Friday, July 3, 2020

Holiday Celebrations

Hi everyone. 
I'm back with another page for my When It's Hot challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Tomorrow is a big holiday in the USA as we celebrate our country's birthday. I know things will be a different this year because of Covid-19, but for a lot of people the 4th of July meant/means  it's time for a cookout or barbecue. 

And a BBQ is hot once you get the fire going. So watch those fingers close to the grill top. And it is best done when it is nice warm weather as who wants to cook outside when it is cold?
I'm not sure what's cooking on the grill that I drew, but it will make some yummy food and you can wash it down with a cool beer. I made my grill too big to add other drink glasses on the page, so sorry if you're not a beer drinker.  It needs a chef, but I didn't have anything nor could I find a good photo for the griller. So maybe it is a magic grill that does the cooking without any human help. (And wouldn't that be nice?)

I drew and colored the grill, die cut the spatula, made my background by mopping up the page and then stamping the BBQ phrase, and finally die cut the beer mug and then colored it and frosted it with some Stickles. And the sun is a stamped punched out circle.

My daughter and her beau arrived yesterday for a couple of days to visit before the holiday. Everyone is taking an extra day off to have a 4 day weekend.  Well not me as it's summer break (although my family will tell me I'm retired so there is no summer break). I expect my 4th will be pretty low key as my daughter and  her beau will be probably heading off tonight, but maybe the 4th will turn out nice for those of you who might be cooking outside. Today is suppose to be another wet day of which we've had a lot of this week.  (I am writing this Thursday night.) So it might not be a good BBQ day here. I guess I shall have to see how accurate the forecast is. 

And on the grumble side, the critter has been back in my veggie garden eating my squash and cucumbers. I used some stinky spray  and pellets to see if that works, but once it rains those go away. Next step is putting netting over them if the smell doesn't keep them away, which I think I should have done earlier. This stinky spray and pellets is pretty bad though. It would keep me out. I actually think it is the chipmunks munching away, because not all the leaves are eaten.

That's all for me today. Thanks for visiting and  hope to see your Hot pages over at Art Journal Journey


  1. That looks like hot dogs on the grill, Erika. I think it's great. I love, love, love the idea of grilling. In fact, I'm working on something similar, but of course, mine won't be beautifully hand drawn like yours. Thanks for another inspiring idea for your theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Have a few great days with your daughter. Sounds like they will miss the fireworks in your neck of the woods, though. Good thing there are no fireworks there. You wouldn't want to burn down all those incredible trees that surround your home (says the woman who has ONE tree in her yard).

  2. Sorry those critters are still eating away at your veggies. Hope the smelly stuff helps. Love your grill, a fully automatic one would really be good, that's true. Have a great celebration, stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Loving your page, what could be better than a BBQ and cool beer - perfect 😀. Happy Friday and have a wonderful time with your family over the weekend - Happy Independence Day! Hugs, Jo x

  4. Good morning, love your page I was thinking about doing something like that too for your theme. ah no fun with the wildlife eating your veggies-I had the problem with everything I had in a few containers-they would dig everything up-so far so good with my tomato plants.
    Happy 4th hugs Kathy

  5. I’ve had trouble leaving comments on your blog recently, but just learned that opening in a new page works! Thx for visiting Freddie, so glad you knew. Portraits aren’t my thing, but I’ll return to tweak that image someday. I just needed to walk away for now. At my age of 77, I honestly didn’t know of him, but the music is very familiar and so great. As a former high school teacher, you have an advantage! Lol. I love your barbecue grill and thoughts of using it this weekend! It’s a great image and reminder of family time, but our family is scattered and with the virus, FaceTime will have to do. I hope you have good cooking out time!

  6. I like your Weber grill and I think hamburgers are on the grill. Too bad the critter got your veggies. I hope the stinky stuff or the netting will keep him away. On the plus side, you didn’t have to do much watering this week. Enjoy your 4th celebration.

  7. Ah, the grill. We'll be doing BBQ chix tomorrow, I think and I'll think of you no matter when we do it.

    I'm sorry about your critter. How frustrating. I hope you can get things under control.

  8. Naughty chipmunks! Love your BBQ page, hope the weather stayed fine for you all.
    Our daughter is visiting today for the first time in over 3 months. It's going to be so hard to keep our distance and not to hug her, but I need to keep safe still.
    Happy weekend!
    Alison xx

  9. Some former colleagues always had a BBQ on December 29th. Boy, we were freezing our butts off, but it was fun!
    Sadly my Mum passed on that date and I never went again.
    And at the Christmas Markets you can get hot beer. Yum.
    But I´m with you: Much more fun in hot weather and with a cool beer :-)
    Oh. I feed my "critter", but he/she is a cute squirrel, good luck getting rid of yours and happy 4th of July!

  10. I hope you got good weather for your BBQ and enjoyed your daughters visit.
    A plus is that you can look forward to enjoying the long weekend and not having to think about going back to work.
    It is a fantastic inspiration page for your AJJ theme Erika.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  11. An imaginative journal for the barbecue party with you!
    Great and I hope it can take place next year!
    Take care, Elke

  12. Yes the barbecues will be out if the sun shines! I'm not a great fan of barbecues, unless they are at my youngest son's house, he makes amazing burgers(no beef for me) Good luck in beating off those critters! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. Terrific BBQ page, Erika. We had rain during the night but it's now beautiful and pleasant. We plan to BBQ steaks on the patio, but it will just be the two of us. I hope the smelly stuff works to deter the critters. Happy Independence Day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. I picked up our BBQ from a local BBQ joint. Grilling sounds like fun :) Chipmunks are adorable, but there's so much I can't have because of them.


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