Sunday, August 23, 2020

Almost a New Week

 Hi folks!

I will start my post with a mural. I actually saw one this week down in Worcester, Massachusetts when I went to visit my Mom.  I always see   cool ones on some people's blogs, especially Bleubeard and Elizabeth's, which is where I am getting the link and the idea to join in this week over at Colourful World and their Monday murals challenge. This is my first link up for this challenge, which always feels a little strange for me. I don't know why, maybe it's just my new situation shyness coming out.

This  one is on the back wall of the building CC Lowell Art Supplies is in. I don't know much about it or what the images are of, so if you do, maybe you could fill me in. 

I did find this out about it though. The mural is painted by Nicky Davis of Houston, Texas and the wall is 18 by 35 feet in size.

And I have one more piece of art for today, an A6 page all about love.

I used lots of Dina Wakely spray paints to create the background. Most of the images are from Janet Klein and AALL& Create.  I did draw the clouds, use an old stamp to make the 9's, and also created the balloon from a tag and a hand doodled heart. No words are needed for this story. You can take it in your own direction.

I am linking up to Alison's challenge at Art Journal Journey, which happens to be Pockets and Tags.

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend.  Mine's been good, and not quite over as my daughter is on vacation on Monday. Hopefully the weather will hold so she and I can go to the beach for a few hours. 

That's all for me. Thanks for visiting.


  1. i like this two murals, so joyful and colorful

  2. Kudos for finding a mural, Erika. I'm proud of you. And you also did a great job sharing the size, the artist and the location. Most impressive, if I do say so. I often forget at least one of those things and have only shared the size of a mural once. I'm proud of you. I hope to see more in the future, too.

    LOVED your cloud 9 happy couple. It's such a great take on Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey, too. That background is incredibly colorful, too.

  3. Such a sweet mural! And I love your own mural

  4. A cute mural and your work is even cuter :-)

  5. Nice mural. Love your journal page, such a fun and pretty piece. Gorgeous background, too. Have a great, new week, take care, hugs, Valerie

  6. An interesting mural, and I love your romantic little page Erika.
    Hope you get to the beach with your daughter.
    Alison xx

  7. Thanks for joining Monday Murals Erika, love your cute mural. Please join us whenever you want.
    Your piece of art is quite pretty too :)

  8. Cool mural. I don't get up to CC Lowell much. Truth be told I hate driving in the area of Park Ave. as it's always so busy. As to the mural, the ghosties look like the ones in Pacman and the circle faces would be Pacman if we saw him from the front. He's always in profile in the game. I have no clue about the deer. I'll have to ask The Young One if that's something from Gamer culture.The page you created is adorable. I just love those li'l people. They remind me a bit of Tim Burton. Hope your got some beneficial rain from the storms last night and no damage. Have a good day

  9. I Looooovew the art you made for us Erika! The visualization of the faces look very cute and adorable and I love the mixture of light and dark colors across the artwork which gave it so much meaning. I see cute and playful but I also see depth and passion.

    Hope you have a great new week ahead! sending out hugs from the Philippines!

  10. Love your piece and the mural. Art supply stores SHOULD have murals!

  11. ...hi Erika, thanks for the visit to my blog. For many things I live in a cave, but I guess those little guys in the mural are PAC Men. I wish that I could paint or draw, but I guess that I’ll stick with my camera.

  12. Its a wonderful cute journal page Erika, the kids look really cute.
    The mural looked amazing as well.
    Hope you enjoyed having your daughter staying.
    Yvonne xx

  13. That's a striking mural! You know there's a story behind it :)


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