Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Bird Talk

 Hello there. Here in New Hampshire it is going to be cold and windy today. They are saying that it could feel as cold as 10 degrees F or about -12 degrees C with the wind chill. Brrr. It is too early for it to be this cold, but at least I don't have to go out and can spend my day making art! And maybe finishing my book too. 

  I have another bird page for Wendy's challenge at Art Journal Journey as well as day 18 of Leah's Art Everyday Month.

I think these chickens are having a really interested bird conversation. Who knows what bird conversations are about however. 

The background was made with some Pouring Paint.  Back on one of the Amazon Prime days in October, Amazon had this paint on one of their lightning deals.  I noticed it and decided that I wanted to give it a try.

It is always nice to have something new to play with.
When it arrived, I spent a morning playing with it on some watercolor papers, but darn, I forgot to take a photo of this background before I covered it over.

In case you aren't familiar with pouring paint, this paint does move, but it is thick. Thick enough to add details into the paint also. On my bird journal page I used a round empty tape roll and made a bunch of circles. I also love how the paints don't  blend together. So you can add all the colors you want and not end up with mud.

Here's another of my practice pages where I used a credit card to create the texture. And it doesn't take much paint either. I think this page is a bit blue for me, but I can go back and add more colors.

Anyhow, back to the chickens. I added a strip of partially punched dots to the left. The strip was laying on my work table, and it was time to do something. Then I added some paper tape, some stamped and fussy cut chickens, the stamped conversations they are having, and some die cut clouds and sun which are ancient Sizzix dies but still ones I like to go back too. I stamped the matching blue lines on the clouds,  and added the hand drawn dots to outline the sun. 

That's all for me today. Hope your week is going well!


  1. Oh, no!!!
    a) -12C?!!! Help!
    b) Now I want those colors, too!

    It looks awesome! (But I have too much toys already. Or... have I?)

  2. Good morning, I love those chickens we have spoiled this week cool in the mornings and night hours but warms up during the day. I have seen those pouring paints looked fun-but is there allot of waste to the paints? looks messy too-but fun enjoy your day

  3. Those pouring paints look fun, great colours, too.Love the bird page you made. The weather here was lovely today, but tomorrow it's supposed to get bad again. Enjoy your party playtime, stay safe. Hugs, Valerie

  4. I've never done paint pouring. It looks like fun! Good, messy fun!

  5. Love you little birds. The are happy and it shows.

  6. I love your fun chicken page Erika, and that pouring paint looks fabulous!
    Alison xx

  7. your chickens cluck cluck made me smile. Thanks!

    That ready to use paint seems good, I have used tempera mostly and it works rather well. Love the colors in your set. :)

  8. Oh my goodness! I love your page and especially like your awesome background, beautiful clouds, sun and adorable chickens! I absolutely love their conversation!! And your second background is so cool and totally amazing!

  9. Wow! Brrrr! We're having highs today in the 60s. I like the page you did with the pour. Great design!

  10. I love your chickens page. They look as if they are having fun.

  11. How wonderful that you got that paint. I've wanted to try that technique, but now I think I'll consider this one of those wish-I'd-tried-but-didn't crafts. Gotta love your cute birds. They are really clucking away. Thanks for yet another great entry for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey and a great background technique.

  12. Another great bird page Erika, with a very different background, thank you.
    Hugs Wendy

  13. Gosh, you're brave! I can't face the thoughts of the clean up after using these paints, so I've resisted, but oh I've seen some amazing results with them - totally accidental - on Youtube. So glad you're having lots of regular playtimes. Love those birds...I've hardly used mine yet, though I do have some stamped for when I need them. They're ridiculously simple but so cute!
    Cath x

  14. Your chicken page is lovely! I like your stylised clouds.

    The pouring paint seems interesting though I've never tried it myself. The blue looks quite #D in areas. Great effects!

  15. Looks like you had lots of fun with your new paints! So nice to get new products to play with and I love the colourful backgrounds that you created 😁. Those chickens made me smile, I like the idea that they are chatting to each other all the time 😉. Hope you've had a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x

  16. Love this page - I adore those chickens! Great colours on your practice page! Hugs, Chrisx


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