Saturday, June 20, 2020

Weekend Post

Hi everyone. Happy weekend.

The heat is on here. It is definitely summer and is really summer too. Happy Solstice to you. For those of your in the Northern Hemisphere enjoy this long day of light. And for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, happy winter.

And Happy Father's Day for anyone who is a dad. This weekend has lots of Father's Day celebrations in my house. My daughter surprised us by coming home for the weekend. And my husband  took yesterday/ Friday off and we went out for a boat ride-our first  of the season. I have photos on my camera but I need to unload them to share. I think tomorrow we are going again for actual Father's Day and so my daughter can go along also.

So if I don't get to comment on your blog, I will be by.

But first, it's strawberry season here in New Hampshire (well just the start of it), and Thursday morning I went to pick some.

I think the farm was very smart the way they handled it.  You needed to sign up for an appointment (which they limited numbers), and then you had an hour to pick. You also needed to wear masks and sanitize your hands before entering the field. The picking was OK, as lots of berries were still not ripe, but people were very courteous  about space.

 Here's a rather unattractive photo of me in my mask.

And the other night the school had a staff drive in movie. They showed School of Rock; we all knew it would be a school themed film. If you haven't seen it, it stars Jack Black who is a slightly shady school substitute who gets his class together to form a band and be in the battle of the bands competition. I had only seen the end of the movie of TV once, and we had fun watching it.
 They also did a retiree roast that night, and 2 of my friends wrote my roast, which was very very funny.
Here it is if you are interested, but don't feel you have to. I'm including it because someone or somebodies out there will then ask me about it. I thought it really summed me up as people at work know me.
And the raccoon at the bottom goes back to a girls camping trip a few years ago where a friend and I had a couple try to break into our tent one night. It's a bit of a story and has been a good laugh ever since. She then wanted to add it to my roast.

And lastly, here's my art for today. Here's a spread from my high school memory book I making with some of my staff IDs. 

And some monsters which some of my microbiology kids made as game pieces for a project last fall. I think it is also interesting how (at least I think) I look younger as I get older.  I hope that continues-ha-ha-ha- but somehow don't think that is going happen.

Have a great weekend. 


  1. Strawberries and boats trips, sounds like a great weekend, and your daughter is home, enjoy! Your tribute is fantastic, you will be sorely missed with all of your talents. Enjoy your weekend, have fun and be well and happy. Hugs, Valerie

  2. I'm back and am sending a test message. Please delete if this goes through.

  3. I'm trying to remember what I wrote this morning. It looks like you got a lot of strawberries. I think that's a wise choice to limit the number of people who can be in the field at one time. I think it's wise to wear a mask and gloves, too. I like your selfie!

    I'm so glad you shared your roast message. It fit you well. Had to laugh at how they see your handwriting. That was funny. It was a marvelous tribute and shows how much you were admired by your students and colleagues.

    I especially loved the "retired" ID cards. I agree that I think you are getting younger. Like me, you don't vary the way you cut your hair. I really like the bacteria you shared as part of the two page spread, too.

    Hope you are having a good weekend with your daughter and your husband. Enjoy your time on the lake, dear.

  4. We've been enjoying our garden strawberries recently, lovely on our morning oats.
    I did enjoy reading the roast, and the raccoon funny caused a chuckle.
    A great couple of pages too, using your old IDs and those monsters.
    Happy Sunday Erika!
    Alison xx

  5. Oh, I LOVED reading this tribute, you must be a wonderful person!
    This made me smile VERY BIG!
    You have no age at all :-)
    Happy Weeked to you!

  6. So, when are you going to share the recipe for slutty brownies? And if you have, can you point me to the link?!

    What a fun time for you -- and what a great tribute.

    LOve the strawberry picking. That's a much bigger crop than my paltry berries. But they will spread and more next year!

  7. Love this post! What a fabulous retiree toast too, I'm glad you had so much fun and the raccoon made me smile, so funny πŸ˜€. I'm loving your staff ID pages too, I enjoyed seeing all the lovely photos of you! Such fond memories ❤️. Take care and Happy Sunday! Enjoy the new week ahead! Hugs, Jo x

  8. Thanks for sharing the retirement tribute, Erika. It was nice to learn a bit more about your teaching days as well. Strawberry picking looked like hard and hot work, so we'll pick up a carton at the grocery store this week, but freshly picked ones are wonderful so enjoy the fruits of your work! Enjoy the weekend with your family and it sure is a HOT 😎🌞one in NH.

  9. I'm glad to see the strawberry field pics. Nice! They're doing a good job of encouraging safety.

    The school party sounds like fun :)

  10. Oh dearest Erika! These are very heartwarming mementos! I really love the very touching article that your friends wrote! And I am so excited for your quest for Honey! I have read that Honey is a very powerful food item and if you drink it with warm water (just it on warm water) it works miracles on the body. Although an Indian Guru I watched said that we should be careful because it depends on how honey is prepared with varying temperatures, honey with cold water has a different effect and so as when you use it for cooking.

    Oh I love that scrapbook page! It's so amazing that you kept all those staff IDs through the years :) You have a very warming aura Erika, it's the first time I had a face to your name. Thank you for sharing! Sending you hugs dear Erika for this brand new week!

  11. Hi Erika, I really thought I had left a comment on this post, so sorry I am late here. Its a lovely post. It sounds like you had a memorable trip to school and I think the article will be treasured and will soon feature in your memory book.
    I hope the trip to the strawberry fields went well.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s.The journal pages look fantastic

  12. Hope you were able to pick some delicious ripe strawberries. Strawberry shortcake, here we come! I like your polka dot mask and your roast. Sounds like you had a fun place to work. Nice pages for your high school memory book. I love the monsters your students created. Stay cool

  13. What a fun way to use those ID cards - the sort of thing I keep and then don't know what to do with! - and great pages travelling through time as a result. Glad to see the mask keeping you and others safe even when out doing PYO!
    Alison x


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