Friday, October 2, 2020

Second on the Second and More

Hi everyone.  Friday is already here. I had very little on my schedule this week, and I thought it might be a long week (or at least a week for me to make a retirement adjustment  to the quiet). Just goes to show you how times flies when you're having fun-and making art this is!
Today I have lots of that art to share with you.

It is day 2 of October, and that means it is time for   Second on the Second    over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
I have a page from  my Halloween journal  today.  My Halloween journal gets carried over year to year, and here's a page from October of 2016.  October means it's time to have fun with a few Halloween pages!  (Not spooky though-I don't like spooky very much.)  I picked this page because of all the zig-zag lines that make up the background. There's also lots of other lines too. Right now, I have lines on the brain!
And I love the TH image of all the kids in their Halloween costumes.

Over at Art Journal Journey Chris is hosting. This month her challenge is Hold the Line.  Any kind of line works. (This why I have lines on the brain.)

My fall inspired page today has a background made with lots of lines of text.

I used a B Line rubber stamp, some word stamped images from a Stampotique rubber stamp, as well as some leaf stickers. And the clock punch out image also. My background is colored with some Distress Oxide Inks.

And lastly, I have one more tag for the Book Pages challenge at Tag Tuesday.

I made this tag along with my other tag (I showed you the other tag this past Wednesday), so there are some definite similarities. I used elephants as a background. Then I once again added bits of Japanese book page, some stamped words, and finally the big TH 2 hour time limit piece. No sure what the 2 hour limit would be, but if you like elephants, then I guess it could be that you can only watch them for 2 hours at the elephant reserve. 

A bit more rain is in today's forecast here in New Hampshire.  We sure need it. I think we are still 8-9 inches  (20-23 cm) behind normal, which is a lot for New Hampshire as well as other New England states. It's usually a fairly wet place. The only bad thing about the rain is so many leaves are down already. I think we are a couple of weeks early  this year. I am guessing that is brought on by the drought.

I  love how the ones that fall on my road get run over and look like fossils. 

I think I have chatted enough today. That's all for me. Have a great start of your weekend.


  1. I love the look of Fall on your New England trees. That usually means 2-3 weeks hence here in NJ. Bring it on, I’m ready after our long, hot summer. I love your photos, and the leaf imprints are so artistic!

  2. Lots of eye candy today from your beautiful pages to your gorgeous scenery. The trees on your walk look like mine and the fossil leaf made me smile. Havea good day.

  3. Good morning, I really enjoyed your fall colors-we don't have that here yet, and it may have been too dry this summer. I have never seen leaf prints like these-amazing and I really love them. enjoyed your art too Happy Friday and second on the 2nd

  4. Another gorgeous tag..I so love the print..and the elephants, they are one of my favourite animals...I have just bought a new duvet set with elephants on too,lol.
    Thank you so much for playing in our challenge again at Tag Tuesday xx

  5. Nice assortment of artwork and photos. Yeah, I think all of us New England states need rain desperately. I love those "fossil" photos: I've never seen that before. A few weeks ago, leaves started falling here, I think due to the dry weather. Now leaves are starting to change colors, and falling naturally. I'm wondering if the colors will be dull this year, due to the drought. :-(

  6. Wonderful art and photos Erika, I love the page you made for AJJ!
    Alison xxx

  7. A Holloween Journal? What fun. I like the page of zig zags and the poem with it.

  8. ";Tis near Halloween" yes! Exciting! Your fall colors are looking good. These droughts are worrying, and I hope for more rain for you.

  9. I am enjoying your Halloween inspired art. I like that page with the zig-zags you shared. I guess Tim had Halloween images in his paper dolls. This was fabulous and quite appropriate for a second look on the 2nd.

    I had just written this when Sally called and told me she had fallen. I'll explain later, but right now I want to tell you how much I like the outside the box thinking you used for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    And I LOVE your trees turning. They simply do NOT do that here. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful things today, including your tag.

  10. Lovely choices for 2nd on the 2nd, love those leaf imprints on he road, wow! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  11. I love your Halloweenjournal page for 2016. No, I don't do spooky either. Yours is lovely with those autumn colours.
    And the 'hold the line' page is also great. (also with autumn theme).
    Talking about spooky, those leaves on the road are a bit spooky. I have not seen that fossil effect before.
    You are getting into autumn with the leaves colouring. Here we are always a bit later, as we are more south. But we have had our fist storm of the season yesterday. Yikes!
    Happy Second of the second,

  12. I don't like spooky Halloween either but this is such fun! I have just bought some wild animal papers for hubby to use but I think I'll be snaffling some! Your tag is brilliant and funny - love the 2 hour time limit!
    I love the journal page with the lines of text, the image and words are beautiful. I have one ready with book pages, but think there will be more over the month!
    We have had rain today but we definitely aren't short of it, your photos are lovely and fallen leaves look just as beautiful! Have a great weekend, Chrisx

  13. Love your fall photos! Slowly I'mm getting ready to enjoy fall and its colors. The Halloween page is so cute and I love the little poem added. Have a nice day!

  14. Loving your take on the tag theme, just perfect. It's amazing what we have right before our eyes when out walking, especially during Autumn.

  15. A super post Erika and a great page for Chris's AJJ theme, I liked the book pages as a background, thanks for the idea.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Happy sigh - what a lovely post. The Halloween page definitely deserves its second go, and I'm in love with your Hold the Line page - glorious colours and such beautiful composition. The tag is also fabulous, and your photos capture autumn perfectly. Lovely lovely.
    Alison x

  17. I love all the art but what really grabs me here is the glorious golden woods. What a stunner. I love the "fossilized" leaves. I occasionally see them on my walk on the sidewalks. They're so beautiful and I love the photos.


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