Friday, September 4, 2020

Apple Season

 Hi everyone. It's Friday, and it's the start of a long holiday weekend here in the US. Monday is the Labor Day holiday, as well as the end of  summer season (not the astronomical season as the equinox doesn't arrive for a few weeks).  It traditionally means schools are in session, and in my area at least, lots of seasonal places either close down or cut back on when they are open. My husband is taking today off for a longer weekend, as is my daughter and her beau. They are coming over, and we are heading out for a boat ride later today. It is supposed to be a pretty nice weekend weather wise.

I saw yesterday on Facebook that our local orchard is starting to pick apples. Another sign of changing seasons. (And there is nothing better than fresh picked apples-yum!) I was inspired after seeing that post and made this page in my garden journal.

I used a burlap page as my base, and then I added this piece of wood veneer paper from my scrap pile. It was just the right size too, so no there was no waste. The apples were die cuts made out of some flexible thick paper-like material that Tim Holtz used to make. I can't think of what he called it, and I don't think you can even buy it anymore. maybe you remember the name of it? The apples were in my stash, but I do own the die, so I die cut out the white center with the seeds for the top one.
With the various textures, I am linking up to Jo's challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Hope you have a great start to your weekend. And I also really appreciate you stopping by my blog.


  1. While I'm not happy about Summer ending just yet, there's something to be said about picking apples in an orchard. Or these days a bag at the grocery store. Your apple page would make a great advert for pick your own apples. Looks like you will have a spectacular day for boating. Have fun!

  2. Our neighbour´s apples don´t look good, we really did have a shit#y summer. But I really would like to see a pic of "a guy" you name beau 😁 - your Daughter must have good taste!

  3. Beautiful journal page, now I need to sink my teeth into an apple. Have a great long weekend with your family, and take lots of photos. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Fresh, local apples are a sure sign of Autumn. I like the wood veneer against the burlap. The juicy apples are making my mouth water :)

  5. Hope you had a lovely family day today Erika, it's lovely to read that across the pond your getting ready for the changing season too. Fruit always reminds me of when I was a child, with harvest festival celebrations. Love your layered creation your apple looks good enough to eat.
    Wishing you a happy holiday weekend Safe Hugs Tracey xx

  6. This turned out GREAT, Erika. I like the two different apples and I like the background, This oozes texture. It's a super piece for Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey, too. I bet you are ready to go apple picking soon.

  7. Grunge board/paper?
    Great page Erika, love the texture and quote.
    Happy Saturday,
    Alison xx

  8. Beautiful page! What could be better than apple season and you used so many different textures too, loving the wood veneer paper - perfect 😀. Thanks so much for linking this inspirational page at AJJ! Happy weekend and have a lovely boat trip with your family! Hugs, Jo x

  9. Enjoy your boat trip - that sounds like a great way to spend part of the long weekend. I like your art journal page - so creative. I have never used burlap in my art journal, that's such a great idea and a wonderful inspiration.

  10. Apples are in here in Michigan too. I bought some at a farm stand last week. Happily, we also still have peaches -- at least we did a couple of days ago. I always find the end of fresh fruit and tomato season very depressing.

    be well... mae at

  11. Apples are in here in Michigan too. I bought some at a farm stand last week. Happily, we also still have peaches -- at least we did a couple of days ago. I always find the end of fresh fruit and tomato season very depressing.

    be well... mae at

  12. I do like your apple page.
    Hope you all enjoyed your boat ride.

    All the best Jan

  13. Yum. juicy apples a real sign of autumn although our trees are having a rest this year, but after last years bumper crop that is good for the tree to recover. I love the journal page you made and the burlap base.
    I hope you had a good weekend with the family.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Yes, I love some fresh picked apples and with the turn in seasons, the first thing I think of is candied apples! Your page is fun and a great nod to the season. Hugz

  15. Be Well This Week And Stay Strong


  16. I am sure you enjoyed your boat trip - especially as you had the comp-any of your daughter and her beau.
    I love autumn, love wearing winter clothes too, does that make me sound strange? I think it is the colours that I like, there is nothing better than walking through a wood full of beautiful oranges golds and reds. I hope your lane has all those colours and we get to see some of them via your bog.
    Love the page you have done in your journal - gives me an idea on what I could maybe use on a burlap page of mine. The wooden texture marries perfectly with the apples and the pips of the top one. Gorgeous colours together.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  17. Just picked up some apples from a local farm. Wish all folx could enjoy such things. So I check my privilege and count my blessings. And enJOY the September apples.


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