Monday, September 21, 2020

T Stands for Crystal Balls

 Hi everyone. I hope everyone is having a nice start to the new week. It is chilly here, but it is supposed to warm up a bit later this week. I have to say I am loving this cooler weather. I finally have some energy to get somethings done. Eventually all my little projects around the house will look like I have accomplished a big project, I hope.Yet even if they don't, I am glad to get into some of those cabinets and other places I didn't have time to tackle while working.

I've also been having some fun. Some of you may remember I visited a local garden called Bedrock Gardens a couple of weeks ago with a  friend who retired with me from school back in June. I am very grateful for me 3 closest work friends who totally get social distancing and the situation with my husband's immunosuppression because of his kidney transplant. This lady is one of those friends, and when she suggested we go walk outside in the gardens, I was game to go.

We took our cameras. And we both took a lot of photos. One thing my friend had that I was not familiar with is a lens ball. 

Have you seen these?

I don't think they are probably the most used tool in a photographer's camera bag, but they are not expensive. Plus it was fun to play with.

I don't think these photos are most creative someone could get with a lens ball. This toy has potential. I went on Amazon and found one for under $15. I thought it would be something different to play with on occasion. I hope to be able to get some more unusual photos.
Here's a few I took at home when I played with my new toy.

Mine did come with a tiny stand, but one big drawback is you need a place to put it otherwise you get fingers in your photos. I haven't photoshopped these so I think more could be done if I played with them in that program.

And since it is Tuesday, that means it is T day.  So here's my drink for this week's drink sharing over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

 Of course the lens reverses the image.

And here I flipped it for you, even though I think you could figure it out. It is easier to see the words when they are in the right direction.

And hopefully there's not too many lens ball photos in this post. 
I will end my post with one more photo. This week's Sunday ice cream for lunch.
Pumpkin pecan praline.

Only 3 more weeks and ice cream window closes.

Have a fabulous T day, and thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Hi Erika, I was not familiar with that lens ball-looks like fun to use though. and yum I want some of that ice cream-Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. The lens ball does look like an amusing toy. At a display greenhouse where we love to go (unfortunately closed for the moment), they have kaleidoscopes set up to look at flowers and plants, and you can get photos that are similarly interesting.

    be well... mae at

  3. Fab photos. I want a lens ball. I need one! Such fun today. Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Wow ~ That does look like fun to play with. I love the hydrangeas and the trees. Your ice cream sounds yummy! enjoy the week ahead.

  5. Sounds like you had a fabulous time with your friends and the lens ball is amazing! Loving how it reverses the images and your tree and flower photos are beautiful, such fun 😁. I'd love everything pumpkin, I'd love to try that ice cream too - yum! Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  6. Ohh I have never seen a lens ball. I agree this is potential for some great photo. Glad you have friends that understand distancing and wearing masks and that you were able to get out to the garden. Have a wonderful day.

  7. I have never seen this lens ball! It seems an interesting toy!

  8. What a great post! I'd love one of those lens balls. I wonder if I can get one to show the boys. I'm thinking they're old enough now for things like that and kalaidescopes.

    Is that darling girl in the banner you? It's a wonderful piece of art!

  9. I'll be happier with temperatures later this week. That lens ball looks like lots of fun. I might have to order me a new toy, too. I'd rather have your pumpkin pecan praline in a pie. Too cold for ice cream for me. Happy T Day

  10. A great post Erika, I've not seen one of these lens balls, they do look fun. Your ice cream sounds so delicious.
    Have a great week.
    Avril xx

  11. Love your header. Is that you as a young girl?

    No, I never heard of a lens ball. Looks like fun.

    Pumpkin pecan praline. My favorite ice cream is pecan praline and I like pumpkin. So I bet I would love that flavor. Enjoy your last three ice cream Sundays or sundaes as the case may be.

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

  12. WOW! Such fabulous photos! A lens ball sounds like fun to use!

  13. That is a fun little thing that 'crystal ball'. When you grow tired of using it for photography, then you can always set up business as a fortune teller, lol.
    Yummy ice cream, yum yum. Three more ice cream lunches by the sounds of it.
    Happy T-Day,

  14. Great series! I think some ice cream places are open in winter here, too, will have a look. Happy T-day!


  15. You have some great photos of your crystal ball. Very creative.

    Your ice cream looks yummy! Pumpkin flavor is perfect for the fall. Enjoy your fill of ice cream before the window closes.

    Happy Tea Day,

  16. I was a professional photographer in another life once, haha, and would love to have had a lens ball! It would have give me favorite photos, I’m sure. Actually I have a favorite of yours...the last one with blue and white flowers. So beautiful! Your ice cream sounds scrumptious. In spite of me not being a huge ice cream fan, I think I’d love that one!

  17. Love the effect a lens ball gives - your photos look great! The ice-cream sounds delicious - my son makes his own ice-cream and makes Pumpkin Spice ice-cream - his partner doesn't like it so it's also a slimming aid!!!Belated Happy T day, Chrsx

  18. That lens ball looks like a fun tool, great photos Erika!
    Enjoy your ice-cream.
    Alison xx

  19. Beautiful glass balls! But the ice cream window is closing! NOOOOO!
    Happy belated T Day1

  20. The glass balls are gorgeous! But the ice cream window is closing? NOOOOO!
    Happy Belated T Day!


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