Sunday, July 5, 2020

On A Beautiful Summer Day

Hi everyone.  Hope you are having a lovely weekend. 
So my page today had 2 inspirations.
First of all I found this sky/cloud piece in an old FLOW magazine, so I cut it down to fit my base paper. But then I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it.
While working on my rearrangement of my happy place, a sheet of tiny stickers feel out onto the floor. When I picked them up I noticed they were these little vintage bugs with human faces, and I decided they would make wonderful bees and work perfect on my sunny day page. So I colored in the sun with a yellow crayon (as there was no sun on the magazine page) and added my bees. (Even if they aren't bees I am making them bees). 
Maybe not the most work extensively artistic  page but I rather like the results.
Bees just seem to love a hot summer day, and my garden is full of them. Plus I've been learning about beekeeping as I am going to set up a hive next spring and am getting everything ready this year so I have been extra into bees right now.  We really need to help those little buzzing insects for sure.

And the other evening when I went to take in my birdfeeders, I spied a hummingbird moth buzzing around some of my deck flowers.


Hummingbird moths are called that as they have long proboscis mouths they can stick into  flowers to take in pollen, and they flutter their wings extremely fast, back and forth, similar to a hummingbird.
 In the photo below you can see my phone camera could not  snap fast enough to capture a clear view of the wings.

It was very cool! 

That's all for me.
Thanks for visiting! Hope you are enjoying my simple "hot" pages.  I hope to see your  When It's Hot art over at Art Journal Journey


  1. Sadly near to no bees here this year. As you said, they love the heat and it´s cold.
    I grew up with Maya the Bee, do you know her?

  2. Absolutely wonderful Erika! You have sent me looking at my saved magazine pages again! I love those little bees!!! My Sister in law gets those hummingbird moths too! Bee keeping sounds exciting!! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. This is such a fun page, Erika. Love your bugbees or beebugs, a great addition. I've never seen a humming-bird moth, it's gorgeous. My balcony is always full of bees enjoying m flowers, so I'm enjoying watching them! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Love the bee faces on your pretty page! And I never heard of a hummingbird moth. Interesting combination of critter!

  5. Fun page! I love the bees with human faces. We have a hummingbird that visits from time to time, but he's so fast I can't get a picture of him. Enjoy your day!

  6. Your page is fun but your photos just take my breath away. Gorgeous!

  7. Such a fun page! Love those bees and wow, I've never heard of or seen a hummingbird moth before - amazing 😁. Thanks for sharing and happy weekend, enjoy! Hugs, Jo x

  8. I haven't seen many bees this year, Some, but still... I remember the first time I saw a hummingbird moth. It was exciting! I'd never heard of such a thing before lol

  9. Great page Erika, those bees are so fun! Lovely photos of the moth too.
    Alison xx

  10. Another fabulous page for your AJJ theme Erika, the bee stickers with the faces are super added details. \it was good to read that you are hoping to keep bees next year, harvesting your own honey will be special and very good to eat.
    great photos of the humming bird moth, I've not seen a photo of one of them before.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Outstanding New Banner Photo There - Way Cool - Enjoy The Week Ahead


  12. This is a wonderful summer page with the cute bees!
    These are beautiful photos of this insect in the flower.
    I wish you a nice start to the week, Elke

  13. Love this! It's such fun creating pages, and this one makes me smile instantly!! Thank you for brightening our day. Lidy

  14. I do like the bee faces on your page :)

    Your new banner header is amazing …

    Happy July wishes.

    All the best Jan

  15. I rather like the results also, Erika. The bug stickers are adorable! Hugs, Eileen

  16. What a fun page Erika. I love bees and these are definitely bees but with faces to let us know that they are good and doing good work in the gardens. The sky was the perfect piece to start with and I love your big old yellow sun.
    A great fun page!
    Never seen one of those moths - not a great lover of moths at the best of times as they tend to fly into you.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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