Friday, September 11, 2020

Bedrock Gardens, Part 1

 Happy Friday everyone. Another week is winding down. Our temperature here in New Hampshire is supposed to drop a bit so this might be the first weekend since June there will be no boating  in my house. I don't think the on the water season is over, but  it is a sure sign that summer days are waning. 

First today I have a tag for Valerie's Down on the Farm challenge at Tag Tuesday.

I sat down Wednesday evening and played with some farm animal stamps. It was a lot of fun. I particulary like this cow stamp by Paperartsy. I stamped the cow and then painted the sky. I made the grass with some paint and also colored pencils. Then I had some left over pink paper dots on my work table so I added them to my tag.

This past Wednesday I went to visit an old dairy farm that had been turned into a gorgeous and amazing garden. I met my also newly retired work friend Jo. Bedrock Gardens is 32 acres in size so we had plenty of space to socially distance from other people there. And with each other too.
Jo and I like to take pictures so we took our cameras. I ended up with over 500 photos. Some are repeats or not so good, and I haven't gone through them all yet.   I thought today I would share some overall views of the gardens with you.

There was a good size pond you could walk around. I am standing on one side and looking across. The whole gardens has a slightly Japanese feel, but not strictly. There was a lot of native plants as well as some unusual plants for this area. And lots of plants I didn't know what they were.
There was also some cool art made from recycled farm and garden equipment also. (More of that another day also.)

And lastly for today, a view of the teahouse in the pines.

That's all for me today. Hope you have a great start to your weekend.


  1. Oh I do love that tag! The zinski stamps are always a winner for me! What a fabulous place Bedrock Gardens is! 500+ photos is some going!! I love the ones you show here. The hanging seat made me smile and I would love to get into that tea house, but those longer views - fabulous!!! Looking forward to seeing more! Have a great weekend whatever you do! Hugs, Chrisxx

  2. Your tag made me smile. Love the cow and the pun. Bedrock Gardens looks like a beautiful spot. I think I could spend all day there in the chair swing. Enjoy your day!

  3. Love that cow! Very imaginative in the way she “moos”. Lol!

  4. I LOOOOOVE that super tag, moochas gracias for joining us at Tag Tuesday. Is that a stamp you used? It's a super image! That's a fantastic garden you visited, so pretty, and love the tea house - do they do coffee there, too?! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. That looks like a wonderful place with great views and nice spots to sit a bit.

  6. Oh. We had a mad-cow once, in 1999 in Perth. A way the Aussies handled that many thought they have mad cow disease as well, which they had not!
    She went MOOO-MOOOOO, endlessly. Sadly, when Hubby´s apartment drowned years later, she did, too.

    Lovely photos, thank you for sharing! 500 LOL!

  7. Love your fun tag Erika, gorgeous colours, and great photos of your day out with your friend.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Alison xx

  8. What a beautiful garden -- and a great place to spend time with a friend and still distance!

  9. We have been plotting out weekday day trips and maybe this place is one for a future adventure. We are selecting places where we can be outdoors without the need to constantly mask-up, so this looks like a good choice. Enjoyed the photos but with 500 you really have a LOT to sort through!


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