occurred to me that you would do so by going back to when it all began. What a wonderful way to document your career. Thanks for sharing this incredible journey and this lovely book you have started, along with your iced tea for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  3. Great idea to make a scrap-book, you're off to a good start! Your deck is looking good, and your 4 footed friends have made themselves at home there already. And sorry about the paw-prints. Pete wasn't patient enough! Have a restful tea day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Pete sure wanted to help! ;-)
    To new, fun times now, happy T-day!

  5. It was good that you had enough paint and supplies to redo the whole floor again. I chuckled when you said Pete walked through and left paw prints on the deck. It reminded me of one time when I painted the bedroom walls: my cat came walking in, his tail pointing up in the air, but slightly tipped at the top, and the tip of his tail traced along the wet wall! Then I had to chase him, to get a hold of him, to clean his tail off, so he didn't leave paint everywhere else in the house. Ugh. (But I was able to laugh about it afterwards.) Your memory journal looks nice. Happy T-Day!

  6. First of all Erika, Happy 9th of June, the beginning of new adventures with wishes that you will enjoy your retirement and the new stage in your life.
    Your new journal will be quickly filled with all the memories you have stored, one will lead you to many more as you fill the pages.

    You have been so busy with your porch. I did smile as our dogs always seemed to know when and where they shouldn't be but go there anyway. it must have been hard painting all the porch area then seeing that it had been walked over.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Your porch looks so inviting and homey! Too bad it's too soon for visitors.

    be well... mae at

  8. Your porch looks so bright and lovely- despite some unintentional extra paint prints:) The pups sure look quite comfy there. And congrats on your retirement!!! Enjoy working in your wonderful journal. Happy T day!

  9. I like the addition of Pete's paw prints to the floor. Looks like a great set up in the screen porch. Congratulations on your retirement. 35 years teaching is a great accomplishment. Happy T Day

  10. Your screened porch is delightful :) Your scrapbook will be a great remembrance of your teaching days. Happy T Tuesday!

  11. I love your screen porch area-you must "live" out there now til fall weather gets too cold. pets do the funniest things and don't even know it haha
    Enjoy putting your retirement journal together
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  12. Congratulations on your retirement! It must feel mighty strange knowing that you don't have to return to school in the autumn.
    Well done you for painting the porch. And not so 'well done' Pete for adding extra art work!
    Your scrapbook/journal is going to be fab!. I already love the large numbers you have drawn to create the dates. Can't wait to see the rest.
    Wishing you a happy T-Day,

  13. I love your porch! It's like being in a tree house!

    We should probably paint our floor this summer -- and get a new rug. It always takes a beating in the winter because it is screened, not a stormed window porch. We might go north this weekend to open. I hope so.

  14. Your screened porch is lovely, Erika. What a pleasant place to pass the time.

    Naughty Pete. Eill the paint wear off eventually?

    Terrific spread. I love it and the meaning behind it.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen xx

  15. Wow, your porch is looking so lovely with the freshly painted floor, you did such a great job 😀. It looks such an airy and gorgeous space! I know it probably wasn't funny at the time but I did smile when I saw Pete's footprints ... lol 😉. How wonderful to have officially finished with work, I'm sure in no time you'll begin to wonder how you managed to fit work into your new schedule, I know I do 😊. Happy T Day wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  16. You were busy this week. Love the porch and the foot and hand prints give it a cool look. I like it. Everything looks wonderful especially your art. Have a great week.

  17. Love the trail Pete left - adds some character and at least it wasn't wet concrete! I love your office space and the mascots being very laid back about it all! Love the start of your Memory Book! When I left teaching some of my colleagues had got the children to write some anecdotes about me and there were lots of photos too!
    Happy T Day, Chrisx

  18. What a stinker...walking through the paint. Marvin pulled the painter's tape off the trim while we were painting Mini-me's room...those critters certainly have a mind of their own.
    Congrats on the retirement from teaching. You finally graduated! :) I'm stuck in middle school...maybe one year I'll make it to high school. LOL
    Happy T day!

  19. Happy retirement, Erika, and I know you will surely keep yourself busy with projects, journaling, gardening and perhaps painting, now that are experienced. I liked your outside office and now that school has ended it can become a relaxing place.

  20. Loved seeing your dogs laying there …
    "After 35 years at my job, I am moving on to new things" … enjoy your retirement.

    All the best Jan

  21. I love the journal you started to commemorate your years of teaching. The colors are fun and that's great that you found a mascot sticker.

    Your porch looks great! I love the rug and that runner on your table. It looks like a very relaxing place to do work and play. And the paw prints are rather cute.

    Happy Tea Day,

  22. I love your new office space, lovely views of the outside area.

    Congratulations on finishing work, I hope you enjoy your free time.
    Pete sounds like my DH when I've just mopped the floors, always walks right through the whole villa!!
    Happy belated T Day
    Jan x

  23. Wow, 35 years at the one school. That is some achievement! Well done Erika.
    I guess retiring during the Covid year is not a good way to do it. I suppose your retirement has not been able to be marked in any way with colleagues and others. It is such a strange time we are living in and so many of the good things are gone for the time being, will it be the same if we celebrate later? Not sure. But I hope your retirement is a happy one for you and you start that book and use it in the way you are thinking of.
    I love your porch, I can now picture you sat there having lots of lovely hours with the sunshine and the beautiful scenery outside with your dogs by your feet. Sorry one of them accidentally walked on your new painting. A nice way to remember? Or has it gone/to go?
    Hugs, Neet xx


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