Monday, November 9, 2020

T Stands for a Picnic in My Winter Jacket

 Hi everyone. Tuesday has rolled around again so quickly. I have a feeling this month is going to fly by as fast as last month did. The last few days have been gorgeous in New Hampshire, more like late April or May, and I have been busy outside. I've raked, painted and even done some cleaning.  

We are suppose to have one more nice day before the temperatures fall back to a cooler normal range, and I am not going to spend it working in the yard. I've got to have one play day out of  6 nice ones. Smile.

As it is Tuesday, that means it is time to share our drink related posts for T over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog . 

Today's  T Day post happened back during the birthday weekend at my house (October 30-November 1) that I wrote about last Tuesday. My daughter and her beau came so we could celebrate as a family Friday night, and on Saturday/Halloween, my daughter's beau went to visit some of his friends who live near us. My daughter and her beau live about 2 hours away, so even though it was too bad her beau left, it worked out as we could visit with our daughter some more.  Plus her beau could also see  friends  he doesn't get to visit with very often. My daughter stayed with us until Sunday morning. 

On Saturday it was pretty chilly (near freezing temperatures), so my daughter and I went for a drive.  Our direction was Meredith, New Hampshire, about 30 minutes away.

 It is tough thinking of what to get her for  Christmas this year. For one thing she's been working from home so she doesn't need clothes. She and her beau lives in a smallish apartment that is already pretty full.  I am trying to get some things bought both in stores and online early because with covid, 1) I don't want to be out with big crowds and 2) I don't want to finally think of something only to find it is out of stock.

 My daughter has a small felt animal Christmas collection from Annalee Dolls. One idea I did have was that  she could pick out another Annalee holiday animal for her collection. Plus it would be something she could have for years. 

This is the little collection she has. 

She liked that idea so off we went to Annalee dolls. 

This store was doll overload.

This is why my husband chose to say home.

You can see the store was pretty empty, other than non-covid spreading dolls.

My daughter had a tough time picking out another piece, but she did fund a cute holiday elephant . 

Afterward our little shopping experience, it was lunchtime, so we headed to a sandwich shop we like in Meredith. (Sorry, I don't know the name.) Our plan was to get sandwiches and eat in the car. We went in to order and were told to wait at a picnic table outside where our food would be brought to us when it was ready.

This sandwich shop is in a nice older home as you can see. That's my daughter at the picnic table on the left with the winter hat and layers of clothing on.
Even though it was cold, the sun was really nice. There was no breeze. We decided it doesn't take that long to eat a sandwich, so instead of eating in the car we would remain at out table. 
Besides, the view from the table was really nice.

This is Meredith Bay on Lake Winnipesaukee. The water is so calm  and at this time of year there is no boat traffic. 
And here's our lunch. We didn't have to buy drinks because we grabbed what we had in the car. You can see my Diet Coke and my daughter's bottle of water.
My daughter's sandwich in the back was a salmon BLT (bacon,lettuce and tomato). My sandwich in the front was a grilled cheese with prosciutto and fig jam. I had never had fig jam on a grilled cheese before, and it was really delicious.

I have to say it was a really tasty and nice lunch, even if we never took our jackets off. Afterwards we  drove home the opposite of the lake that we drove up along.

That's all for me for T this week. With all my yard work I am ready to go relax with a little TV.

Hope you have a super T day and upcoming week.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Fig jam can be really delicious. We ate a jar of it recently, on a variety of breads. Your outdoor lunch looks lovely, as does the doll store.

    be well... mae at

  2. The weather has been glorious in the NE hasn't it....
    Happy you could spend such time with your daughter and find something special for Christmas already. SO much to see and love in that store! It is going to be different for sure for everyone though as far as shopping and gifting, etc.
    And both sandwich choices sound great- loving fig vinegar for my salad for months now;) Happy T day!

  3. Those dolls are adorable and certainly a collectable that will never go out of style. How fun that you have a shop nearby where you can purchase them. It sounds like you had a wonderful excursion with your daughter. And the view over lunch was beautiful!
    Happy Tea Day,

  4. Annalee for all seasons!. I like the Halloween dolls. I never would have guessed that house was a sandwich shop. Your lunches sound delicious and the view of the lake is lovely. After the warm days we've been having, seasonable temperatures will feel like we'll need Winter coats. Happy T Day

  5. Oh wow. I could get lost in that Annalee Doll shop. I really like the ones she already has. What fun the two of you must have had. Surprisingly, I didn't see a single rocking horse. I DID see a lot of Santas, though.

