Saturday, August 1, 2020

Hello August

Happy new month everyone. August has arrived!
I'm here today to welcome Alison, whom many of you might know her blog Craftytrogs Arty Adventures.  She is our lovely hostess this month at Art Journal Journey. And her new challenge is 

I began my page with some black watercolor paper I recently ordered from Amazon. I colored my black background with some Dina Wakely spray paints and well as a stencil. Then I sprayed over that with more colors of her paints.  I managed some nice looking rust in spots.  I also used some ancient foam stamps (some of the first I ever bought back in the 1990's) with some paints to add the blue dots and the white flowers.
 My tag is made with several TH stamps and various ink colors. I just  overlaid and stamped until I liked what I had.  I began with grey ink to color the some of the background.
After last month of making theme pages, it was a lot of fun to take a different route on this page and just stamp and paint and play.
I also added this happy little girl. I am smitten with these AALL & Create stamps by Janet Klein.  I just "had" to buy a few.
I also added this quote.

So before I go, just a quick reminder. Art Journal Journey has some rules. The big one is that is an art journal challenge. So be sure your tags and pockets  are on journal pages please.

Thanks for visiting. 


  1. I'm loving your journal page, Erika. That background is so rich. I enjoyed reading all the sprays you used. It took me a minute, but I found the stencil. I love the flowers and dots. It's amazing what we have when we find a use for someof the first stamps we ever got. Thanks for this incredible first entry and wonderful inspiring page, That little girl has melted my heart!

  2. What a fun page Erika, so nice to see the bright colours against the dark background. Have a great month, hugs, Valerie

  3. Absolutely love this - well, there's lots of blue and brown, so I would, wouldn't I?! The polka dots and white flowers give a lovely lift to the mysterious shadows of the background... black watercolour paper, eh? Sounds interesting. Hope to be along to play with the great theme at AJJ this month. I haven't been very good in 2020!
    Alison x

  4. Just got my first Janet Klein stamps but a friend stamped me some earlier from her collection. Neither have been used yet but will be as soon as I get time. In fact you have given me a good idea for using one with a tag or a pocket similar to what you did - great idea Erika.
    Love the dark background with those flowers and dots on - I have always liked brown and turquoise together (since I was seven when mum bought me a turquoise chiffon scarf to go with my brown coat that had velvet trims). Then with your little girl being in a red dress it really does give the whole page another Pop!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. I just commented on E’s post that I can’t do pockets or tags, nor do I have a journal, so I’ll just watch from afar. Have fun!

  6. I like both of these so much -- all the layering gives it such texture and they are fun and happy pages!

  7. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. A fun and lively page, and the little girl is perfect. Stay cool!

  8. I'm glad you had fun creating your page Erika! It's absolutely gorgeous!!!
    Alison xx

  9. Those stamps are just adorable! I bet it's fun to just play after how hard you worked as AJJ hostess last month. I hope you're having a good weekend. Maybe you're even picnicking on the lake. That's like a dream to me. Hugs, Eileen

  10. I love how you used black backwater colour paper for this fantastic page Erika. Its super inspiration for Alison's theme choice this month. The tag also looks great, those quirky stamps are getting to be favourites of mine as well, I have a few mainly not inked yet.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  11. I think I commented on this -- bet you are moderating! But I do love the colors and the cheer. And no, I can't believe it's august either.

  12. This happy dancing girl amidst the dots and daisies is a cheerful day-brightener :)

  13. Really nice design and colours.

    All the best Jan

  14. She is soooo fun and looks so great on your wonderful background. I love the expression on her face. Lovely page for the challenge! Hugz


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