Tuesday, September 8, 2020

T Stands for the Labor Day Weekend

 Hi everyone. It is hard to believe that the Long Labor Day weekend here in the US has come and gone by already. We are really into September now. It dawned on me the other day as I went for a short swim at my mother-in-law's home that that might have been my last swim for the year, depending how quickly things cool off.

It was a really nice long weekend for me. Not only did we get some of the basement cleaned out (which is a job that needed to be done a long time ago and which now in progress, is a good feeling ) , but I had lots of  outside time along with a 2 hour phone call with my friend who lives in North Carolina. Catching up as well as enjoying the gorgeous weather was fun.

I met one of my teacher friends early Saturday morning, and we walked part of the 12 mile rail trail in Wolfeboro (New Hampshire), the town north of where I live.  I've shown you some photos earlier this summer when we walked it also, but this morning was so pretty I thought I would share a few more.

This is the view from Albee Beach on Lake Wentworth. It is one of the town beaches for residents, but others can walk in and use it. We didn't really use the beach, but we did walk down and enjoy the gorgeous views. I had my phone accidently set on square photos.

And we discovered this shade spot with a bench where we could sit a minute and enjoy the view.

I'm not that familiar with Lake Wentworth, but it is so beautiful I want to explore it more.

And Friday my husband, daughter and her beau (Iris I will get a photo for you) all took the day off from work. We met them for lunch, and then went for an afternoon boat cruise. I still need to get my photos off my camera so no boating photos today. 
For lunch we went to the Newick's Lobster Pound. This is another place built right after World War two, but it is very large and open year round. This is the first time I ever remember them having outdoor seating (thanks to Covid), but it works for this new pandemic world.  This place has a parking lot bigger than lots of  large US grocery stores do,  so they could easily take a part of the parking area and spread out tables.

For lunch, I had probably my last lobster roll for the season. I had a choice of fries or homemade chips, and I went for the chips. The nice thing about Newick's is you can choose your size  of lobster roll, so I took the petite. And it came with coleslaw too.

And since it is Tuesday, it is time to share my weekly T day drink post over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog. My daughter and her beau were stuck in traffic and running late, so my husband and I each had a beer while we waited for them.

And our table was right on the bay, so we had a pretty nice view.

 It felt like being away on vacation.  In fact the whole weekend had such nice weather, sunny, light breeze, not too hot, that it was a treat. And do I dare show my Sunday ice cream lunch? And the fact that Monday felt like Sunday so we had it again for lunch? Do you prefer coffee oreo or strawberry cake crunch?

Have a great Tuesday.
Thanks for visiting.
And of course I hope it is  or will be a nice T day.


  1. Your photos are just beautiful! The square format often results in interesting composition possibilities. And beer is a nice drink to feature this week.

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  2. Good morning sounds like the perfect long holiday weekend. gorgeous views. I think the outdoor seating is brilliant for restaurants now-glad you were able to converse with friends. I have never had lobster-looks delicious and I love seafood. Happy T wishes Kathy

  3. What a breathtaking view! and that's a perfect place for outdoor seating. Happy T Tuesday!

  4. Gorgeous pictures, Erika. The bright blue water and sun shots are amazing.

    Yeah, yeah, your "last lobster roll for the season." You keep saying that. The pictures make my mouth water.

    Neither coffee Oreo nor strawberry cake crunch ice cream. I like pecan praline or vanilla with caramel or chocolate sauce.

    What a lovely weekend you had. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy T-Day. Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

  5. Sounds like a fabulous weekend. Glad you enjoyed the walk with your friend, thanks for sharing the photos. And the food looks good, and am am so hungry just now. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Such a beautiful walk! Glad you had a good time with your friends 😊. It looks like you had fun at the restaurant too, such lovely views over the water and the weather is looking positively tropical - perfect to enjoy a cold beer, yum! Cheers and wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  7. What beautiful photos of the lake and your walk, and of course a day of boating, company, and a lobster roll is a big bonus too! I am determined to get one lobster roll at the beach before the weather gets cold. Happy T day!

  8. What a beautiful area you and your friend chose to walk in. It looks SO peaceful there.

    So glad you got so much accomplished over the long weekend, especially with the help of your daughter's boyfriend. It was so hot, I did absolutely nothing, except binge on some Frankie Drake mysteries I'd already seen (on PBS passport).

    Wow, what great looking chips. I love fries, but these look great. And that lobster roll looks great, too. I bet it went great with your beer. Thanks for sharing your walk, your lobster roll, and your beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  9. Beautiful New England! There’s no place like it in my book.

  10. Beautiful photos Erika, the lake views are stunning.
    I'm looking forward to a walk with an old school friend this morning 😊
    Happy T Day!
    Alison xx

  11. Such beautiful water to enjoy along with yummy food ~ I hope you get to sneak in another swim ~ Enjoy!

  12. Perfect weather this weekend for a walk and being on/by the lake. Beautiful area. I've never been up that way. And strawberry cake crunch, please. Happy T Day.

  13. What a glorious weekend! I love the photos. You live in a really lovely area.
    Your last lobster roll? Probably not. You'll squeeze another one in if you can!
    We had our last ice cream out today. We went to the ice cream shop in town (run by friends of ours) and they make the most delicious ice cream. So we had a little treat.
    Newick's Lobster Pound sounds like a great place. I googled it and saw more photos.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  14. It looks like a glorious weekend. Your weather is divine -- much unlike ours! (Rain, cold, gloom.) YOu mentioned your last probable swim. I can't remember my last swim -- maybe a week or so before Labor Day. The weather has been cold and grim. We're home for a bit and back up but I'm guessing by then it will be too chill to enjoy.

    Oh, that lobster roll!

  15. When I first read about your trail walk I thought - Good Grief - I would need a 'comfort break' walking that far, then I re-read it and realised you said 'part of'!!! Some beautiful sights along the way though!
    How lovely that Lobster Pound looks! Your food is mouthwatering and I am pleased it is nearly time to eat here! Hubby looks happy with his choice of table and not surprisingly with those views! I can't imagine what those flavours taste like but they sound good and I would have either!! A very belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  16. Love, love, love your photographs.
    What a great weekend.

    All the best Jan


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