    Your sandwiches looked delicious. I had a four cheese grilled cheese sandwich with PEAR jam once. It was delicious. Yours sounds good, too. Thanks for taking us to Annalee Dolls. Thanks, too, for sharing your sandwiches and drinks with us for T this not quite Tuesday, dear friend.

  6. OMG I am glad I don't live near that store. Looks like you ladies had a lovely day!

  7. Ohhh, the giraffe is cute! And the lake is very beautiful.
    Hmmm, hungry now, seeing that yummy sandwich! Have a happy T-day!

  8. I am not a doll fan, but these are really pretty examples, and I've never been in a shop that was so filled with them. I'm sure your daughter is happy with hers! The little place you stopped at it so pretty, and what gorgeous views, a lovely pace for a sandwich and a rest. Happy T Day, stay safe and well, hugs, Valerie

  9. wow, I thought my sister has lots of bolls, Barbie, but this collection is overwhelming.

    I love your daughters little animal collection.

    Re your question: Balloon smash is easy. Put colordots on a paper or canvas. Blow up a balloon, not too hard it has to give way when you press. Push it on the dots and you see nice flowers depending of how you placed the dots. Just play around and have fun. A bit messy, but fun. :)

  10. Beautiful view! Glad you stayed there to eat your sandwiches. And I love fig jam. My Italian friends often make some from the fig they grow in their garden.

  11. Cute felted animal collection! I hope you will share a pic of the elephant your daughter chose at some point.

    What a nice time out you and your daughter had with a lovely view at lunch time too.

  12. we are having fantastic weather too-trying to enjoy the outdoors while we can. what a wonderful day with your daughter! wow what an amazing doll shop have never seen a store like that-I never did much shopping though being so rural-I love her collection Happy T hugs Kathy

  13. The grilled cheese with fig sounds really good. I love Annalee and have a few of them. They're just so darned happy. It looks like a wonderful day!

  14. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your daughter! The shop with all those Christmas dolls is amazing and not to crowded either. I'm glad you got her a holiday elephant to join her collection, such a lovely idea and a wonderful reminder of you when she puts them out every year - perfect 😀. Your lunch looks perfect too - yum! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  15. Wonderful photos. And that view at the sandwich place was lovely. I was going to suggest she get a rhinoceros, but she already got the elephant. :-) The weather has been fantastic, hasn't it? I did not feel the earthquake where I am in CT. It was felt a little farther east of my area, but it didn't make it this far west. Happy T-Day!

  16. I've never heard of these dolls, but I love them! And you can't go wrong with an elephant. I'm looking at their website and thinking I may hafta add something to my Christmas list ;)

    We've had definitely unseasonably warm weather with highs into the low 80s. I love changing seasons, and this has felt like Autumn has put on a wonderful show this year :)

    I'm pleased whenever I see outdoor seating, and especially now it makes a huge difference to have that available. That's such a pretty house. And, oh! that view! The food looks delicious. Happy T Tuesday!

  17. I laughed at why your hushabd opted to stay home when you went to the doll store. I can imagine all the oooing and ahhhing would drive him straight up the wall. I was oooing and ahhhing sitting here in my chair.

    Lovely view of Lake Winnipesaukee. The name always makes me think of the movie, "What About Bob."

    I'd love to taste both of those sandwiches. They're so unusual.

    Happy T-Day! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

  18. What a lovely day out with your daughter. And such a good idea to gift her a felt animal for her collection. Yes, Ican see why hubby stayed at home. When are we getting to see this little elephant?
    Your outdoor lunch looks really yummy. I liked the idea of a salmon BLT. Fig jam on cheese is delish too. We make our own fig jam and use it on cheese.
    Happy T-Day,

  19. squeeeee! that doll collection is for me, especially an elephant! I love elephants and their society and way of being. I want one, I'm going to look online for one, I need it. What a nice day and way to share time with your daughter

  20. What a cute collection of little animals your daughter has and lovely that you could go out together to pick one for Christmas, that looks like a fabulous shop and so festive too.
    Your lunch sounds fabulous, I'm curious? is your 'jam' the same as our chutney - savoury? I love fig chutney, especially with any kind of cheese. We also have fig jam - which is sweet.
    The views from the sandwich shop are beautiful, I think I would want to sit outside too.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  21. How neat to eat at that sandwich shop in that older house. Pretty interesting.
    Happy T Day!


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