Monday, August 3, 2020

T Stands for This and That

Hi everyone. Another week has flown right by and it is our first T for August over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

I hope August isn't quite so hot as July was.  Here in new Hampshire we had 17 days with the temperature over 90 degrees (32 degrees C). That is a lot for us, and my AC's have been getting a work out. Thankfully back in May we bought new ones for the bedrooms that are really energy efficient and also really quiet. 
I received my ATC for the T day 7th birthday swap from Chris this past Saturday.

I came in this beautiful card.

And included some fun bits and pieces. I can see some tags that will be useful with Alison's challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Thank you Chris for this wonderful happy mail!

And for T this week, let me share another beer from when my husband and I went boating Friday afternoon. My husband has summer hours right now which means they work an hour longer Monday through Thursday and get out at noon on Fridays. There is so much less boat traffic on Fridays that we've been going out then as long as the weather cooperates.

I am back to the Switchback Ale again. This is one of our favorites.

I have a bunch of boat photos I will share with you another day.

Our other new tradition this summer is we get ice cream for Sunday lunch.

I once again had the strawberry cake crunch which was yummy!

We spent some time during the rest of the weekend at my mother-in-laws. This was the first weekend my mother-in-law actually came down to the dock all summer and socialized. My mother-in-law is 86 but due to some health issues has lost a lot of her muscle mass, and she doesn't have a lot of strength to move around.  We can sit outside more than 6 feet apart on the dock and socially distance chat or hop in the lake for a cooling dip.

Sunday when we stopped by my sister-in-law and her husband and their newish rescue puppy Murphy were there. He is a cutie.

This is my brother-in-law holding Murph.  They have had him about 6 weeks now and since he knows us (and our dogs), he gets pretty frisky and excited. He is in time out here. My photo looks close it is because I had it on zoom when I took the photo. Now my dogs like to smell him and then move on as he is a little too playful for them, now that they are mature.  Well in their opinion. They can be pretty frisky still but being 6 and 7 years old a young puppy is more than they want to deal with.

And lastly, I love the color of this lily flower  blooming in my garden.

It came as a surprise because I forgot I had one this color combination. (I have a lot of daylilies as they like my yard. If you are going to grow something you might as well pick what grows well.)

That's it for me. I am writing this Monday night, and they say rains and wind  from the storm Isaias will be hitting us tomorrow. We can use the rain, but too bad since my daughter has the day off and we had planned to go explore one of the local state parks. (New Hampshire parks are open but for most in my area you need advance reservations that limits the number of people by limiting the number of cars that can park.) Oh well. We have scheduled a couple of beach days later this month so hopefully the weather will cooperate for those!

Have a fabulous T day.


  1. Chris is generous to a fault. You got some lovely goodies and that card is awesome. I'm super dazzled by her generosity and her wonderful stamping.

    It's great that your husband gets Friday afternoons off in summer. I know how much you enjoy the boat and how nice it must be to be more or less alone on the lake at that time. I'll let you drink your ale, since it doesn't sound all that good to me. However, I bet it tasted good on those hot days you were having.

    Your ice cream looks good and I laughed at your take on the new rowdy puppy. What al lovely day lily you have, too. I didn't know they came in those colors. It's beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing your gifts, your time with your sister and family, your time on the boat, and your ale with us for T this Tuesday. PLEASE stay safe and we'll understand if the electricity and internet go out. I will understand more than many, I'm sure (grin).

  2. Lovely ATC and post from Chris, enjoy! Beer and icecream both sound good for hot weather. Murphy is such cutie! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Lovely photos Erika! We spent the day with my sister in law and family last week. As they live by the sea, I got to have a lovely cool paddle 😍🌊
    Hope you're having a good week,
    Alison xx

  4. What a gorgeous ATC from Chris and how lovely to receive all those goodies too, so kind! Your trip to the lake looks fabulous, so nice to see your family and Murph is such a cutie πŸ˜€. I've never tried this beer so I've put it on my list to try, when that will be who knows! Wishing you a Happy T Day! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  5. Lovely mail art. I like the ATC with the stacked teacups. Oooh, ice cream. for lunch. Nice that your MIL was able to sit on the dock and socialize with you. I laughed when you said Murphy was in time out. I thought he was just having a nice cuddle with his dad.

    I'm hoping by the time storm reaches us it will have lost some of its punch as it travelled up the coast. Stay safe, dry, and don't blow away. Happy T Day

  6. hope you had a lovely day Erika, the icecream looked delicious.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  7. You wrote: "If you are going to grow something you might as well pick what grows well." That's such good advice, probably generalizable. Also why I don't make art works!

    be well... mae at

  8. I hope you don't lose power or have any damage from winds and rain. Hang in there with the storm.

    It looks like it was a wonderful time and so nice for you all to be together. Murphy is a sweet looking dog and I'll bet he had a ball. And the colors in that lily are fabulous.

    Happy mail is the best! And you had quite a haul! That's super fun.

  9. beautiful art and goodies from Chris- love those tags!
    We've been having pretty much the same weather here- and now it's pouring rain with a -yikes- possible tornado looming for the area(unusual for our parts)!!
    So nice that you can spend some time on the boat,in the water and cool off with an ice cream treat. I'm waiting for you to share a lobster roll;)
    Happy T day!

  10. Beautiful assortment of artwork. Great photos. I'm hoping August is cooler, too. Happy T-Day!

  11. I like your idea of ice cream for lunch on Sunday, Erika! Sometimes, we have made it for dinner when out and about. Glad you and some family members were able to get out and socialize including your MIL, nice for her. The rescue puppy was a cutie.

  12. Chris' work is beautiful. I'm enjoying seeing what she sent for our 7th. Murph looks like a sweety.

    I wouldn't mind an ice cream cone myself today. We had a big rain and hail storm last night. So I worked up a sweat mopping up the screened-in patio. I hope the storm doesn't hit you too badly.

    Happy T-day and have a lovely week! Hugs, Eileen

  13. I do hope that those bits and pieces come in useful! It sounds like a good idea to go on your boat before the weekend rush starts! That ice-cream is an unusual flavour but I bet it tastes good! Glad you got some family time - the puppy looks very relaxed there! Your day lily is the most wonderful colour!
    We have had wind and rain this afternoon, howling out on our balcony!
    Happy T day, Chrisx

  14. I want the strawberry cake crunch ice cream! Yum yum! And what a lovely color of day lily! Also the atc and goodies are lovely from Chris. Happy T Day!

  15. Sorry you missed your park outing ~ Your lily is beautiful! What a lucky dog to be adopted he looks happy to be in time out :) -Your ice cream and ale both look refreshing & yummy! I'm glad you received your ATC and fun extras ~ Enjoy your week and your future beach days ahead

  16. A beautiful package of goodies from Chris! Your ice cream sounds delicious. Anything fruity with a crunch has my name on it.
    Your lily is a lovely color.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Lovely post. I really enjoyed the flower photo. I've never seen a lily those particular colors.
    Happy T day!

  18. A lovely 'summery' post. Were you able to get to the state park with your daughter or did the storm hit hard? I hope you have been able to go, even if just to have some mother/daughter time.
    It's a great idea of your hubby's employers to have Friday afternoon off by working extra hours in the week. It gives you some time away when other people are still at work.
    It's great that you have been able to take mother out. And
    Oh, Murphy is gorgeous.
    It is so difficult to keep the social distance, isn't it, especially with loved ones.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,


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