Saturday, October 24, 2020

Yellow is the Color, Well Mostly

 Happy weekend everyone.  Hope you have something "good" on your agenda.  (Or maybe no agenda. That is also a very good thing!)  I'm hoping to get my garden fence cleaned and maybe painted, or maybe just cleaned. Let's see what the next 2 days bring. Not that I want to spend my  weekend working on the fence, but it is high on my to do list, and it would feel good to get it checked off before winter arrives. We shall see.

My art page today began with me using up some extra yellow and red paints. I stamped the circles (Paper Artsy), the quote (Alison Bomber at Paper Artsy) and the fish head men (Postmodern Design). I also did some coloring as well as doodling with a white pen, and I added the this bat that was sitting on my work table (being a scrap from another project). Oh and I shouldn't forget the white and black paint dots either.

I didn't color the fish head men as I thought they stood out better that way.

I see lots of lines so I am linking up to Chris' Hold the Line challenge at Art Journal Journey .

And for some more yellow and other autumn colors, I have some photos from a recent walk.

Last Sunday I met a friend for a little woodland hike. We followed some of the Sweet Trail, located in Durham, New Hampshire. (Durham is about 35 minutes away from where I live.) It was only 37 degrees (about 2.7 degrees C) when we left, but the morning did warm up as the sun got higher.

It was a still morning though, and there were some amazing reflections in the marshes.

Below, you can see the beaver lodge off to the left and the dam right in the front (bottom) of the photo.

And the lodge is on the left in this next photo.

We had to use my phone's  GPS to find the trail, and for some reason it brought us mid-way into the trail, where it crosses a back road. I'm not sure why it didn't bring us to one of the ends of the trail. We decided to park on the back road and head out from this middle point to one end of the trail, and then turn around and walk back.  It was my kind of trail, meaning it was relatively flat.

Here is the end of the trail for us, actually the spot many people park and begin, and where we turned around.

My friend Deb spotted this moss in the sunlight. And look how green it is! I did not do anything to this photo, so this is the actual green.

I never appreciated moss until I visited the moss museum in Japan. Moss is a pretty amazing life form.
And one final reflection photo.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend! 


  1. Love your journal page with the bright, sunny background and the fish-head men. Great photos, too, lovely autumn colours, good to see on this cold and grey day! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. I can't imagine a better way to use up some red and yellow paint - this is brilliant - and I love the little bat flying in to greet the fish head men! Thanks so much for sharing this for my theme - it's brightened my day no end!! Your photos too are wonderful - I love the reflections that give a double show of these glorious colours! Hope you get your clean up job completed! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. They pack a lot into a relatively short walk, don't they! I love seeing different lengths of trail offered, and .5 miles is a good little walk. I feel so discouraged when the shortest trail is 3 miles long and I'm just not up for it lol Great fall color!

  4. Hi, your yellow color is so uplifting, and the page is wonderful with fabulous images.
    Thanks for sharing the awesome photos, especially love the photos where the colorful trees are reflecting on the water.
    Enjoy the weekend xx

  5. A fun page. I really like the fish head men. Beautiful photos. I bet those first marsh photos would look real spooky at night. The reflections are amazing, and I've never seen that shade of green on moss. Hope you got a little sunshine this afternoon.

  6. Lovely autumn colors in your photos, Erika. Your page is terrific. I love the fish head men. Who can explain why? I have no idea. Hugs, Eileen

  7. Wow Erika, that page is BRIGHT. Yellow is a hard color because it is usually transparent You certainly created a great page, especially with those fish head men and the circles which reminded me a bit of my city's flag. I almost missed the bat because it almost blended into the background, This is a fun page and great example of Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    You took some stunning photos of your walk, Erika. That bright green blew me away. I've never seen anything in nature that bright green before. Simply mind boggling.

  8. Just been catching up, sorry to be late calling in this week Erika. I loved your art pages and all the lovely photos you shared, you live close to some beautiful areas to walk in and enjoy.
    Stay safe and well
    Yvonne xx

  9. Your work reminds me of our ... family dog!
    Her name was Inka, which reminds me of Egyptians - as those men do.
    Oh, I could´ve been one of the last to visit the pyramids of Giza back in the late90´s. But my then-boyfriend spent the last money on riding a camel. I could still scream bloody murder on this.

    Beautiful pics and reflections!

  10. Beautiful photos and a wonderful bright and colourful page Erika.
    Art is on the agenda for me this afternoon :-)
    Alison xx

  11. What a beautiful place for a walk. It's really so very gorgeous there -- the colors dazzle, especially with that water! And your page is just delightful!

  12. Fun journal page with the bat and cool sishmen. Interesting design an cool background. Love your pictures looks like a super place to visit.

  13. Love the bright and sunny journal page. Love all your picks and what a beautiful trail you were on. I was expecting to see fairies

  14. That looked lik a great woodland walk, Erika, and certainly my husband would have enjoyed seeing those marshes. Reflections are great any time of year, but more so in autumn. Glad you had a great day outdoors as we have been doing in recent weeks as well.

  15. YOur photos of the woods are gorgeous. Such spectacular fall colors!

    be well... mae at

  16. Lovely page and your photos are fantastic!


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