Monday, September 28, 2020

T Stands for the Past Week

Hi everyone. September is winding down quickly,isn't it? Last night I woke up and heard some rain coming down. I'd forgotten what that sounded like. Before last night we'd only had 1/10 of an inch (2.54 mm) all month. I was so happy to hear  the rain I laid in bed awake listening for awhile. 

 In the last couple of days some of the leaves around my home have really started to become quite colorful. 

Here's some photos from my last couple of morning walks.

Sunday we had some morning fog which made the colors pop a bit more. And also add some atmosphere to the photos too.

My backyard is starting to look pretty also. You can see my grass is disappearing because of our draught. The good news is that we are supposed to have 100% chance of rain later this week.

It is so dry there is no grass left near the back deck. The dogs haven't helped as they've kicked up the grass. I got sick of wiping down their muddy footprints on my floors  (mud from the morning dew), so I went out and purchased this piece of fake grass carpet. It might sound strange, but it is able to be outdoors and is just grass like enough that when the dogs walk over it, it brushes away the mud off their paws.
So far it is working perfect!
And actually gives a bit of geen to the lawn-ha-ha!

Last week was busy. I made some sourdough English muffins and a honey cake. Unfortunately I forgot to take photos. And I also went for a walk on the rail trail again.

I climbed up on the lifeguard seat to get a better view, and my friend snapped this photo of me.

I did venture out to lunch after my walk. The only restaurant in my town has a huge land area. They have the ice cream window (you've seen  my take out treats from that window  lately), indoor dining, and a giant tent they put out for outdoor dining. They have enough land that we've seen helicopters land there several times, even with the tent up.
My friend Deb and I chose the outdoor tent for lunch after our rail
trail walk.

It was taco Wednesday. I had some fish tacos. For my side I got butternut squash, a favorite of mine. And you can see my T day drink too. I had some ice water with lemon. And I was pleased to see they used paper straws too.

Don't forget to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog   and see what the T gang has been up to. And of course you are welcome to join us if you haven't yet.

And look what I came across last week for Iris. A stone Henry!

And I can't forget my Sunday lunch ice cream. This week I had mocha/peanut butter ice cream.

Only 2 more weeks until the take out window shuts down. (Of course you can always go in and order ice cream to go. Which might have to be done-ha-ha.)

I had a good week. Hope you did also. And I hope you end the month with good things too.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Beautiful fall colors I always love seeing photos of the turning leaves.
    and your ice cream sounds delish, Happy T and new week Kathy

  2. Your foggy weather does make the red leaves look vivid! Eating in an outdoor tent on a rainy day sounds like fun.

    be well... mae at

  3. No rain here for the last 10 days either- but tomorrow is to be a different - and welcoming story:) Really lovely fall looking photos- I do love how a foggy and misty air brings such atmosphere.
    Love your special view from the lifeguard seat:)
    Oh, and fish tacos...YUM!!
    Iris will be thrilled for the Henry mention and photo;)Yummy ice cream choice - and yes, get it while you can. Happy T day!

  4. It hasn't rained this entire month, except for a drizzle on night. I walked outside and thought I was seeing things when I saw the few droplets of water that had accumulated in my rain gage. Your trees are incredible and the colors are so vivid and beautiful. I'm in total awe of their beauty, because I seldom see leaves turning in this part of the country.

    I've never had a fish taco. That is on my list if I ever get somewhere that sells them and it's safe to visit. Water with lemon and a paper straw are my kind of drink when out and about. And I have to say you are quite brave to eat at a restaurant. Even outside, I'm still not that brave. Thanks for sharing your lovely trees and walks, your ice cream, fish tacos, and water with lemon with us for T this almost Tuesday.

  5. Glad you had a good week. That chair you climbed up on looks fun, I would like one of those on my balcony! The lack of rain is a big problem here, too. Your trees are looking good. Take care of yourself, enjoy your good food and drink! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Oh, I once had a fake grass on my balcony - be careful, can get very icky, brrrr! From underneath.
    Fun pic with the lifeguard-seat! Hmmmm, taco.

    Owwww, thank you for the Henry, ours sure greets happily over! ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿงก
    A happy T-day to you! Hugs!

  7. Lovely fall photos - the misty ones are so atmospheric. The lake looks like such a wonderful place to go and clear your head - such peace and tranquillity and open space. Hope you enjoyed the tacos, the muffins and the cake... and I've got no doubt you enjoyed that delicious looking ice cream.

    Sorry I've missed so much - there's just been too much going on in all sorts of ways!
    Alison x

  8. Beautiful Autumn photos, and lunch looks delicious Erika! Xx

  9. Your area is so pretty. I wonder if you will be have leaf peepers this year? The outdoor spot looks so nice for lunch. I'm liking the warm temps with the changing colors. Too bad Fall and Winter couldn't stay at a constant 75 degrees. Happy T Day!

  10. I love listening to Autumn rain :) Your leaves are gorgeous! And I'm enjoying your scenic lake view. That's a creative way to get the dogs to wipe their feet. Outdoor dining is the way to go these days, and that food looks delicious, as does the ice cream. Happy T Tuesday!

  11. Nothing beats Autumn leaves in my opinion and these are gorgeous, Erika. Glad you're enjoying retirement :-)
    Cath x

  12. Wow your place is so pretty. We have fog every morning here on the coast, I really like the fog. Something mysterious about it. Enjoy your day.

  13. Glad you got some rain. Erika. Our rainy season is almost over and it was a good one. Your first fog photo looks like a Japanese garden or painting. Very dreamy.

    The fake grass was a good idea. Funny. You're tired of mopping up muddy footprints and I'm tired of mopping our patio after every rain storm.

    Your lifeguard photo made me smile. I'm glad to hear that you'll still be able to get your Sunday ice cream even after the outside window shuts down. Phew.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. Loving the fall foliage, you certainly have a lovely walk with those views! The mists are very atmospheric, we get them here too by the sea ๐Ÿ˜€. Those fish tacos look amazing too, I would happily eat them - yum! Enjoy your ice cream and Henry is magnificent! Take care and wishing you very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  15. Your color is looking good. I especially love that yellow tree by the pond -- what a lovely shape. And lunch looks good too. So glad you got out!

  16. You have some beautiful scenery for your walk. Fog makes it look magical!

    The fish tacos look yummy. One of these days I need to try some of those. And your mocha ice cream looks good although I am not a coffee fan. Somehow I think I would like it if it is in ice cream form.

    Such a great idea to put that green turf down. I don't have animals but I do have children and I know they can certainly track in loads of dirt. And your right, the lush color is a plus during the drought.

    Happy Tea Day,

  17. The colours of the trees are starting to look really beautiful and they're great photos from your early morning walk with the mist. Your ice cream sounds delicious.
    Avril xx

  18. What fabulous colours around where you live! Love your grass mat for the dogs paws!! Your Tacos look delicious but mocha/peanut ice-cream sounds and looks wonderful! Belated Tappy T day, Chrisx

  19. Great assortment of photos. I love the moody foggy ones. Clever idea to use the fake grass carpet, to get the dog's paws cleaned off before they come back inside. (Ah, yes, morning dew each morning. Ugh sometimes.) I hope to be back at T-Day next week. :-)


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