Friday, September 25, 2020

Happy Friday

 Hi everyone. Another week has flown by, and it is almost another weekend. My week is ending with some beautiful fall weather. I am enjoying that, but boy do we need rain. I went to plant some flowers a friend gave me  and the ground soil is powder.

 Here's a river bed I walked by the other day. Not sure if you can make out with the sun glare how low this river actually is. People kayak and canoe in this river, but not now.  Now you could actually walk across this and probably not even get your feet wet.There is no more than a trickle of water. It is located in Wolfeboro Falls, but the falls are not even flowing right now. 
Today I have a journal page from my Garden Journal to share with you. I created texture by thickly stenciling on some black paint, and then adding both the matte board frame as well as the gold and orange colored butterfly. The flower is also from a stencil that I used a marker to outline, and then I painted and doodled upon to create.

The quote is stamped from one of Alison Bomber's sets from Paper Artsy.
I am linking up to Jo's texture challenge at Art Journal Journey Hope to see you join us before the month wraps up.

Since our weather is nice we are going to try to squeeze in one last boat trip for the season this weekend. It will be nice to go out on the water, and my husband is especially excited. It's always sad to see these summer  activities end. I think it will be especially true this year with Covid. I'm not sure I want to move inside with friends and the higher risk that poses to spreading the virus. So hopefully, some nice weather will last a while longer so the fall can be enjoyed.

That's all for me today. I have some chores around the house to do, and hopefully some art time too. Or maybe I should say I have some art time planned and hopefully my chores around the house will get done. That is closer to the truth. Enjoy the start of your weekend.


  1. We have had much too little rain here, and the Rhine is very low and the ground dry, too. I'm hoping we will get some of the rain promised this weekend! Lovely journal page with a great quote. By the way, when I was dusting my glass I realised I have a whole shelf of glass spheres in various sizes. Most are too big and heavv to take out, but one small one should be fun to play with, thanks for the inspiration.
    Have fun with the boat! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Happy Friday. Have a great day friend. Enjoy.

  3. Lovely page. I like how it looks like storm clouds receding and the flower making a showy appearance. The little miss in your banner looks so pleased. Maybe enjoying the Summer like weather. Hard to imagine people canoe and kayak on that river. We're in drought too, down here. I'll have to water the mums in the pots today. Maybe some rain coming this week. 🤞 Enjoy your day on the water.

  4. Good morning, we are still too dry here as well but we did finally get some rain a couple weeks ago-I Love your texture page-so pretty Happy Friday Hugs Kathy

  5. I’m with you hoping for more nice fall weather. If like last year, we had that all the way to spring, not a flake of snow. I don’t hope for that, however, because it’s not normal in NJ. I fear it’s climate change results, a scary thought. Your lack of water over the falls and in the river are more evidence. Your artistic piece is lovely! Tulips are a favorite of mine, well done!

  6. SO glad you are getting in another boat ride. It's beautiful here at the lake this weekend, at least today and I'm savoring it too.

    I knew it was very dry there but boy, that river is super low. Our world is really messed up, isn't it?

  7. Great page. I love your masthead too. Same issue with my soil here...dusty is a good word to describe it, though fortunately my flowers (mostly) are thriving. Enjoy the weekend and the outdoors. I am making the most of it, as long as the weather cooperates.

  8. I love the photo of the river, Erika. I am sure you enjoyed your walk in that lovely place. Your page is GORGEOUS, my friend. I love the red flower into the frame. Great idea. Hugs, my friend.

  9. thanks for sharing, i love reading all your blog enties.

    anyway, i hope you can comment to this blog entry -->

    i just really need this for my potfolio... thank you so much :)

  10. Wow, I was surprised to see the river so low, it looks really dry there! We've been having an Indian Summer here but it's rained overnight which my garden appreciated 😊. The forecast is for cooler weather seems that autumn is here. The textures look fabulous on your page and the flower and frame are gorgeous, loving the stamped quote too. Thanks for joining in the fun at Art Journal Journey! Happy Friday and enjoy your boat trip this weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  11. A beautiful page Erika, I love how you framed the flower.
    Hope you get some rain soon. We finally got some here in the week, after a long dry spell.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  12. Your river _is_ down to a trickle, isn't it! Wow!

  13. What a lovely romantic journal page. The river is almost dry, I hope it will rain some time and I wish you a nice boat trip, hug, Elke

  14. We sure could use a long bout of rain as is shown by the water levels in that first river photo, Erika. Don't we all have some other things time and home chores most weeks. The question is which one wins out first?

  15. Funny, but in previous years your weather has been very similar to ours but now we have had so much rain that I haven't had to water the garden at all this Summer. It's awful when you see rivers dry up like that. Hope you get your rain soon.
    I like your AJJ piece a lot. Great words (flamboyantly! - yes) and I love the pretty little butterfly - I wonder how you did that - it looks metallic. The way you made the flower and the curved frame is terrific too, along with the black drape.
    Yes, too, about the household chores - maybe tomorrow?

  16. Sounds good to be having another boat ride ... enjoy :)

    All the best Jan

  17. That black texture is really cool - like a heavily draped curtain hanging in the corner by the very ornate gilded frame. Love the way it draws the eye to the quote in black too. Lovely!
    Alison x


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