Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Retirement Book

 Hi everyone. Hope your week is going well. 

I have finally finished my retirement from teaching book. Good timing since teachers go back to work tomorrow in my district.  I've mentioned it before how relieved I am not to have to go back in this Covid-19 world,  even if my school isn't going back full time in the classroom.

So let me share some more pages with you. 

I had to include a page (as you can see on the right) a page about the bridge I needed to drive over to get to work. This bridge has been under construction for at least 10 years, and I joked how it wouldn't be done until I retired.  And guess what? That's what happened. The photo of the bridge is one I took from our boat..

Every now and again my department would go out after school on a Friday afternoon. We used to call those get togethers safety meetings. I'm not sure how that all started, but I had to record that because iit is a memory I don't want to forget.

And I found this quote to use on this next page. I always used to say this to the kids as they left class, so it seemed appropriate to add it.

And finally, the last page.   The book lead to this final layout. The man on this page is Charles Darwin. It's a card I found and decided I had to splurge and buy it for the book. Plus it came with lots of fun little stickers.

And that's all I wrote!

Thanks for visiting.


  1. You look happy! Good timing, so unsettling to teach in schools right now. It’s good to work out your feelings in your art. I love the Last page especially. Enjoy!


  2. What a wonderful way to end your teaching career. This is fabulous. Gotta love all these pages and I love how you ended it by evolving, too.

  3. That Green Yarn Is My Highlight - Outstanding


  4. What a terrific journal and great way to remember your career. That's VERY funny about the bridge. Love all that went behind this, the thought and symbolism. I love it.

  5. Nice thought to evolve to retirement! Love your book. Your last weeks were extra difficult because of Corona, now you can enjoy your time. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  6. HAPPY RETIREMENT, Erika!!!!!!!

  7. I'm impressed with this project. This will be a wonderful way to keep the memories.

  8. This is just brilliant.
    You do look happy and (I think) in these changing times your retirement was well timed :)

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  9. Enjoyed seeing the pages from your retirement book, Erika. It is full of fond memories from your teaching career and thanks for sharing. etirement is the best non-job we've ever had!

  10. What a fitting end to your book! It's such a shame it ended this way!
    Hugs, Chrisxx

  11. Fabulous! I always enjoy seeing your school memories and you did time your retirement wonderfully - yay 😀. I hope you've had a lovely week! Take care! Hugs, Jo x


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